Super New Moon in Scorpio

The third and final Super New Moon of the year will occur on November 14th, falling at 23°17’ of Scorpio at 9.07pm PT. A Super Moon is when the moon is orbiting closer to the earth than usual, making its effects feel extra potent.

This is a powerful time to set intentions and to reflect on where you are at currently, especially since we are nearing the end of what has been a tumultuous year on all levels. 

New Moon in Scorpio

The moon is considered in its “detriment” when in Scorpio, which means it can feel rather uncomfortable and challenging as a transit. As a water sign who’s deeply emotional, don’t be surprised if you’re feeling all sorts of ways on this New Moon.

Take it as a beautiful time to dive deep into your emotions and face your shadows and fears — Scorpio governs over inner transformation and can alchemize one’s pain and “darkness” into gold.

Mercury and Mars will both have gone direct by this New Moon, which will bring a sense of clarity and momentum. But nonetheless, it will still feel intense — Mercury is still transiting Scorpio, whilst Mars, which is in it’s home sign of Aries, was actually considered the ancient ruler of Scorpio.

With all this Scorpio energy, everything is encouraging us to dig deep into ourselves, potentially leading to spontaneous revelations, awakenings, and intuitive downloads. 

The New Moon will be positively aspecting Jupiter and Pluto, which would have made an exact conjunction two days earlier on the 12th in Capricorn. This is the third and last time these planets will be conjunct in this powerful Capricorn cycle, which won’t come again for another 15 years.

This Capricorn cycle was very much about the dismantling of old structures and the rebuilding of new societal ways of being — of course, we are still in the midst of this transformation. However, on a personal level, we will be able to utilise the positive aspects of this energetic configuration to help us focus on the bigger picture and attract prosperity into our lives. 

As part of our Art of Lunar Living course Culte La Lune, you will be able to gain access to our New Moon circle, where we will be working with this potent energy through practices and rituals, whilst connecting with other like-minded souls.

The next commune starts on November 15th and we would love for you to join us— to learn more, head over to our Workshops page to read more about what’s included in the program and for registration.  


Full Moon in Gemini x Lunar Eclipse


Astrology Forecast: Mercury Retrograde is Over, Mars Goes Direct Too (and more)!