The Sunday Reset: A Routine To Beat The Sunday Scaries

Sundays have become my favorite day of the week. I have been practicing “Sunday Resetting,” where I dedicate my Sunday to a list of action items that help set me up to have a great week. 

Sunday Resets have recently become a staple in many weekly routines. Committing one day a week to reorganizing and regrouping can help set yourself up for a great and productive week and eliminate the "Sunday Scaries."

Sunday resets are a great form of self-care, especially during heavy workloads or heightened stress.

What are the Sunday Scaries?

Sunday Scaries are a more recent phenomenon and nickname for the stress many feel at the end of the week. Sunday Scaries labels anxiety and stress someone might feel in anticipation for the upcoming week or upon reflecting on events from the prior week.

While Sunday Scaries have become mainstream, this feeling has resonated with many people for a long time. There are many ways to prevent or reduce Sunday Scaries.

What is a Sunday Reset?

A Sunday Reset is a mindfulness practice that helps you set yourself up for success in the upcoming week. It can look very different for every person but Sunday Resets prioritize self-care and beating the Sunday Scaries.  It can involve meal prep, laundry, cleaning your closet, and many other activities. 

Establishing a Routine

Although it is essential to establish a healthy and balanced routine, it is equally important to take care of yourself and set goals within reach. Practicing slowness in performance is a great way to start your week and take a break before the business of the workweek begins.

There are many benefits to “establishing a daily routine.”

Routines facilitate productivity, boost confidence, and improve our mental health. A Sunday reset is a great way to incorporate exercises into your daily life.

A set routine on one designated day is a great place to start. A consistent practice can foster positive and healthy habits that become ingrained in weekly or daily routines.

Benefits of a Sunday Reset

Sunday Resets are helpful ways to reduce stress and anxiety in the week ahead. Getting organized and regrounding yourself has a lot of benefits for your mental health. It can be a diversion from another trend of "rotting," where you stay in bed for long periods during the day. 

Sunday Resets can reduce the feeling of Sunday Scaries before we go to bed by accomplishing tasks to prepare and reset for the work week. Getting a good night's sleep before the work week starts is extremely important.

Ideas for a Sunday Reset

  • Waking up early is the best and most effective way to start a productive day. Waking up has many benefits, including improved performance and mental health. It provides enough time to get ready for the day.

  • Exercising in the morning can help you adjust to an earlier sleep schedule instead of exercising in the evening, which can shift sleep patterns, making them more inconsistent. Signing up for an early workout class can incentivize you to wake up and have a productive morning. Going for a brisk walk can be equally beneficial and effective.

  • Designating one day a week to do laundry is another great way to start your week. Washing and changing your sheets is also an addition to your reset routine.

  • Going to the grocery store with a meal plan can ensure staying within budget and healthy eating habits. Making a meal plan for the week takes the stress off of figuring out a last minute lunch or dinner.

  • Catch up and get ahead on any administrative items.

  • Journaling is a great way to end your Sunday. Setting goals for yourself for the week and reflecting on events from the past week are great practices. Making lists of important upcoming events can alleviate stress and increase your awareness of what is to come. Meal prepping can have positive contributions to energy levels and overall health

  • Plan for the week ahead. Making daily lists and noting important events on the horizon is a great way to stay on top of everything you have coming up.

  • Do something for yourself. Baking something or watching a movie is a great way to treat yourself for all the work you have done. Start a new book or pick up an unfinished one. Take a bath or try a hair mask.

  • Dedicate a certain amount of time to cleaning or decluttering. Setting aside 20 to 30 minutes to clean out your closet is a great place to start and can help you feel refreshed going into the new week. Tidy homes facilitate tidy minds.

  • Try something new. Sunday resets, while establishing routine, can also be a great time to experiment with new parts of a routine. Trying different meditation or mindfulness practices can help you relax and release some of the stress from Sunday scaries.

  • Going to bed early. A good night of sleep on Sunday can set you up for success in your work or school week. Sleeping earlier can have many benefits, including improved memory, mental health, and increased productivity. You will feel more rested and ready to take on the work week without feeling tired or sleep-deprived. Experimenting with your sleep time can also help establish an effective sleep routine with an appropriate amount of hours.

Setting a Realistic Reset Routine

It is essential to avoid creating more stress by setting goals out of reach for yourself. Creating a manageable to-do list will help you be productive and prevent you from overworking yourself. Sunday resets are an opportunity to revitalize yourself and emphasize the importance of caring for yourself.

Resets give you more control over your week as you set your standards and routines. Recentering and being able to ground yourself before the work week begins is incredibly important to your well-being.

Helpful Tips for Resetting

  • Limit your caffeine intake when possible. Large amounts of caffeine can disrupt your sleep schedule.

  • The average adult needs around 7-9 hours of sleep. Planning your Sunday to ensure you sleep enough is a great way to prepare for your work week and Monday.

  • Limiting your screen time. It can be easy to scroll on Sundays, mainly when everyone posts pictures from the weekend. Taking a break from social media can help you relax and eliminate distractions.

Finding inspiration for Sunday Reset ideas on TikTok and other social media outlets is easy. Many wellness-based content creators have posted their Sunday Resets, providing many ideas to incorporate into your routine. Finding and curating the best routine for yourself ensures effectiveness.


Sunday Resetting is reorganizing and preparing for the coming week ahead. Sunday resets are about prioritizing yourself and reducing any stressors or Sunday Scaries. Sunday resets are customizable and can look different for everyone.

About the Writer: Maeve Sullivan is a student at Georgetown University studying English and Government. She is a west coast enthusiast and loves all things reading and writing. You can learn more about Maeve on LinkedIn.


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