Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius

The last new moon—and Solar Eclipse—of the year will occur on November 14th at 23º08’ of Sagittarius at 8.17am (PT). As the astrology weather is about to significantly shift in the coming weeks into 2021, this new moon represents the ultimate new beginning. 

Sagittarius New Moon

The cycle of Gemini-Sagittarius eclipses was kicked off in June this year, which will continue over the next two years. This coming eclipse is connected to the first Sagittarius eclipse which happened on June 5th—it may be helpful to reflect and journal on the last six months, on what themes surfaced for you, and what lessons need to be integrated. 

Sagittarius is the sign all about freedom, expansion, personal philosophies, and truth. This is a fantastic time to get clear on your values and what type of energy you want to bring into 2021. What is your ethos and personal motto you stand by? Honing in on your values will allow you to set new standards for what you will and will not allow into your life. 

Sagg is also the sign of optimism and of dreaming big about the future. Although we can’t ever predict exactly what will happen (2020 attests to this), we can envision and become inspired about the possibilities and let the universe worry about the details. 

This eclipse will also be conjunct Mercury and trining Mars, which are favourable and harmonious aspects. This energy will assist us in setting goals for the coming year, in expressing them (Mercury) as well as a motivational push (Mars) to begin to take action, no matter how small.

Not long after this new moon on the 17th, Saturn will finally shift out of Capricorn into Aquarius. Then on the 21st and winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn will form the Grand Conjunction  at exactly 0º Aquarius—whilst this conjunction happens every 20 years, this specific event marks the end of a 200 year cycle of conjunctions in Earth element, now moving into Air. The last Aquarius Great Conjunction was in 1405, in the midst of the Renaissance and radical social upheaval.

This is MAJOR and will dramatically shift the collective energy! The Age of Aquarius really is dawning, and whilst the falling apart of the old is incredibly messy and complex right now, things are being cleared to make space for this new energy. Some have described this time as a period where we can make quantum leaps in consciousness, both individually and collectively—make sure to set a clear intention for what direction you want to take. 

As part of our Art of Lunar Living course Culte La Lune, you will be able to gain access to our final New Moon circle of the year, where we will be working with this powerful energy through practices and rituals, whilst connecting with other like-minded souls.

The next commune starts on December 15th and we would love for you to join us— to learn more, head over to our Workshops page to read more about what’s included in the program and for registration. 

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