Wellness Emily Campbell Wellness Emily Campbell

What is "Doing The Work" and How To Use It To Heal

If you've embarked on a spiritual or personal growth journey, you have most likely heard about "the work." So, what exactly is the work? And is there only one way to do it? The answer is no, the work can look very different for each person, but there are a few core principles.

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Wellness, Mental Health Chelsea Jewel Wellness, Mental Health Chelsea Jewel

Top 5 Energy Blockages I See in Client Chakra Readings

As an Intuitive Reader, I am able to tap into the energy of someone’s chakras and share with them where their energy feels strong and free-flowing, or where it feels stagnant or blocked. Across hundreds of client readings, here are the top 5 energy blockages I see come up over and over again - and some tips and affirmations to help get that energy flowing again!

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