Unplugging for Clarity: A Social Media Detox

I have had a long journey with social media, especially after deciding to take a break from Instagram during a challenging period. Social media platforms made me feel worse about myself, so I took a bold step and permanently deleted my Instagram account on a whim. It was a genuinely cathartic experience.

This journey showed me the positive impact of a social media detox. It made me realize how much these platforms affect our well-being. Now, I want to share the benefits of a social media detox and offer practical tips on how others can embark on their journey of digital liberation.

It's not just about reclaiming time; it's about reclaiming a genuine sense of self. Stay tuned for insights on the advantages of a social media detox and how to start your path to a more authentic and present life.

social media detox

Benefits of a Social Media Detox

I’m not saying you have to go cold turkey like me (although I’d highly recommend experiencing it for yourself), but detoxing from social media is fundamental to reframing how you use it.

We’re all well aware by now how addictive social media can be, with research finding it activates the same reward neural circuitry caused by gambling and recreational drugs, making it hard to pull away. The benefits of this social media detox were profound.

It gave me more free time, which I used to focus on things I truly enjoyed instead of mindlessly scrolling. I stopped worrying about getting the perfect photo for social validation.

I started traveling without feeling the need to post about it. This shift allowed me to pay more attention to genuine connections with friends and family, making me more present in each moment.

Less Anxiety

Naturally, when you’re on social media less, you are less likely to compare yourself to others and experience dreaded FOMO. Research also shows higher correlations of anxiety for those with higher social media usage times, and anecdotally, I can attest to feeling way less anxious during my six-month sabbatical. 

Most people wouldn’t want to be surrounded by others 24/7, but if you think about it, social media does just that. Taking time off allows you to decompress and get much-needed alone time so you can show up more in all areas of life. (+ The blue light from screens and social media disturbs your sleep!)

Becoming more in touch with your emotional state

Compulsively reaching for our phones and opening the apps is like emotional eating or even drinking; we don’t want to do it, but it provides a way to escape and numb ourselves. Doing a social media detox will make you more in touch with your emotions, some of which may have been hiding and weren’t even aware of. 

Dealing with our emotions head-on means processing, feeling, and moving through them more quickly than if we had given in to refreshing our feed for the gazillionth time. It will make you feel more clear-headed and emotionally stable as we’ve cleaned what’s usually subconsciously lurking underneath. 

Greater creativity

Constantly consuming information and content from social media can make our minds chaotic, leaving no room for our creativity to surface. Taking a break from social media can help us reconnect with our authenticity and unique spark.

Though we often toggle between consumption and creation, doing both simultaneously can be challenging. We can unlock our creative potential by limiting our intake of other people's content and focusing on our unique ideas. 

social detox

More time and productivity 

Social media platforms are designed to be addictive, often leading to mindless scrolling for hours on end. It is projected that adults will spend an average of 6 years and 8 months on social media. Can you believe it? That's a lot of time!

I don't want to end up regretting the amount of time I spend on social media when I'm on my deathbed. Instead, I want to use my time wisely and work towards my goals. 

Taking a detox from social media will give you the time to start that project you've wanted to start, make that move you've wanted to make, or take up that hobby you've wanted to try. Not only that, but detoxing will also help you get more done in the meantime.

Multitasking and spreading your attention too thin can prevent you from finishing quick tasks. You can complete tasks more efficiently by focusing on one thing at a time. 

The satisfaction you get from ticking everything off your to-do list can be more addictive than social media! So, take a break from social media and start working towards your dreams. You won't regret it!

Presence + Strengthened Relationships

Social media can hinder face-to-face connections, but detoxing offers an opportunity to enhance real-life relationships and foster deeper connections with family and friends. In his book, The Power Of Now, Eckhart Tolle highlights the importance of being present in the moment.

Have you ever looked around during a commute and noticed how people are always glued to their phones? We tend to lose touch with our surroundings and the present moment. Recently, I decided to take a break from Instagram, which allowed me to appreciate the small moments in life.

Whether waiting or traveling, I now take the time to be present in the moment without any distractions. Our satisfaction with life is determined by how much we engage with it.

To quote Ferris Bueller - one of my favorite characters from the 80s - "Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

social media cleanse

How to Detox from Social Media

Set Clear Intentions To Keep Yourself accountable

Before embarking on a social media detox, define your goals. Whether reducing screen time, breaking specific social media habits, or taking a complete break, having a clear intention will help guide your detox. Let your friends know you're detoxing so you won’t be active. Maybe they’ll even want to join with you!

Set Boundaries

I’m off my phone every night after 9 pm, and I set it to Do Not Disturb. Creating structure and boundaries around social media can help limit the amount of aimless scrolling and checking.

I also choose not to open my phone first thing in the morning — you wouldn’t let hundreds of people into your bedroom when you wake up, so why would you do that virtually?  

Delete the app or temporarily deactivate

There’s no way you’ll be able to keep your word if you leave the app on your phone. (Trust me on this one).

detox from social media

Replace compulsive social media checking with a new habit

Fill the void social media leaves with activities that contribute positively to your well-being. Either pick up a book, make a cup of tea, journal, or take a few moments to concentrate on your breath.

Turn off notifications, sounds, and badges

If you’re trying to limit your time spent on socials, turning off notifications will make you less inclined to check your phone because there’s not the constant distractive ping designed to reel you in.

Keep a Journal

During the detox, keep a journal to document your thoughts and feelings. This self-reflection can help you gain valuable insights into your relationship with social media and identify positive changes in your mental well-being.

benefits of social media detox

Reevaluate Your Social Media Use

When I decided to come back to Instagram six months later, I was able to start on a fresh slate and with a new-founded perspective on social media. I am now highly selective of who I follow, which even means being ruthless with people I know. 

Does this person hold special significance in my life, inspire or expand me? If not, they’re to boot! I started thinking of my dashboard as a sacred container that deserves to be filled with only the most supportive and nurturing energy for my growth.  

TL;DR: Social Media Detox

In today's world, social media is everywhere. But taking a break from it can be a powerful act of self-care. Regular social media cleanses can improve mental health, increase productivity, and build stronger relationships.

To achieve this healthy balance it’s essential to set clear intentions, createboundaries, and practice mindfulness. So, unplug, unwind, and rediscover the joy of living beyond the screen.

social media detox
social media detox

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Chiara Christian is a Gemini writer with a passion for understanding others and the world around her. You can check out her website here and follow her meanderings @ageministory.


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