Your Astrological Guide to June 2022

Pull out your bikini, oversized sunglasses, and favorite mojito cocktail because June brings the #summervibes back! Let’s look at your astrological guide to June 2022.

astrological guide

A Snapshot of Astrology for May 2022:

On May 21st, the Sun joins Mercury in the sign of the twins, kicking off Gemini season 2022. As we embrace more flexibility, curiosity, and excitement, our inner guidance system is now focused on movement.

If you feel like you have 100 tabs open in your mind, tend to your inner mental space. Allow yourself some rest from constant distractions and look for ways to calm your hyperactive nervous system.

The New Moon in Gemini on May 30th definitely seals the deal for us as a collective, with the opportunity to set healthier bases for how we think, communicate and learn.

June 2022 Astrology At A Glance: 

Throughout June, you may feel like you’re pushing the gas and the brakes simultaneously. But, as contradictory as it may seem, the planets are indeed marching towards more pioneering and initiatory waters while at the same time slowing down (or even moving backward), inviting you to look within for the answers you seek.

In other words, this is the calm before the tempest. The human race is on the verge of another significant shift in consciousness this last half of 2022. The pace is picking up, and now is a great time to strategize and regroup to transform for the better.

astrological guide

June 3rd: Mercury stations direct in Taurus 

After a glitchy Mercury Retrograde, the planet of thoughts and communication goes direct in Taurus. As tempting as it may feel to rush into things again, take into account the post-shadow phase of Mercury, which will end on June 18th.

Use this time to harness your mental powers back into action and to put all the odds in your favor to reach your goals.

June 4th: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius

Saturn is the great taskmaster of the Zodiac – a planet of karma, limitations, and growth through hardship. So when this powerhouse moves backward, it’s important to remember to accept the potential challenges, ordeals, trials, and obstructions that may arise.

Get rid of the old structures and systems, especially those linked with technology, novelty, freedom, and how you view yourself within your community. Get ready to rethink your long-term commitments and embrace the trials and errors you may encounter along the way. 

June 6th: Sun sextile Chiron

This minor aspect is an ideal opportunity to heal, transform and transmute. Chiron, the wounded healer of the Zodiac, represents the areas where our scars may still feel fresh but where we can harness tremendous amounts of wisdom.

Locate the things that may cause you shame, guilt, or sadness regarding your identity. What (or who) made you feel small in the past? Reconnect with what makes you truly unique, and use your gifts as a talent to help others. 

This transit could serve as a stepping stone to share something from your past that has wounded you yet shaped you into today’s person. Whatever vulnerability you express, your courage and bravery will be seen and rewarded.

June 10th: Mercury trine Pluto

As the messenger of the Gods and the Lord of the underworld join forces, your communication and need for power are harmonizing and finding ways to bring you success and opportunities.

This is a big day to negotiate, convince large audiences, and write or record a podcast. But, your voice has power, and with the grounding energy of Taurus and Capricorn, you can make excellent wording and storytelling choices that can help you maximize your benefits.

Guide to June 2022

June 11th: Venus conjunct Uranus

Expect the unexpected! Surprises, rapid changes, and extreme volatility are in the air with this transit that will directly affect your love life, finances, and desires. Venus rules over matters of the heart, what we long for, and what we find value and beauty in, while Uranus is the maverick of the Zodiac, the avant-garde non-conformist who wants to start a revolution.

When Uranus joins Venus in her sign of rulership, get ready to feel a need for fresh air and stimulation. If any of your relationships is stagnant or unhealthy, there could be some risk-taking and abrupt plot twists.

Impulse buying, financial losses, stock market fluctuations, and funky events could pop up, so make sure to channel your primal urges in advance. The inverse is also a possibility, with sudden gains of money, new love encounters, gifts, or an invitation to spice things up in your relationship.

June 13th: Mercury enters Gemini 

Once more, Mercury enters the witty and hive-minded Gemini. Since Mercury rules Gemini, summer is just about to get wild. With your thoughts gliding smoother, you will be feeling chatty, curious, excited, and even prone to bickering or gossiping. 

To fulfill your inner urge to nourish your mind, focus on the topics, subjects, conversations, and ideas that will help you move forward. This is especially true since Gemini tends to be fractal, sometimes causing distraction, anxieties, and mind-clutter. 

Use these upcoming weeks to learn new things, attend seminars or workshops, go on day trips and organize short-distance travels.

June 14th: Full Moon in Sagittarius 

Sagittarius is the sign of philosophical pursuits and the metaphor of the pilgrim going on a voyage to seek knowledge and expansion. With the full moon representing a time of fruition, culmination, and release, you are invited to step into your inner Indiana Jones!

