Your Best Day Yet: Connecting the Dots of Your Morning & Evening Routines

Morning and evening routines have gained a lot of popularity in the wellness world and beyond. But these routines aren't just passing trends. They're a powerful practice that brings balance into our everyday life to help us lead more fulfilling lives.

You probably already know about the importance of these daily rituals, but what about the deep connection between them? 

If you really think about it, your morning routine sets the tone for your evening, and your evening routine sets the tone for your morning. One can’t successfully exist if the other is out of balance.

The key to achieving this balance is to curate morning and evening routines that complement each other. Good routines are highly impactful and offer many extraordinary benefits.

The Benefits of Daily Routines

Improves Mental Health

Routines help us plan. When we know we have to do something in advance, we won’t spend time stressing or overthinking. Of course, we can’t plan for everything— but using routines to prepare for what we can have been shown to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and enhance overall emotional well-being.

Promotes Productivity

When you practice something consistently you eventually perfect it and increase efficiency. You likely won’t even realize when it happens because you become so good at it that you do it without thinking. Not only do you become an expert, you also free up more time in your day.

Boosts Confidence

We’ve all experienced the satisfaction of checking things off our to-do lists. It not only brings us closer to our goals, but it also gives us a sense of accomplishment. This confidence boost isn’t reserved for big tasks either. Even small everyday tasks like making your bed gives you brain-boosting benefits.

Tips for Creating Intentional Routines

The beautiful thing about routines is that there are no rules. We’re all unique so what works for me, might not resonate with you— and that’s okay. The most important thing is your intention behind your routine. Here are some tips to help you create routines with intention.

Consider How You Want To Feel

When designing your routine, think about how you want to feel. This will help you build a routine that sparks those feelings. For example, to feel more calm throughout your day, you might add a morning meditation practice or an evening bath.

Make Sure It Resonates With You

Social media can make us feel like we’re missing out. It’s important not to compare yourself to others when creating your routine. Before doing something be sure to ask yourself “does this habit resonate with me?” It’s perfectly okay to pass on trends and habits that aren’t in alignment.

Have Realistic Expectations

Being intentional means creating practices that easily fit into your lifestyle. Because if it’s not practical for you, it will be difficult to stick to.

Whether you’re a stay at home mom or running a business by yourself, it’s important to be realistic about your time and responsibilities to create a routine that will bring true balance into your life. 

Be Flexible

While routines are great, it’s critical to remain flexible. Some days you might only have time for a short version of your routine. Or maybe you’re just not feeling up for it that day. Whatever the reason, it’s normal to tailor your routine as needed from day to day. The important thing is that you keep showing up.

Have Fun With It

This time is just for you so make sure you’re having fun with it. It could be as simple as wearing a cute headband for your skincare routine or dancing to your favorite song while you make breakfast. Bottom line, your routine shouldn’t feel forced.

Habit Stack

Instead of trying to master multiple new habits at once, consider habit stacking. Habit stacking is the idea of building new habits on top of old habits. For example, if you want to form a gratitude habit you can aim to think about something you’re grateful for every time you brush your teeth.

Your Ideal Morning and Evening Routines

We’ve laid out a simple morning and evening routine to help you build (or add onto) your own. You can take what resonates with you, leave what doesn’t, and tailor them to fit your lifestyle.


Make The Bed

Kicking off your morning with a small task like making you bed ensures you always have a positive start to the day. It feels good to have a clean space and is also a great motivator for the rest of the day.


We all know how important water is for the everyday functions in our bodies. Making a point to hydrate will keep you more focused and energized all day. Looking for some extra benefits? Dress up your water with fresh lemon and a pinch of sea salt.

Nourish Your Mind In Some Way

Our days can get busy. So it’s important to carve out time to nourish our minds, even if it’s just for ten minutes. Think about something you enjoy doing like journaling, meditating, reading, or listening to a podcast, and incorporate it into your mornings.

Move Your Body

Morning movement wakes your body up and gets your blood pumping. It’s a great way to release endorphins and give you lasting energy for the rest of your day. It doesn’t matter if it’s pilates, strength training, HIIT, or walking— the key is that it feels good in your body.

Take A Moment Of Gratitude

Before you move on with your day, practice being still and think of something you’re grateful for. It can be anything from your morning coffee or the sunlight shining through your window. Ending your morning with a few minutes of gratitude is the perfect way to close out your practice.


Prep For The Following Day

Kick off your evening by preparing for the next day. It could be writing your to-do lists, picking out your outfit, or getting your gym bag ready. This way you’re not constantly thinking about what you have to do tomorrow.

Tidy Up

Create a clutter-free space to wake up to in the morning. Set a timer for 20 minutes and clean up your workspace, living room, and kitchen. Simple things like folding blankets, putting the dishes away, and organizing your desk will have a positive impact on your mental and physical spaces.

Do Something That Brings You Joy

Now it’s time to do something purely for yourself. This can look like taking a candlelit bath, listening to music while doing your skincare routine, enjoying a sound bath meditation, or calling a friend. Whatever it is, it should ease you into a relaxed state.

Go Offline

At this point, your phone should be out of arm's reach. Go on airplane or DND mode, so we’re not tempted to check our notifications. If you have to use your electronic devices, invest in blue light blocking glasses or screen protectors.

Legs Up The Wall Practice

This yoga pose has become popular for its health benefits. Legs-up-the-wall can decrease inflammation, reduce stress, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Practice this pose from the comfort of your own bed, as you end your evening routine and prepare for sleep.

Routines Rooted In Intention

Crafting morning and evening routines that complement each other can help us achieve more balance in our lives. It's a daily practice that will inevitably evolve as we grow and change.

In the end it will always come down to our intentions. If we’re intentional with our routines, we can truly show up as our best selves each and every day.

Writer: Melina Panitsidis is a freelance writer and content creator living between New York and Greece. You can follow her on Instagram @melinapanits or connect via her website

Editor: Maeve Sullivan is a student at Georgetown University studying English and Government. She is a west coast enthusiast and loves all things reading and writing. You can learn more about Maeve on LinkedIn.

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