Capricorn Conjunction - What's Your Function?

This conjunction’s function is a turning point, a transformational powerhouse. There is a crossroads, and we are at it. Any action forward shakes up the energy and it is more important that we are moving towards something rather than running away from something. Inaction will lead to lower feelings. Aligned action will lead to blocks being lifted. It can be tempting to want to wait for the blocks to be lifted before acting, but that will not serve us where this conjunction is concerned. 

There are five planets in Capricorn right now, and four of them are conjunct in 22 degrees - Saturn, Pluto, Mercury, and the sun. Jupiter is influencing from 13 degrees away, expanding our optimism and abundance if we will allow it to. Mars in Sagittarius lights a fire under us and pushes us into action. The conjunction aims to change us and ground us, simultaneously, as we rise up into the full expression of our growth and purpose. 

For those of us who have gone through at least one of our Saturn return phases in this lifetime, the energy here feels similar. A lot of those resonant themes will be coming back around from that time. For those currently going through their Saturn return transit, getting in touch with your intuition (through meditating, spending time in nature, journaling, etc.) will be especially necessary as you deprogram old conditioning. For all of us it is an ending of an outdated cycle and the start of a new one. 

Venus, the planet of love, has moved into Pisces, bringing vivid dreams, heightened intuition, and agape (unconditional love). We may not like what someone is doing, but we feel love for them. The ability to forgive and let go with love is also heightened during this time and for the next few months. With all the grounding in Earth signs, we are not drifting off into any illusions or fantasies, our feet are firmly planted. 

beautiful ocean cliff

Uranus is still in Taurus and now moving direct, with themes around money, security, and debts being paid off or repaid. In Greek Mythology, Uranus was a negligent father to Saturn, and Saturn sought revenge. This tension between the planets can be felt as structures change and crumble. Change is constant and inevitable and resistance only creates more struggle and suffering. We are experiencing this on a grand scale now. 

This stuff coming up is the effect of the transformational planet Pluto, cleaning up our subconscious and clearing out the way forward. We must keep the faith in a larger plan that connects all of us. Instead of overwhelm, We are learning to alchemize feelings about needing to save the world and channeling that energy into ‘saving’ ourselves, so to speak. Focusing on the actions we can take that inspire our true selves will benefit the good of those around us. Our grief, our sadness, our anger, can all be channeled into aligned action, for the highest good of all. 

The antidote to anxiety is action. Any small step towards what you want creates inertia. Remember, astrology is all about working with the forces of the cosmos and not against them! Gravity, the laws of motion, and astrology all have something in common - they exist with or without our belief in them. 

This is definitely a grounded action-oriented energy.The bigger risks we take, the greater the rewards. It’s not about the size of the cliffs we are jumping off of though, but the more so, the more we jump, the more we will see results. A responsible, consistent showing up for ourselves so that we can be better for ourselves, our families, our communities, and the world. We have already known what needs to be done, so this action is not based on impulse. This is following through. 

When I use the word “action,” I want it to be clear that I am not necessarily implying grand action. Taking time for yourself is an action. Setting and honoring a boundary is an action. Stillness is an action. Showing up for yourself day in and day out is an action. It’s less important that the action that you choose to take is, and more important that whatever it is, is consistent and in line with what your core needs and wants are and what you say you desire. That is aligned action. 

ocean view vintage window

The overarching theme for all as a result of all of this is: Action. More specifically, aligned action. We can all set small and attainable goals that we can see come to fruition relatively soon, and then build upon that. This is how it will show up for you, or the area in your life to act first. Check your sun, moon, and rising for this one! 


Your career house is being influenced, but first you are being asked to let go of any self-sabotage or anything else that might be standing in your way, i.e., get out of your own way. A karmic cycle is being ended and blocks are being lifted for you, but a great deal of trust is required because whole new patterns are shifting as new ways of doing things emerge for you. Remain open to new possibilities and let go of what limits you. 


