Top 5 Energy Blockages I See in Client Chakra Readings

Our 7 main chakras are the energy centers of our bodies. When they’re in alignment energetically, we feel good, we trust that we’re on our highest path, and we act in integrity with our values.


When our chakras are out of alignment, or when they are blocked or stuck, we often feel low energy and like things are more difficult than they need to be. 

As an Intuitive Reader, I am able to tap into the energy of someone’s chakras and share with them where their energy feels strong and free-flowing, or where it feels stagnant or blocked.

Across hundreds of client readings, here are the top 5 energy blockages I see come up over and over again - and some tips and affirmations to help get that energy flowing again! 


1. Crown & Third Eye: Patriarchal and Religious Programming Overpowering Intuition and Imagination 

The two upper-most chakras, the Crown and Third Eye are responsible for our connection to Source and our ability to perceive beyond our five senses, respectively.

And because these two chakras are located around the head, they can both get easily blocked by limiting beliefs and false narratives that play over and over again in our minds. 

I have seen many clients who actually have incredibly strong intuitive abilities, but because their Crown and Third Eye chakras are blocked by society’s dominant narratives that logic and structure are more important than intuition and imagination, they’re not able to fully feel or utilize their spiritual connection. 

Many of us grew up hearing phrases like, “You need to stop daydreaming - this is the real world, not a fairytale.” Many of us also grew up with some sort of religious influence instilling in us from a young age that certain things are good and pure, while other things are evil and of the devil.

In both cases, the result is that we are trained to doubt ourselves and look to others to tell us what is right and wrong for us. 

To work on unblocking these chakras, I often suggest that clients get in touch with their imagination again, as a doorway back into trusting their own intuition and creativity again.

Spending time to daydream, meditate, visualize, or even watch fantasy movies is a great way to restore balance to Crown and Third Eye chakras that have become over-reliant on the masculine energy of structure, reason, and logic. 

Affirmations for Crown and Third Eye Chakras: 

I know what is best for me, and I trust myself completely.

My dreams create my reality. 

I am always connected and guided by a loving power bigger than myself. 


2. Throat: Not Understanding or Valuing the Power of Words 

This particular blockage shows up in many different ways, but the theme is consistent: Most of us simply do not understand or value the immense power that the words we take in and speak have in shaping our reality. 

For some clients, their focus in restoring a healthy Throat chakra is to pay closer attention to how they are speaking to and about themselves.

We’ve all made sarcastic jokes at our own expense, but have you ever stopped to really think about the energy you’re creating with that? If you wouldn’t say it to your child or your best friend, why would you say it to yourself?

For many of my other clients, this particular blockage comes through the words and media that they are absorbing from sources around them. Over-consuming negative media - or even seemingly neutral media, like your favorite celebrities’ Instagram posts, if it makes you feel bad about yourself - can become seriously toxic for your energy.

Similarly, if you are always around friends and family members who are complaining or making decisions based on fear, it will be hard not to absorb that energy and start to operate from it yourself.

Start treating the words and media you take in from others (friends, family, media, etc.) like you would a physical diet. Scrolling mindlessly on Instagram or keeping cable news on in the background 24/7 is like living off a junk food diet for your energy.

Instead, feed your soul more positive and encouraging words from inspirational books and podcasts, affirmations, and people who support you instead of who bond with you through complaints and gossip. 

Affirmations for the Throat Chakra: 

My words have the power to change the world for the better.

People listen to and value what I have to say.

I have the power to change the narrative.


3. Heart: Lack of Self-Love and An Inability to Receive

You would not believe the number of clients I give readings to (almost all women, by the way) who are the most loving and compassionate people in the world, but who don’t feel able to extend that same love to themselves. 

They have become so used to putting everyone else above themselves, that it’s actually become second nature for them to not feel worthy of giving themselves the scraps of energy and love they may have leftover at the end of the day. Similarly, they often don’t feel worthy of actually receiving from others. 

Consider this: Your Heart chakra can only be as strong as your ability to love yourself. Sure, you may still be able to take care of others and extend love and compassion to those around you, but if you’re not able to love yourself and forgive yourself for past mistakes, your love for others is actually coming from a codependent place. 

We hear a lot these days about self-love and self-care, but these often have a lot more to do with how we actually treat ourselves from moment to moment than how often we take a bubble bath. Start paying attention to how you support or criticize yourself within your own mind.

