What To Do On The New Moon in Aries

The new moon in Aries on March 21st, 2023, marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle and is an auspicious time for starting new projects and setting intentions. This powerhouse lunar phase incites us to move with bold courage, but it can also be a maze for some of us. Here's what to expect based on your zodiac sign.

New Moon in Aries Meaning

The New Moon represents the beginning of a new cycle: an excellent time to plant seeds and set intentions for the forthcoming weeks. Aries season is inherently an energizing time where we cultivate the wisdom of Winter and step fully towards the fresh dynamism of Spring.

Let fire fuel your actions, and move forward with resilience and drive. Dare to set some challenging goals as well. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the adventurer who wants to explore the world, get things off the ground, and get in motion, head first!

What to do on the new moon in Aries 2023:

Set intentions

The new moon is a potent time for manifesting your desires. Aries energy is perfect for setting personal growth, self-discovery, and leadership intentions.

Take some time to reflect on what you want to achieve in the coming month, and write down your intentions in a journal or on paper. Then, visualize your desires as already manifested and feel the excitement and joy of achieving them.

new moon in aries 2023

Start a new project

Aries energy is dynamic and action-oriented. This new moon is a great time to start a new project or venture. Whether it’s a business idea, a creative project, or a personal goal, harness the new moon’s energy to take the first step toward making it a reality.

Take action toward your goals

Aries is a sign of action, so this new moon is an ideal time to take concrete steps toward your goals. Identify the actions you need to take to achieve your intentions and make a plan to take them.

Practice courage

Aries energy is about courage and taking risks, so use this new moon to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Whether speaking up in a meeting, trying something new, or facing a fear, channel the bravery of Aries to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Connect with your inner fire

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, which governs passion and desire. Take some time to connect with your inner fire and reflect on what lights you up. Engage in activities that make you feel passionate and alive, such as exercise, dance, or creative expression.

rituals new moon

New Moon in Aries tips For each Zodiac Sign:

Overall, the New Moon in Aries 2023 is a powerful time for setting intentions, taking action, and connecting with your inner fire. Embrace the energy of this dynamic sign and use it to propel yourself toward your goals and dreams with these tips: 


Pay close attention to the conversations around you. Your friendships, colleagues, or siblings may inspire you to find solutions to overcome your obstacles.


Have you tried shadow work, inner child healing, or tarot card reading? Looking into these reflective intuition-based practices may help you this New Moon. Look within and connect with the deeper sides of your psyche that needs to be transmuted.


Your network is your net worth. Watch out for people who may be toxic or manipulative in your environment. Only surround yourself with people who inspire you and want to see you succeed.


This is a beautiful time to look at your career and status. Finally — you, too, can be in the public eye! So do not shy away from the spotlight this month. There may be some power struggles, though. So beware to avoid falling prey to the strategies behind your back.


You could be planning a faraway journey or considering joining a course. However this energy plays out for you, this is a beautiful time to let your inner mystic lead, broaden your horizon, and seek further knowledge.

zodiac sign tips


Your House of sex, power, and shared finances is emphasized this month. You have a deep desire and “lust” to improve your situation. Be open to receiving; you will be surprised by what arises in your internal and external world.


With the spotlight on your love life, you should remember to make room for the new to emerge. Clear your environmental, mental, and emotional space. Remember to focus your energy on what you want because wherever attention goes, energy flows!


Practicality and simplification are essential for you now. Take a look at your diet, your health, your everyday tasks, and your habits. We are what we repeatedly do, so take care of the details you’ve neglected.


When was the last time you expressed yourself artistically? Sing, draw, dance, write poetry, take pictures... Then, finally, your soul is ready to share your unique gifts and talents.

new moon in aries


Comfort, emotional support, and safety are essential focus areas for this New Moon. So redecorate your space, connect with your loved ones, and carve out some time to slow down and enjoy what you have created for yourself and your family.


It’s time to replace your negative inner self-talk. Instead, allow yourself to be curious, experiment, take short trips, ask questions, and, heal your relationships.


Take a deeper look at how you spend your money and consume in more aligned ways. You can contribute to the birth of the New Earth we are collectively creating through your finances.

Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic astrologer, tarot reader and eclectic witch. You can follow her journey on YouTube or Instagram.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.


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