Saying “yes” to social winter activities is also a good idea right now, as this is a time for you to revel in good friends and good food. You’ll feel like participating and not sitting on the sidelines. Of course, your “no” is powerful, too. Whether you choose to set aside time to read books you have been meaning to get to, or setting up travel plans, whether crossing something off your bucket list, or your to-do list, commit fully to the endeavors you dive into during this time, block out distractions, and you will be glad you did. 


You are in the process of reinventing your feelings around intimacy. You are many things so you are right not to box yourself in to any one label. Breaking out of convention and seeing beauty in the mundane, the details, the underbelly - these are things you know well. Now you are learning to be okay with feeling uncomfortable. When things aren’t so beautiful, there is still always something to appreciate and be grateful for. 


Your focus right now is on your communication styles in your interpersonal relationships, and finding ways to say what you truly mean, instead of rushing in to fix, which is still a mode of self protection. You are finding your authentic voice, coming out of tendencies to isolate during this time of year, and balancing out time indoors with much needed time outdoors will help you get there with greater ease. 


Pay attention to your health, mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, all of it. Get back to basics. Eat nourishing foods. Move your body and shake it off  so you can come back to what you want and need to do. Take care of yourself, mind body spirit and emotions so that you can take care of the ones closest to you. It’s not selfish! From a place of loving your body - and all parts of you - you are able to create and maintain the sustainable kinds of plans you have for yourself this year. 


Follow your soul into a state of flow. Whether you create for yourself or you want to create something to be seen by others, is up to you, but create your heart out, in whatever ways are appealing most to you. Have you been putting too much stock into social media and not so much into your social circle? Balancing these energies is your main focus now and it’s a worthy endeavor. Attention and love you pour into your close relationships will always come back to you.


You are being invited to tend extra to nurturing your soul. Have you been over extending yourself? Pull back your energy into your center using breathwork (your breath) and keep your body free of anything that might cloud your judgment at this time. This might be a great time for you to go on a cleanse, digital detox, or otherwise employ some delayed gratification so that you can put your energy into what’s most important to you. 


How many missed opportunities have passed you by because you weren’t paying attention, or you didn’t believe you were ready? Go for it. Shoot your shot. You’re as ready now as ever. Let go of any resentments and just do the thing you have been meaning to do.  Open yourself up to romance, to playfulness, to life. Romance comes in many forms, you may feel like romancing yourself with something special, or romancing a neighbor with a reminder that you’re there if they need anything. You have been holding on just a little too tightly and it is time to give it away and let it go. 


You are supported in any of the changes you’ve been thinking about making. Temporary, permanent, that doesn't matter so much right now. What does matter is that you are committed to following through on the things you say you want. You will have to believe and act as if you are fully supported before seeing the physical evidence of it, but you will. and the universe will rise to meet you. 


If you’ve been denying yourself something your heart desires, this is the time to say “no more.” You are being asked to come out of hiding and express yourself in ways most authentic to however you are feeling in the moment. Whatever comes up for you, you’re learning to trust in all of the facets of who you are. Release any doubt - especially any self doubt - and focus on continuing to do your best. Take care of your body and your brain in whatever way or combination of ways works for you. 


In a quest to see new worlds you may have been neglecting your own inner world. This is a beneficial time for you to dive into the deep end with some shadow work, uncover anything you have been repressing or running from. We all ebb and flow and go from periods of being external and internal, this is just one of those internal periods for you. You will emerge with new insights and a reinvigorated creative fire. 


This is a time your faith may be tested, and this is a time for you to keep your inner circle close. Keep your focus on how you can serve your immediate community, keeping in mind that every action creates a ripple effect. If you get too caught up in big picture thinking and feeling like there’s so much to do and just not enough time to do it in, think local, and take it day by day. 

(keep in mind that a full birth chart assessment is needed for a fully personalized reading!)

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at


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