New Moon in Libra

On October 16th at 12.31pm (PT), a Super New Moon will fall at 23°53’ of Libra. Although New Moons are usually a time of new beginnings and embarking on new projects, the tense cosmic energy and aspects made are encouraging us to take a pause. 

Libra New Moon

Libra is the sign of the ‘scales’, representing fairness, justice and equality. The sign also governs over relationships, which may be a theme that presents itself during this New Moon. Finding balance within your relationships, creating boundaries, and cultivating enough of your own energy are key to keeping the peace and harmony with those in your close circles. 

Aesthetics and beauty are also Libran themes, being ruled by the love planet Venus. You might be drawn to rearranging your space at home, or refreshing your wardrobe and style. These outer changes may be a reflection of the inner changes you may be going through right now (and aren’t we all in 2020?!).  

Mars, which is currently retrograding through Aries, will be forming an opposition to this New Moon, which may make you more reactive due to the tense and heated energy. Mercury will also be fresh into its retrograde through Scorpio, which could add some confusion in communications, making things seem murky. This in combination with squares being made to Saturn and Pluto, means that everything in the cosmos is telling us to wait

Retrograde energy always calls for us to slow down and to spend some time reflecting, doing the inner work in order to reap the lessons that are trying to be communicated to us by the Universe. 

When you work in resistance to this, you may come up against obstacles which don’t want to budge, or it may cause you to make rash decisions before more information is uncovered. Ironically, the more we feel we have to ‘do’ in order to keep up and be ‘productive’, the more we are actually being called to slow down, to listen and pay attention to what wants to present itself. 

As part of our Art of Lunar Living course Culte La Lune, you will be able to gain access to our New Moon circle, where we will be working with this potent energy and connecting with like-minded souls. We would love for you to join us—click here to read more about what’s included in the program and for registration.

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