What's The Meaning of Houses In Astrology?

Are you confused about "houses" in astrology? Rest assured, astrology is not secretly trying to sell you villas and condos but rather helping you better navigate your life's experiences. Today's article will help you understand the meaning of houses in astrology and how you can interpret them in your birth chart.

Meaning Of Houses In Astrology

Astrology consists of four major components: planets, signs, aspects, and houses. Learning about houses is, therefore, a fundamental step if you're trying to make sense of your birth chart. Planets represent the archetypal faculty expressed, the "what." Zodiac signs represent "how" this energy will express itself.

Aspects stand for the dynamic and the relationship between your planets. And last but not least, houses represent "where" the energy is likely to be manifested and experienced in your life. Astrologically, a house is a field of experience.

This can be a physical location, people, outside events, circumstances, and personal life experiences wherein the energies of the signs and planets operate.

The 12 Houses of the Zodiac

There are 12 houses representing an aspect or zone of your life. Here's what each house means:

1st House: House of Self - I AM

Personal branding, looks, physical appearance, traits, your handshake, outlook on life, the first impression given to others, beginnings, attitude, sense of ego, life approach, defense mechanisms when thrown into a new environment, and courage.

2nd House of Value - I HAVE

Money, income, sources of revenue, possessions, acquisitions, self-worth, collections, what you see as valuable, what you treasure, assets, wealth, resources, and physical senses.

3rd House of Sharing - I THINK

Communication, perception, intelligence, speech patterns, asking questions, learning style, love language, short-distance travels, learning, facts, how you give and receive information, data, siblings, and early environment.

4th House of Home and Family - I FEEL

Family, home, roots, ancestry, foundations, parents, motherhood, household affairs, security, safety, sense of comfort, genealogy, DNA, and lineage.

5th House of Pleasure - I CREATE

Fun, pleasure, children, inner child, entertainment, games, laughter, romance, fertility, casual sex, creativity, arts, self-expression, acting, theater, sense of worth.

6th House of Health - I SERVE

Health, diet, habits, daily routines, skills, co-workers, work environment, wellness, healing, helpfulness, pets, caretaking, and systems.

7th House of Balance - I PARTNER

Marriage, diplomacy, peace-keeping, partnerships, contracts, collaborations, how you feel about what others think of you, harmony, co-dependency, people-pleasing, and cooperation.


Inner power, sexuality, cycles of life and death, transmutation, merging, emotional bonding, intimacy, karma, regeneration, ego death, joint funds, taxes, other people's resources, and debt.

9th House of GROWTH - I EXPLORE

Expansion, growth, long-distance travel, rites of passage, pilgrimages, existential questions, higher education, wisdom, teaching, knowledge, philosophical pursuits, belief systems, faith, exploration, foreign affairs, culture, and law.

10th House of PURPOSE - I ACHIEVE

Career, life ambition, motivation, achievements, reputation, public image, notoriety, authority, father figures, long-term goals, and legacy.

11th House of FUTURE - I ASPIRE

Friends, like-minded individuals, large groups, corporations, soul family tribes, sense of belonging, communities, associations, charity, humanitarian work, networking, wishes, dreams, wealth building, inspiration, technology, and social media.

12th House of DREAMS - I DREAM

Dreams, unconsciousness, intuition, revelations, secrets, privacy, miracles, release, letting go, surrender, healing, purging, finality, transcendence, hidden enemies, isolation, seclusion, secrets, addictions, and endings.

3 Steps to Interpret Houses In Your Birth Chart 

Are you still trying to figure out how to grab the key to your 12 houses and open the door of unlimited possibilities for yourself? Follow these three steps!

step one:

Look at the zodiac sign on your house's cusp (or first degree). The characteristics of this sign will help you determine how you feel, receive and experience the life themes related to the house in question.

For example, if Cancer is the sign at the cusp of your second house, you have an emotional and sentimental approach to values, possessions, and money. You put a lot of heart into building wealth and assign meaning to each of your possessions.

Step Two:

The second step is taking a look at the planets in your house. Their attributes and nature are critical intel into the spirit of experiences you might encounter during your lifetime with the themes of the house in question.

To follow our example, if Mars and Jupiter roam in your Cancerian second house, you will have a go-getter attitude toward money. You're lucky when it comes to finances, but you also experience risks, accidents, and carelessness.

Driven, motivated, yet deeply emotionally invested in everything you possess or invest in, you will stop at nothing to protect what you cherish and value.

Step Three

The third and last step is taking a closer look at your house ruler and his overall condition in your birth chart. If your house ruler is negatively aspected or in fall, the affairs of the house he rules over will feel that turmoil. Remember that every “hard” aspect in astrology, such as squares and oppositions, is an opportunity to grow.

For more intel on planetary rulership and a cheat sheet to help you assign each sign to its planet, read our article on annual profections.

To keep up with the example, if the Moon (who rules the sign of Cancer) is in your 11th house, your income may be linked with technology, social media, humanitarian work, large groups, or corporations. Idealistic and altruistic, the adage "Your network is your net worth" is your mantra.

The more supportive, like-minded individuals you surround yourself with over this lifetime, the more ease and flow will enter your house of income.

Meaning of Houses In Astrology

Houses in Astrology FAQs

Do Astrology Houses Change? 

Astrological houses don’t change, just like the rest of the birth chart placements. What does change over time is your perception, integration, and understanding.

If you’re more astrologically advanced, look into your secondary progressions, also called the progressed chart, which offers great insight into the unfoldment of your personality and how you “evolve” with your chart through the years.

Are houses fixed in astrology?

The fixed houses in the zodiacal wheel are the second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh. These houses correspond with the four fixed signs of the Zodiac: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

How many houses are in astrology? 

There are 12 houses in astrology.

How to activate houses in astrology? 

Astrological houses can be activated through external means (encounters, meetings, circumstances, events..). These external forces will act as a catalyst that will help you tap into the resources of the house in question. The houses can also be activated internally, from the inside out.

This requires reflection, self-awareness, and the will to face the challenges that may arise.

Why are there 12 houses in astrology?

As a map of your human evolution, the 12 houses of astrology are aligned with the 12 zodiac signs.

Which is the most important house in astrology?

Contrary to what some astrologers may claim, all astrological houses are important. To miss a single “step” on the ladder of life could result in total disaster. Just like you need all your human organs to function, a good life implies a healthy dose of reverence for the matters of all your houses.

But this doesn’t mean that some houses won’t yield a stronger impact on you. To learn about the house that will command the most time, energy, and attention from you in this lifetime, check where you have the most activity, such as a stellium (cluster of planets in the same sign) or the presence of your north node.

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer and Spiritual Mentor who desires to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube, or Instagram, where she shares cosmic wisdom for daily life.

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Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.


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