August New Moon and Lions Gate Portal: Meet Your Higher Self and Roar

The August New Moon arrives on Thursday, August 4, at 7:13 AM Eastern Time. This new lunar chapter coincides with the annual Lions Gate Portal, a high-vibrational and magical time when we can connect with our Higher Self with more clarity. Get ready to supercharge your ability to manifest, create, and embody!

“Dream BIG,” says the Universe this week. These past few years have been quite intense and stressful for many of us. The old is crumbling, and the world around us is changing… but so are we!

Calling in the New Earth and staying sane in a crazy world is nothing easy. But it is of the highest importance right now. If you’re ready to experience more abundance in this lifetime and become the designer of your reality, you do not want to miss out on this month’s potent Lions Gate Portal and New Moon. Let’s look at the energies we will experience in the upcoming days.

Leo represents our heart, our warmth, our passion. Shining your light outwards and giving the world the full expression of your being can benefit humanity as a whole!

This brings us to the New Moon in Leo on August 8. It is a beautiful window of opportunity to drop into your heart chakra, also known as Anahata, and express Leo’s bold, radiant energy.

Where are you planting seeds of creativity in your life?

Every cosmic alignment before this New Moon in Leo was preparing us to be courageous and strong in who we are. See, fire-driven Leo rules the heart, bliss, pleasures, our inner child, but also our deep creative urges.

You probably heard of the Chinese proverb that says: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” Well, in astrology, the third-best moment to plant those seeds is during the New Moon. This month, ask yourself: Where do I need to plant seeds of creativity in my life?

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

To tap into the full potential of this new lunar chapter, I recommend you explore your heart-based feelings as much as possible: gratitude, compassion, bliss, love, etc.

You can manifest from the inside out by vibrating in these higher octaves and allowing them to heal you and shift your awareness. 

This is when you stop “asking” or “forcing” the Universe to give you what you want. Instead of being constantly hungry for more, you become the prayer. Your every action becomes a divine mantra, and your blessings start flowing your way with ease.

The heartfelt alignment will not only help you boost your manifestation mojo but also your immune system. Given the current global situation, it is safe to say that any practice that naturally enhances your immunity is something you should pursue.

Moving on, besides being the center of our solar system, the Sun represents our ego. In Leo, the Sun is said to be home in its kingdom. Similarly, all throughout the month of August, you will be starring in your own Hollywood movie.

And what do superheroes need? Courage, good humor, shiny lips, and a sense of personal sovereignty. A movie actor also needs make-up, fabulous outfits, drama, exuberance, and special effects here and there.

In other words, beware of the drama and theatrics that could emerge in your relationships at the moment, that you could be unconsciously calling in.

Remember to breathe and pay close attention to when the light you’re casting is bright or blinding.

Here are a few journaling prompts to dive in deeper: 

  • How much light can you retain in your body? How much light can you transmute? How much light can you share without feeling depleted? Are there physical signs your body gives you when you need to rest and recharge your batteries?

  • Are you afraid of shining your light outwards? If so, why?

  • What parts of you have you kept hidden from the public eye out of fear or shame? What would it take to share these sides of you with the world?

Lions Gate Portal: A Cosmic Alignment to Supercharge Your Creativity and Manifestation Powers

Far from being a New Age phenomenon, the Lions Gate Portal is a powerful cosmic alignment known as early as 3000 BCE. The Egyptian Pyramids of Giza, for example, could potentially represent Orion’s belt. For more information on this, look up the Orion Correlation Theory.

Simply put, every year from around July 28th till August 12th, the Sun is in its home sign, Leo, and the star Sirius gets closer to Earth, with a culmination point on the 8.8. The Lions Gate Portal happens when the Earth and the Sirius star system perfectly align.

Astrologically, Sirius is our Spiritual Sun, a star that lights up our Spirit and helps us illuminate our higher self. With the Earth in alignment with the Galactic Center of the Universe, our growth, spiritual awakening, and reality are massively accelerated.

Undeniably, the Lions Gate Portal is opening us up to higher timelines. Consider it a lucky timeframe where your requests to the Universe are clearer and where the response delay could also be surprisingly short.

Be open to receiving light codes, insights, and even life-changing information, for you are being upgraded to enter the next phase.

Roar & Stay Comfortable In Uncertainty

Twists and turns could be scary or shocking at times, but remember that anything that drives you out of your comfort zone is doing so in order to help you move forward.

Since the Lions Gate is the birth of a new journey within your ascension process, focus on your energetic signature. What thoughts, emotions, and actions are you constantly repeating? What narratives are you buying into?

If you’re trapped in the comparison mindset, now is the time to realize that your neighbor’s garden isn’t greener by chance or mere luck. It is green because it’s being watered, period. 

If you want your garden to be lush and abundant, start focusing on your own water source. Or, better yet, grow your garden first. The Universe will deliver you rain eventually, and when it does, you will be able to benefit from it. “Success is when luck meets preparation” indeed…

Honor your divinity, and recognize that there’s something deep within you that can neither be sold, given, or taken. That’s the siege of your consciousness, of your Soul.

Open your heart and be willing to receive the blessings of the Universe this week. Yes, even those you didn’t ask for. Especially those! Rid yourself of doubt, suspicion, shame, or self-sabotage. You are here to shine, and only through accepting your own light first (and not comparing it to the light of others) can you unlock its mysteries.

On August 8th, if you have any limiting beliefs about your finances, the Universe is on your side to let them go. In numerology, the number 88 is a spellbinding angel number for spiritual intelligence, manifestation, and integration. Number 8 resembles an infinity symbol, representing physical abundance, money, power, and success.

Because this New Moon isn’t like any other this year, you must go beyond setting intentions: you have to merge with your Higher Self and let that version of YOU manifest for you. Trust the process and channel that reality in the present, even if it seems far-fetched or out of reach.

Doing this will bridge the gap between the timelines, and you could even change the course of your upcoming months. Happy New Moon and Lion’s Gate Portal!

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their divine nature. You can follow her on the website, her YouTube channel as well as her Instagram account.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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