Journaling is often a great place to start to change the narrative of how you treat yourself and to start practicing giving yourself more grace and compassion. 

Also, pay attention to how you act and feel when it’s time for you to receive. If someone gives you a compliment, instead of deflecting it or blowing it off, practice really receiving their words and positive intention.

If someone gives you a gift, instead of immediately trying to figure out how you should pay them back, let yourself sit in the space of receiving something nice, without the expectation of needing to return the gesture. 

Affirmations for the Heart Chakra: 

I am worthy of love, without having to do or give anything. 

I radiate love and compassion for all beings, including myself. 

I am so incredibly beautiful, kind, and talented. I love myself for all that I am. 


4. Solar Plexus: Codependency and Giving Power Away 

The Solar Plexus chakra is the energy center responsible for our confidence, our sense of identity and self-worth, and our inner authority. In clients who have a blocked Solar Plexus, I often intuitively see hooks in this area, symbolizing the relationships where they are giving their power away to someone (or something) else. 

When we don’t have a strong sense of our own self-worth, we look to the important relationships in our lives to help validate how worthy we are. And this isn’t always a relationship with another person.

For example, I had a blocked Solar Plexus chakra for a long time because I was constantly relying on my career to give me a sense of worthiness and value. I believed on some levels that unless I was productive, and unless I was seen as an overachiever, I didn’t really have intrinsic value in the world. 

Codependent relationships with family members, spouses, and friends can also lead to a blocked Solar Plexus chakra, as we are (often unknowingly) giving our inner power away to others. 

Codependent relationships can look like putting the weight of your happiness all on one person or area of your life; constant self-sacrificing what you truly want in order to make another person happy or to keep them in your life; having a lack of boundaries around your own feelings and experience.

I recommend the books Attached and Codependent No More for more information about identifying and healing where you may be experiencing codependent relationships in your life.

For people experiencing a blocked Solar Plexus chakra in this way, it’s important for them to reclaim their sense of self and autonomy and to start to value themselves outside of just that one particular relationship or area of their life.

Self-discovery work, taking a solo vacation, and learning to set and maintain boundaries are all practices to help bring this chakra back into balance. 

Affirmations for the Solar Plexus Chakra: 

There is nothing for me to prove. I am worthy simply because I exist. 

It is safe for me to have my own feelings, interests, and ideas. 

I am not defined by others’ expectations or perceptions about me. I define myself, and I know myself to be capable and compassionate.


5. Sacral & Root: Lack of Space for Creativity, Pleasure, and Soul Nourishment 

The bottom two chakras, the Sacral, and the Root help us feel connected to our emotions, creativity, flow, our bodies, the Earth, and our sources of nourishment.

The biggest block I often see come up in one or both of these centers with clients is a lack of space - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

For example, oftentimes if a client’s Sacral chakra is blocked, it’s partly because they are not allowing themselves the time to spend on fun and creative pursuits because they don’t seem productive.

Many of us think, Why would I spend time dancing or singing or painting or writing if I’m not going to make money from it or if I’m not good enough to be the best at it? 

Or I also see a lot of blocked Root chakras in clients who have lost their connection with their bodies and their sense of feeling truly nourished as they have kept themselves on very rigid and regimented diets that they don’t enjoy. 

Amongst other things, these two chakras are responsible for helping us to feel and experience pleasure - and we can’t feel that if we are hardwired to believe that pleasure needs to serve a purpose, like making money or helping us lose weight. 

My advice for clients feeling blocked here is to carve out time and space in their calendars for creativity and what I call ‘soul nourishment.’

Finding what feels nourishing to your soul is completely unique for everyone, and it can come in the form of particular types of food, specific activities that light you up and replenish your energy or even people you want to spend more time with who leave you feeling lighter and happier. 

Spending more time and energy on these things helps clear energy blockages in these lower two chakras, allowing for a greater sense of security, abundance, and flow in your life.

Affirmations for the Sacral and Root Chakras: 

When I focus on pleasure, everything I desire flows more easily to me. 

Each day, my body and soul feel more and more aligned and nourished.

It is productive for me to spend time on what excites me and lights me up.

Chelsea Jewel is an Intuitive + Karmic Astrologer, Spiritual Coach, and Intuitive Mentor to those waking up to their own intuitive powers. You can connect with her on Instagram or via her website,


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