Full Moon in Gemini x Lunar Eclipse

Full moons occur when the moon and sun are opposing each other in the sky, shining a light and illuminating areas in your life which may require evaluation or change.

They are a time for releasing what is no longer working, signifying the culmination and completion of what was started at the time of the new moon.

Full Moon Circle


Lunar Eclipse 

The full moon at 8° 45’ of Gemini on November 30th is also a partial lunar eclipse. A reason eclipses are events worth paying extra attention to is because they involve two luminaries that make a significant impact on our energetic bodies — the sun and the moon.

Eclipses come to shake things up — an eclipse often brings sudden but necessary changes in order to clear out what is no longer serving you.

It may bring potent revelations and personal insights, wiping the slate and creating a fresh start. Make sure to check your chart for any planets near 8° of Gemini and what house it falls in, which will hint as to what is going to be ‘shaken up’ by this eclipse.

 Lunar Eclipse Meditation

In honor of the Lunar Eclipse we’re hosting a FREE 60 minute meditation on IG LIVE at 6:30 AM CST at @ouiwegirl. Set your alarm and join in!

Mark your google calendar.

Full Moon in Gemini Sign of the Twins

Full Moon in Gemini

Gemini is a mutable air sign, symbolized by the twins, a sign very much about communication and information. The potential of Gemini is to see any situation from multiple angles, to remain open-minded and fluid in opinion and thought.

The negative manifestation of Gemini is the tendency towards becoming scatterbrained, stuck in the minute details without the perspective of looking at the bigger picture. Thankfully, the opposing sun in Sagittarius should help us to step back and see the grander scheme of what’s currently unfolding.

We will be gathering under this energy in our monthly Full Moon Circle, where we will tap into our bodies through movement, breath, meditation and ritual - releasing what’s no longer serving us and connect with like-minded souls.

Culte La Lune  

December Registration is Open

This is the final Art of Lunar Living course of the year. This course - a 29 day self-love by the light of the moon workshop, includes:

  •  2 Virtual Moon Circles

  • 4 IG Live Lunar Lesson Talks

  • 4 Recorded Guided Visualization Meditations

  • 29 days of Journal Prompts

  • New Breathwork, Movement and Ritual practices for each lunar phase

  • Bonus Live Morning Meditation 

  • Plus! Lunar living coaching inside of our private IG page

 This is the last time the course will be offered for the price of a yoga class - $19* 

*existing course participants, and new December participants will keep $19 pricing for the life of the course.


Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius


Super New Moon in Scorpio