New Moon in Virgo

On the 17th September at 6am CST, the moon will align with the sun in the sky at 25 degrees Virgo for a New Moon. This will be a Supermoon (the first of three in fact), where the moon is orbiting much closer to earth thus magnifying the lunar energy.

New Moon in Virgo

All New Moons mark the beginning of a new cycle, a time for resetting intentions and envisioning what you would like to manifest for the month ahead. Think of this Super New Moon as an extra boost, enabling you to make significant changes and embark on new beginnings. 

Virgo is an earth sign, being ruled by Mercury. The sign governs over all things health, wellness, habits, routines and organization, making it the perfect time to clean out both internal and external clutter. Excess Mercurial energy can manifest as anxiety, so be sure to ground down and get back into your body. Remember that your mind is connected to your body (the brain-gut connection is real!) and so nurturing both is essential to feeling balanced.

Virgo is extremely detail oriented, able to effectively analyze situations and map out practical solutions. This is a perfect time to take stock of what is working and what isn’t, and then to make adjustments accordingly. Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, will be positively aspecting this New Moon. This will be beneficial in planning and creating structure especially around future goals.

Neptune will be sitting in opposition to this sun-moon conjunction, which may cause matters to look murky or confusing. Be sure to practice discernment and patience before committing to a new plan of action, as extra information may reveal itself over time. 

We’ll be gathering on this New Moon to utilize the energy to help us liberate our most authentic selves, reset boundaries, and declare our intentions for the month ahead. Our Moon Circles are completely free and open to all — for more information and registration, head over to our events page.

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