September Horoscopes: Mars Goes Retrograde and Jupiter Goes Direct

There’s a few planets stationing retrograde and direct this month. First up is Mars, which goes retrograde from September 9 to November 13.

When Mars goes retrograde, we can feel blocked, or we can feel over-stimulated. You could feel annoyed or easily irritated, or find that others around you are living with a shorter fuse.

Mars Retrograde Jupter Direct on

The specifics of how Mars retrograde will impact you depend on the details of your chart, but the general consensus is that there is a sense of wanting to move forward and motivation to do so, yet it can feel restrictive at the same time. We will be moving through resistance, without forcing anything, and finding that balance is key. 

Mars in Aries is also in a square with Saturn in Capricorn until October. Traditionally, Mars is considered a malefic planet, along with Saturn. “Malefic” in astrology does not mean bad, but it can mean challenging. We are being challenged right now with this Mars square Saturn aspect that will be felt most intensely this month in September, and then a little bit less as we move into October, November, and December.

Saturn goes direct at the end of September, which will ease up some of these tensions. Just like how in school, if children aren’t feeling challenged enough they get bored easily, challenges are good learning and growth opportunities. The next few months will certainly not be boring. 

We can think of this time as being a “universal test” of sorts. Each of us is being tested in different areas and ways, because each of us want different things, but the test is around something we deeply want but may feel blocked from receiving. This is not a time to force anything, but rather to inquire within about what it is that we truly want, and what we might be willing to sacrifice in order to get it. 

Mars also governs the concept of agency and of being an agent of change within yourself. You are your own captain, and this is a great time to reassess which direction you are steering your ship. If you want something badly, do not quit when it gets hard! A big way this test is showing up is feelings of burnout, and it is up to each of us to ask ourselves where we are pushing ourselves too much, possibly in the wrong direction (in which case, certainly turn around), and that is what is causing our depletion.

But we should not quit if something becomes challenging or feels hard, if the end result we are working towards is something that we truly want. When healthily expressed, Mars represents our ego, and the part of us that knows that we are here to fulfill earthly desires, otherwise we would not have incarnated. Furthermore, we would not have incarnated during this time if we were not fully equipped to handle the challenges of this time. 

In dealings with other people, when in doubt, be kind. Now that you know we are all being challenged, you may not know what area someone is being tested or challenged in, so kindness is key. If conflict arises this month, resist the impulse to react without processing the information first. Be as direct and assertive as possible. If you are clearly communicating your wants, needs, and expectations, then resentments can be kept to a minimum and energy is freed up to put back into more productive pursuits. 

The Cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - will be feeling the intensity of this square more acutely than the rest.

When this happens, this means there is a lesson you are learning, something you are mastering or have mastered. Now you’re being tested, to show up for what you want and to prove how much you truly want it. Pay special attention to those planets and in those houses where you have 27 - 29 degrees of a Cardinal sign in that anaretic degree. This is where those tests will be popping up. 

The moon changes signs every couple of days, and it is in Aries about every 30 days. On those days of the month when the moon is in Aries with this Mars retrograde, the intensity can feel as though it is in overdrive, in everyone. 

Venus has moved into Leo, further amplifying our need to get in tune with, listen, and follow our heart’s calling. Mercury is in Libra now which might make us indecisive. Drop into your heart and feel your way through this month instead of getting stuck in trying to rationalize everything - some decisions we make this month will make sense to our hearts but not so much to our heads.

Now that Venus has moved out of Cancer, we have very little water going on, and staying hydrated is important. Not only do most of us not drink nearly enough water, but we especially need that water this month to soothe all of that extra fire energy. Fire is great for getting stuff done, but some may not feel as comfortable with feeling that fire. Again, it is important to balance taking action with being receptive and leaning into the water element. 

On the 11th, the Sun in Virgo is opposite Neptune in Pisces, which can manifest as anxiety. Therefore, this is a great day to stay off your phone if you can help it, and set boundaries around how you spend your time on this day and who you communicate with.

If there's any conversations that you need to have but are dreading, do it after this opposition, because chances for misunderstandings are high. Take naps if you need, and avoid burnout. If you have extra energy (anxiety can be the flipside of excitement, after all), this is a great day for you to engage in some high-intensity physical activity to burn that off. Taking time to take care of yourself on this day sets you up nicely to tackle the rest of the month. Live in your body, and listen to your body this month, and you can’t go wrong. 

The next day on the 12th, Jupiter stations direct in Capricorn.

Jupiter is the planet of luck, optimism and expansion, and moving forward again in the sign of Capricorn, this is particularly a transit of monetary luck.

Jupiter is a benefic planet, meaning it brings “good” or positive influences into our lives.

Another reason to keep your eyes on your own paper, so to speak, instead of wondering or worrying about what others are doing, is that if we fall into a comparison game, Jupiter can amplify the more challenging aspects of Mars. Ambition and healthy ego expressions can turn into the side of competition that isn’t healthy or productive for anyone.

There isn’t any lack here, so resist the urge to put that pressure on yourself. There is opportunity for great abundance this month if you follow your intuitive nudges and are prepared and patient enough to move at a slower pace. 

Here are your September horoscopes.


