Full Moon in Aquarius Tarotscope

by Violet Guide 

This full moon feels like a collaborative effort on reaching back into yourself and pulling all your good-good practices forward. I had many tarot decks that wanted to come out for this so I am going to roll with it! Yay!

Full Moon in Aquarius Tarotscope

Head of House

Full Moon in Aquarius Tarotscope // King of Swords

This is a time to take the King of Swords position in refection. The King of Swords is all about authority, responsibility and detachment. This is the King of Swords in the Goddess realm. He looks at your plans and shows what is needed and what can be cut away in order to strengthen. 

Balance out your inner masculine authority and trust your intellect. Make decisions that support growing your wisdom through a stronger practice. It is time to appreciate the hard work and raise your own standards to the next level. 

Body, Mind and Spirit 

For our collective body, mind and spirit we have the healing oracle of Artemisa (focus and release), Beth Root (reflect, emit) and Eyebright (merriment). 

artemisa: full moon in aquarius tarot

So before you launch your Body into a new way take a pause to reflect on what you have released and what you are aiming to achieve. Hone in on your objective. Your Mind is saying be brave and strong in what you have become, be your own beacon of light and reflect to everyone who even glances at your brilliance. Your Spirit is saying rejoice in your natural rituals regardless of your current condition. Make sure you are setting your intention for yourself and not for others. 

Horseshoe of Good-luck and Consciousness 

As that lays out, we are creating a horseshoe of the Empress Queen energy and trusting our intuitive wisdom in the deaths that we have created in our lives to better our true selves and consciousness. That shift is what had us finally lay our cards down to see that hope inside of ourselves and inside of our bodies.

Take that trip, feel that rearview reflection. Give thanks for getting yourself out of bondage and traps and for letting go of those people that do not serve your future goals.

Know that the past was all a lesson in growth — and a lesson in how to put up boundaries and protect yourself, especially when considering who to invest your time in (and and how to invest it as well).

A New Heart Beat


The center — pulling into your consciousness this full moon — is the Keeper of Light. The Keeper of Light is all about keeping your heart open and your wings wide to fly into new inner points of view.

Open yourself up to a new world within yourself. Wherever you have disconnected yourself from your spirit, this mandala is all about rediscovering yourself.

Ask yourself, “When did I stop dancing? When did I stop singing? When did I stop finding comfort in silence?” — all of those practices are universal healing salves to our body, mind and spirits.

Start calling that forth into your world this full moon. Bring back your calling of love. 

Happy Full Moon!

Violet Guide
Hayley Hayes

Need a refresher on Full Moon Rituals? See our Manifestation and Energy Cleansing Ritual here.

Words and images by Violet Guide.

Violet Guide worked as an ordained minister, working with trafficked and sexually exploited girls and women. She led healing teams, teaching individuals how to connect with their visions and heal deep-rooted traumas. She knew she needed to find a way for all of humanity to have access to healing without the ties of religion as an influence... so she left to find her truth path. Violet Guide found a path to true healing for mankind through reiki and tarot energy healing. She learned how to break toxic links of codependency and to trust her own body, mind and spirit again. Now she lives to help others do the same for themselves. Book a personal session here.


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