New Moon in Scorpio: Exploring the Depths of the Soul

On November 4th, we will be experiencing a transformative New Moon at 12°39’ of Scorpio.

This lunation encourages us to dive deeper into our shadow self and embrace the cycles of life and death. Challenging and electric, this week is certainly going to lead to unprecedented transformations.

Let’s explore the energies we’re going to be dealing with.

Voyage into the Depths of the Soul

When the Sun moves through the eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio, our collective and personal focus shifts towards themes related to inner transformation, metamorphosis, and rebirth.

Scorpio ushers us to cultivate a deeper sense of power, control, magnetism, and intimacy. In astrology, it is known as one of the most intense water signs. Because of this, emotional fluctuations, hypersensitivity or even moodiness could arise this week.

On the bright side, our psychic abilities will be sharper during this Scorpio New Moon. This is an amazing time to listen to your inner voice, trust your gut feeling and seek ways in which you can develop your intuition.

Scorpio is a fixed zodiac sign. This fixed modality is related to the fact that Scorpio season occurs at the heart and center of Autumn, sustaining and representing the very essence of the season.

For this reason, it is very likely to experience situations related to accepting and embracing the slow decay and decomposition of self, ideas or patterns.

In a dark but alluring and charming symphony, Scorpio is inviting you to revisit the darkest corner of your body, mind, and Soul. No matter how taboo or unfamiliar your blind spots and dark chambers may be. 

This energy reminds me of the “Burtonesque” strange yet delightful world of Tim Burton: a macabre dance where ultimately, we remember that beauty can be found amidst the darkest of nights.

Oftentimes described as the Phoenix, Scorpio energy indeed represents the necessary process of death before life can be reborn again.

Just like the trees that let the old leaves fall off in order to be lighter in Winter; us, too, need to shed layers, behaviors, memories, relationships and patterns before we can thrive.

Under this Scorpio New Moon, I invite you to take a brief moment to recall the Phoenix-like changes you went through in your life. And, more importantly, the transformations you are avoiding, running away from or flat-out refusing. 

Here’s a few journal prompts to meditate on:

  • What metamorphosis did I undergo in my life that I can be proud of?

  • Am I blocking necessary transformations out of fear of the unknown, judgment or confrontation?

  • What am I not allowing to die within me that needs to go?

  • Am I living in the status quo or holding too tight when it comes to certain areas of my life?

From “Soul Bond Trope” to True Intimacy

The Moon in Scorpio is an invitation to view heavy and uncomfortable emotions as necessary steps that ultimately lead to new heights and transformations.

As a matter of fact, when the Moon moves through Scorpio, you could feel an urge to feel and experience stronger emotional exchanges with your loved ones.

Instead of feeling satisfied with superficial, conditional, or even shallow relationships, only the raw and pure emotional ties will pass through your filters.

One of the lessons of the Scorpio energy is the importance of healthy intimacy and forging deeper bonds with ourselves and others. In a sense, Scorpio understands that sharing our emotions with others is part of our soul’s growth and a necessary component of healing.

Quick reminder: Scorpio deals with shared resources. Many people believe that this only applies to inheritance, money, and goods. In fact, emotions are the first shared resource Scorpio deals with! 

As you can imagine, being with another human being implies sharing space, possessions, ideas, but also love, joy, pain, misery, and so on.

Sometimes, somewhere along the lines of childhood traumas and coping mechanisms, instead of sharing these emotional resources wisely, we become accustomed to toxic emotional exchanges such as giving too much, using unconscious manipulation methods to have our emotional needs met, refusing to acknowledge other people’s emotions as our own, etc.

No matter your specific situation, I advise you to utilize this Scorpio stellium is a chance to shed some light on how you use shared resources and define what healthy intimacy looks and feels like for you.

It’s Just Another Day

“Every day she takes a morning bath

She wets her hair

Wraps a towel 'round her as she's heading for the bedroom chair

It's just another day”

Paul McCartney - Another Day

New Moons are about taking an introspective retreat within. Since Scorpio deals with emotional depth, you could feel an inner calling to address the unexplored edges of your personality.

Keep in mind that this New Moon in Scorpio will instigate great shifts and changes in your life (either you want to, or not).

Set the right intentions to benefit from the wind of change ahead, and think of the areas of your life where you could need more mystery, resourcefulness, depth, perceptivity, magnetism, and density.

Buckle Up for the Storm!

Listen, this New Moon is filled with challenging aspects such as T-Squares or oppositions between opposing signs and energies. As usual, the less mindful we are, the more difficult the storm will affect us.

All I can say is that, sometimes, it is best to take a bulldozer to breakthrough rather than a comfy yacht tour.

Correspondingly, with the Sun, Moon, and Mars in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus, unexpected events related to compulsive or even suppressed obsessive behaviors could pop up for you this week.

I’m speaking about addictions, jealousy, relationship issues, sexual blockages, debt, traumas, shame, etc. If you find yourself in such a space, remember that this is yet another chance to build your personal power, magnetism, and resilience. Everything is happening FOR you, not to you.

Mercury in Libra is also squaring Pluto in Capricorn during this New Moon. In some ways, it is safe to say that many of us will be on the giving or receiving end of a shit storm by November 4th.

Our voice, our concerns, and our truth will be loud and clear during the upcoming days. Make sure to use this as a catalyst for change, and not as a simple megaphone for trouble.

It’s also safe to pinpoint the areas of your life where you may be exhibiting the shadow side of Scorpio: jealousy, manipulation, psychological warfare, obsession, ruthlessness, cruelty even.

With eclipse season just around the corner, starting with the partial lunar eclipse on November 19th, followed by a total solar eclipse in December, the upcoming months promise to be a ride to remember.

Until then, free yourself from any self-destructive behaviors. It’s good to rekindle with your shadows, but don’t let these sides consume you, or the people around you. Blessed be!

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic astrologer, modern mystic and spiritual mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website, YouTube or Instagram.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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