5 Tips For Navigating and Surviving Mercury Retrograde

Ah, the infamous Mercury Retrograde. Even people who aren’t into astrology or anything “woo-woo” have heard of Mercury Retrograde.

While things may tend to go a bit haywire during these times, there are practical strategies and tips you can put in place to reap the benefits of Mercury Retrograde.

Believe it or not, Mercury Retrograde can be an incredibly prosperous and insightful time if you know how to work with the energy.


2021 Mercury retrograde dates

There’s nothing to fear around this astrological phenomenon – the three-week retrograde period occurs 3-4 times a year. Plus, if you add in the shadow period on either side it would technically be a total of two months each, adding up to six months out of the year. Putting your life on hold during Mercury Retrograde is simply impossible! Take a second to mark your calendar to remember when Mercury Retrograde is in 2021, and the zodiac signs Mercury will backspin through this year:

So, What Is Mercury Retrograde?

This is when Mercury - the planet of communication, technology, trade, and commerce – appears to move backward in the sky and retrace its orbit. But it’s an illusion; the planet isn’t actually moving backward but appears to be from the relative position and viewpoint of earth, which occasionally overtakes Mercury’s orbit. If we were to view the planets from a fixed vantage point in space, it wouldn’t seem to be moving backwards at all.

Astrology believes that the events happening in the macrocosm – i.e. in our solar system and the universe – can affect our personal experience in the microcosm, aka on earth. So when a planet changes direction, we perceive this to have an impact on our day-to-day experiences.

The primary theme of Mercury Retrograde is slowing down. Since the planet is literally slowing down and “moving backwards”, life around us does as well. This can manifest as feeling stagnant or stuck on a personal level. But it can also manifest as delays in travel, projects, or communication on an external level.

A key thing to remember during Mercury Retrograde is that situations or flash opportunities that present themselves during this time might not be what it seems when the planet starts moving direct again. Anything that screams “too good to be true” during this time probably is. This not only goes for work opportunities but also relationships. More on those classic Mercury Retrograde scenarios below.

what to expect During Mercury Retrograde

There are a number of typical Mercury Retro scenarios that occur, which I’ve not only observed in my own life but my friends and family as well (who have no idea what’s going on with the planets). Here are the most common ones:

  • Technology going wrong or glitching, especially with phones and computers.

  • Losing data or important documents that you swear you had saved.

  • Losing things in general – e.g. one Mercury Retrograde I lost my car keys at the gym! They literally disappeared out of thin air.

  • Mixing up dates or forgetting them altogether.

  • Delays in travel, work projects, and other important matters.

  • Exes and old friends popping up out of the blue.

  • Frequent miscommunications in relationships or the workplace.

  • Fantastic (on the surface) opportunities presenting themselves out of nowhere.

  • Signing contracts with shady clauses in the small print that weren’t clarified.

  • Making impulsive big purchases that you regret only when Mercury goes direct.

As the North Node currently transits through Gemini, we may feel Mercury Retrograde more acutely.

What To Avoid during mercury retrograde

Astrologers can be pretty vigilant about what you should avoid during a Mercury Retrograde. Of course, there are times when you simply can’t postpone a situation any further. But it will probably be helpful in the places you can buy more time.

There are exceptions though. For example, if you were buying a house that you have been scoping out for months beforehand and had arranged everything prior to Mercury going Retro, then go ahead and sign the documents. But, with that being said, you might want to get the place scoped out completely and double-check everything before signing.

And if you had booked a holiday months before you knew it would be Mercury Retro, there’s no need to cancel the entire trip. But again, maybe leave some wiggle room on either side in case there are some delays.

Here are some general guidelines to abide by where possible:

  • Avoid signing any formal contracts or documents.

  • Do not make any big purchases – especially tech-related purchases – during this time.

  • Think twice before getting back together with your ex (I mean this always applies regardless of Mercury Retro) or getting into any new relationship.

  • Avoid spontaneous travel.

  • Try to postpone moving houses or locations until Mercury goes direct.

  • Avoid starting entirely new projects.

  • Avoid making any rash, impulsive and uninformed decisions! 

Mercury Retrograde is Coming

Tips For Surviving Mercury Retrograde

So now you know what to avoid, what exactly can you do during a Mercury Retrograde? Well, it’s a great time for doing anything that starts with ‘re’ – revising, revisiting, re-editing, rewriting or repairing.

Have an old play script you haven’t worked on in years? Mercury Retro is the perfect time to get it out again! Or that room in your house that’s been collecting too much junk? Reorganizing and clearing it out would be the perfect thing to do during Mercury Retro.

Reconnecting with an old friend you haven’t seen since high school can also be a great way to bond over shared memories whilst Mercury is Retrograde. And look, if you really do feel called to reach out to an ex, then go for it. But just understand that it doesn’t necessarily mean that anything is meant to become of it. Not sure where to start? Check out our handy guide to what to prioritize during Mercury Retrograde by zodiac sign.

Here are some more practical tips you can implement during the next Mercury Retrograde:

1.Double-Check Everything

Mercury Retrograde is notorious for mix-ups and miscommunications. Simply by double-checking anything important – dates, schedules, documents, etc – you can avoid the pain of apologizing for your forgetfulness.  

2. Back-Up Your Tech

Back up any previous work or current work you’re working on, messages, photos, everything you deem of value and wouldn’t want to suddenly disappear into the Mercury Retrograde void. Don’t take your chances on this one!  

Mercury Retrograde Technology

3. Review And Edit Your Life

Mercury Retrograde is the perfect time to take stock and inventory of where you’re at in this current phase of life. You can start with going through your physical possessions and asking the famous line “does this spark joy?” Then move on to looking at your work life, relationships, health, finances, and how you spend your time.

 You don’t have to do anything about it right now – which is probably advisable during Retrograde – but take note of what’s no longer working for you and what you intuitively know needs to be shifted. When Mercury starts moving Direct again, come back to your notes to see if you still feel the same way.

4. Give Yourself Extra Time In Completing Projects + Getting anywhere

You can anticipate delays on any work or personal projects you’re working on during a Mercury Retrograde. So be proactive and give yourself extra time to buffer for those sudden setbacks that may impact your deadline.

You may also want to leave earlier than you usually would for any important meetings you’re planning to attend. Delays in travel are notorious during Mercury Retro – so if you’re driving, leave early! And if you’re catching public transport, also leave early! You’ll thank me later.

Mercury Retrograde Journal

5. Keep a Journal For Insights + Revelations

Finally, keep a journal to record any downloads or intuitive hits you receive during those three weeks. It can be a great time for getting lots of inspiration and ideas for future projects or in your personal life – just don’t act on them so hastily.

You may also find you gain lots of clarity around a situation or how you feel about it, especially towards the end or when Mercury goes Direct (but is still in the shadow). Watch for those hard-hitting revelations and use them to help inform you to make the best decisions going forward.

If there’s only one piece of advice you gain from this article, it’s nothing is ever as it seems during Mercury Retrograde. Mercury is the trickster archetype after all. So laugh where you can at the ridiculous tricks he manages to pull off! Laughing is really all you can do when s**t happens that‘s honestly just out of your control.

Chiara Christian is a Gemini writer with a passion for understanding others and the world around her. You can check out her website here and follow her meanderings @ageministory.

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