This lunar transit is a one-way ticket to having fun, branching out, and looking at the world from a rose-colored glass. Do read the label on the back of the ticket: “Non-refundable. Not responsible for lost items or injuries. Safeguard your kids, your pockets, your feelings, and your liver at all times.”

June 18th: Venus squares Saturn

Some of the greatest life lessons come from broken hearts and disappointments. On June 18th, life may seem gloomy, and your everyday burdens may weigh heavier on you. You could feel restricted or limited by your partner / financial situation or have difficulty dealing with authority figures. Whatever the case may be for you, make room for compassion and practice patience. 

Venus in Taurus deals with finances; Saturn represents structures and foundations, while Aquarius represents technology and freedom. With this combination, set systems in place such as passive sources of income or remote work arrangements to grow your finances.

Astrological Guide to June 2022

June 19th: Venus sextile Neptune

When the sensual, romantic, and pleasure-filled Venus in Taurus winks at the dreamy, fantasy-oriented Neptune in Pisces, the day will be a one-of-a-kind date night with either yourself or your partner. Set the mood for love and embrace your fantasies!

June 20th: Mercury sextile Jupiter

Bigger the dream, the better the outcome. With excellent visualization skills and a broad vision of the future, this transit is a game-changer in making decisions, problem-solving, and communication.

As you feel more optimistic and energized to express yourself, others are also more likely to be open to receiving and engaging in your wanderlust. If you’re preparing for a test, taking an online course, or learning something new, this harmonious get-together of mind and higher mind, curiosity, and drive could get you extraordinary results.

June 21st: Summer Solstice / Sun enters Cancer

Undeniably the most important transit of the month, the summer solstice marks the beginning of Cancer season and kicks off the summer of 2022 in the Northern Hemisphere. As the longest day of the year, our awareness is now called towards our family, heart center, and home. This is a time for growth and a reminder to find the nourishment you need.

June 22nd: Venus enters Gemini

When the planet of love and finances, Venus, enters the chatty and peculiar Gemini, our love and passions become fueled with curiosity and a sense of discovery. Anything boring, dull, or tedious will be out of the window. Surround yourself with variety, meet with spellbinding individuals, listen to inspiring podcasts online, and watch an enthralling movie. Whatever you do, make it worth your while!

The upcoming four weeks could also be excellent times for casual flirts and original dates. Watch out for the overly playful and aloof side of Gemini, though. This tendency for fickleness could get you into potential downfalls or misunderstandings. 

Having all your eggs in one basket isn’t for you at the time, but do remember your commitments and your priorities. Do not burn any bridges over fleeting wants and desires… This applies to your relationships, but also to work opportunities and finances.

Pro tip: Locating where Gemini falls in your birth chart could help you determine which area in your life will be directly affected with more accuracy.

June 28th: New Moon in Cancer 

Ruled by the moon, Cancer represents our motherly side and our ability to nurture and be nurtured. And when the moon moves through these waters, expect your emotions to be more sensitive and moody than ever before.

The new moon is a fresh new emotional cycle unfolding, so allow yourself the necessary space and privacy to “feel all the feels”. Gifting yourself a day of self-care could reveal itself to be magical. Use this new moon to set new goals to empower your emotional security, family, and home and link with the past.

June 28th: Neptune retrograde in Pisces 

In astrology, Neptune rules over fantasies, dreams, spirituality, and altered states of consciousness. However, during the planet’s retrograde, the veil of illusions may be lifted, forcing you to separate fact from fiction. The world around you could feel like a giant Alice in Wonderland maze, but rest assured, this transit is here to wake us up as a collective to the illusions, deceits, and mass psychosis of the last couple of years.

Shake off your addictions, your confusion, and your escapism. Let go of the victimization and own up to the hard truths of life. You may realize that many of the problems you’re trying to solve lately could look much smaller the minute you stop gaslighting yourself.

June 2022 Affirmations:

For the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): 

  • I have the power to create a significant and wildly passionate life for myself.

  • I date to be vulnerable.

  • I am capable of achieving anything I focus my energy towards.

For the Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn):

  • I take full responsibility for my past, present, and future.

  • When others see a wall, I see a door for opportunity.

  • I invite novelty, variety, and fun into my life.

For the Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius):

  • My voice is a vessel for palpable change and transformation.

  • I speak the truth with clarity, authority, and compassion.

  • I deserve a life filled with enchantment, miracles, and magic.

For the Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces):

  • I am ready to nourish my soul and look after my needs.

  • My dreams are in perfect alignment with reality.

  • I am important, and what I do with my life matters.

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website, YouTube or Instagram where she shares cosmic wisdom for daily life.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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