Your normal ways of following your natural impulses and acting without thinking twice about something are getting a little bit of a review in the last few months of 2020. You might feel some frustration that things aren’t happening at the rate that you would like for them to, Aries. You might not be able to force things and push past resistance with your usual ease, and the opportunity that comes with that is the ability to slow down and ask yourself if the direction you’re pushing in is going to yield the results that you truly want. 


As a fixed sign, you value consistency, and like to know what you can and can’t count on. This can lead to forming an idea or opinion around something and once that is solidified, it rarely changes. This Mars retrograde is asking you to open up just enough to realize that you can change your mind about something when new information is presented to you. You’re not beholden to the person you were last year, or even yesterday. You will always be that person, but you are allowed to grow and flourish in whichever way you choose. 


With the sun still in your distant cousin in Mercury for a couple more weeks, the order probably feels quite nice. Take this time and use this energy to take care of all the clerical and administrative stuff that you’d rather not do. You would be surprised what taking even 30 minutes a day can do. All of those tasks can pile up a lot of space in your brain, and it really does feel so good to clear them out, Gemini. Just don’t try to do it all in one day, because then you might not attempt those tasks again for another year! 


How do you want to be remembered? What is your legacy? These are questions you might ask yourself as you have been pondering. This is not a time to give up. This is a time to refine your process, reconnect with your “why”, and remind yourself that doing a little bit each day adds up. Having a daily practice will help you move through any resistance that might come up for you in these next few months. As a cardinal sign in a square with Mars, tensions could arise from seemingly out of nowhere. Practice staying calm and not reacting, it will likely blow over without you needing to get involved in any drama. 


You want to dream bigger, Leo, but you’re also learning that you need a solid routine and need to break down your big dreams into smaller, daily steps you can take to get there. This might look like making a schedule that you stick to for the next few months. You don’t need to worry, because you’re on the right track. Learn as much as you can about the topic that is piquing your interest right now, even if you think it’s not relevant to your life - it very well might be! 


You have a lot of activity in your house of passion and sex right now, so keep that in mind if you’re finding yourself feeling “erotically charged.” It’s the same sacral chakra energy that you have you find yourself deeply present in a moment of creation. Invest your resources in the activities that replenish your spirit and that you’re passionate about. You don’t have to necessarily cut out the things that don’t feed your soul; they will naturally fall away when you choose to dedicate yourself fully to what inspires you. You were born in this season, and you’re getting ready to birth something big in this season, too, Virgo!


You might find that other people are testing your patience this month, Libra. You want people and things to move at a rapid pace that they just aren’t right now. If you are looking to invest, now is a good time for that. Just be realistic about your expectations. Remember, you’re planning for the future future and not the immediate future, so don’t expect any super quick turnarounds right now. This goes for something you’re trying to launch, too. If you’re passionate about it, that will come across, and attract the right people to your offerings. 


Health is on the forefront of your mind right now. Getting into a routine that suits you and allows for a good amount of reward at the end will help you to incrementally and consistently show up for your mental and physical wellbeing. It’s a balance between discipline and becoming too overly rigid for you right now. You may feel an increase in random streaks of spontaneity. Go with it or you might find yourself feeling stagnant.


There is a creative output and a creative outlet you have been seeking. These next few months are a great time for you to tie all the loose ends together on the many projects you’ve had circling about this year. It’s not such a good time to start new ones, but you surely have enough to keep you occupied, and plenty of creative fire in you now to finish what you started. Any issues or challenges you are moving through these next few months probably won’t come to a resolution, so it’s a lesson in learning to let go of what you can’t control. 


These next few months present a good opportunity for you to put your self-care first and foremost. The way you talk to yourself is of utmost importance. Are you patient with yourself? Are you accepting of all parts of yourself, as you are on the journey to where you want to be? If you’re not treating yourself like your best friend, don’t let it get you down. Do use this time to speak lovingly to yourself, Capricorn. You are deserving of all good things, now, without having to delay your good Fortune for some time in the future when you have it all together. 


Be mindful of your communication. Don’t assume that people know what you mean, and don't assume that you know what other people mean. Clear communication with a baseline of understanding of where everyone is coming from will go a long way. This may require giving the benefit of the doubt, Aquarius! Also, take time to indulge in frequent periods of solitude this autumn season to balance out your rhythms. 


The next few months are really asking of you to hold steady and true to what you know. Now is not the time for any sudden movements! You have a good awareness of what your friends need, but this is a time to give that same energy to yourself. Water your own garden, so to speak. You’re on the cusp of something, and yet if you force it you may find yourself in frustration and burnout. Take your time, go sweet and slow, and nurture yourself right now, Pisces.

Want to go deeper?

Join Culte La Lune: The Art of Lunar Living. It’s a 29 day virtual gathering beginning the night of the New Moon each lunar cycle. We practice lunar living, set intentions and call in our big juicy dreams. Depending on the moon phases — the new moon, the crescent moon, the full moon, etc — we have the opportunity to deepen our creativity, manifest more, cultivate our own zen and cleanse energetically.

Consider Culte La Lune your collective of woo woo witchy friends working to raise your vibration and create accountability with. We meditate, we move, and we create moments of personal self care.

Culte La Lune

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september 2020 horoscopes

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at


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