Lunar Living Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE Lunar Living Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

New Moon in Cancer: Manifestation Rituals & Intentions

The New Moon in Cancer on July 17, 2023, offers a perfect chance for self-care, reflection, and journaling. In this blog post, we will explore various activities and practices that can help you harness the energies of the New Moon in Cancer, allowing you to cultivate a sense of inner peace, strengthen connections with loved ones, and create a supportive sanctuary.

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Lunar Living Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE Lunar Living Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

What To Do On The New Moon in Aries

The new moon in Aries on March 21st, 2023, marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle and is an auspicious time for starting new projects and setting intentions. This powerhouse lunar phase incites us to move with bold courage, but it can also be a maze for some of us. Here's what to expect based on your zodiac sign.

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Lunar Living Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE Lunar Living Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Super Full Moon in Libra: Affirmations For Each Sign

A Super Full Moon at 8°18’ of Libra is coming up this March 28th at 6:49 pm. This is the perfect time to find harmony in our relationship with others, and with ourselves. Ruled by Venus, the sign of Libra also represents beauty. Because of this, this Super Full Moon is a reminder to take a look at the world around you with fresh new lenses.

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Lunar Living Chiara Christian Lunar Living Chiara Christian

Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius

On December 14th at 23º08’ of Sagittarius, we have our final new moon of the year which is also a solar eclipse. As a sign all about expansion, truth, and ideals, this new moon represents the ULTIMATE new beginning. Harmonious aspects with Mercury and Mars will help to amplify this energy, in addition to some major cosmic shifts at the end of the month. Read on to learn more about this end of year astrology crescendo.

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Lunar Living Chiara Christian Lunar Living Chiara Christian

Super New Moon in Scorpio

On November 14th, we have a Super New Moon in Scorpio at 9.07pm PT. A Super Moon is where the moon is orbiting closer to earth than usual, making the energy extra potent. Scorpio is all about digging deep into oneself, facing all your shadows and fears and then alchemizing that into gold. With Mercury and Mars now stationed direct, a sense of clarity and momentum will be felt. To learn more about what to expect, read on.

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