Last Full Moon of 2020 in Cancer

On December 29th at 7:28 pm (PT), we have our final Full Moon of the year in it’s home sign of Cancer. Coincidentally, the year began with a Full Moon in Cancer on the 10th of January—it seems fitting that we’re closing off in the same way. 

Cancer is a water sign, who is deeply intuitive and emotional. Since Cancer is ruled by the moon, we can expect emotions to be running even higher than usual, which is of course on top of being at the tail-end of 2020. Emotional security is foundational to the moon and to Cancer—tap into what makes you feel safe and nurtured during this time, whether that be certain spaces, people, food etc. (be wary of too much emotional eating though!).

cancer full moon

Cancer also rules the home, where most of us have been confined for the bulk of this year. It could be a great time for decluttering and refreshing your home space, which is also useful in general for clearing out old energy in preparation for the new year. 

The spotlight may also be on family relationships this Full Moon, whether that be your actual blood relations or your soul family. Reaching out to connect with loved ones you perhaps haven’t talked with in a while is highly encouraged. Any way you can get into your heart space will allow you to access the positive emotional side of Cancer, which is naturally compassionate, loving, and open-hearted. 

Undoubtedly, tapping into your heart center will likely bring up grief surrounding this year and the personal and collective losses we’ve had to endure. This is the perfect time to let it all surface and really feeeeel into all of it. Sometimes a big ugly cry is the most purifying and cleansing thing in the world (talking from personal experience here) and it will release a lot of the pent-up anxiety you may be holding onto. 

Uranus will be positively aspecting this Full Moon, which can aid you in receiving flashes of clarity and spiritual downloads. Uranus is the planet of revolution, of change, of newness, and invention. Collectively, whether we know it or not, we are entering into a new era following the powerful Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction (some have said the Age of Aquarius).

We may not know exactly what is in store for the future, but we know that the old structures and ways of being will have to dramatically shift and upgrade. You can use this energy to get very intuitive and clear on what you would like to call into 2021.

We are super excited to relaunch our Art of Lunar Living course Culte La Lune on January 12th 2021, which is a month-long journey as we align with the energy of each moon phase to cultivate self-love and call in our big, juicy dreams. For more information and to sign up, head to our workshops page.

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Chiara Christian is a writer, gemini , and curious traveler. You can follow her meanderings @chiara_liane and keep up with her blog here.


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