The Ultimate Guide to Survive Mercury Retrograde September 2022

The third annual Mercury retrograde is upon us. From September 9 to October 1, Mercury will move through two signs of the zodiac, Libra and Virgo. This time the planet of perception is not joking around. Let’s unpack what this Mercury retrograde has in store for you and how you can survive this transit.

Mercury retrograde

So, what is Mercury Retrograde & how does it affect you?

Mercury rules our communication, thoughts, and mental intellect. As one of the fastest-moving planets of the solar system, the “messenger of the god” goes retrograde 3-4 times a year. With each journey, there is one main goal in order: introspection.

Some classic manifestations of Mercury retrograde that you may have experienced in the past include: proofreading your emails, revisiting old ideas, reconsidering your goals or a project, giving someone from your past a second chance, or struggling with technology and outdated systems.


How to Survive the Third Mercury Retrograde of 2022

This September transit is way more than chaos and mischief. It’s a cosmic window that challenges you to think outside of the box. 

Some questions worth keeping in mind during this time: 

  • What mental blockages do I need to overcome?

  • How can I work with or through my inner constraints?

  • Which thought or communication pattern should I release at this moment?

 Life could feel like a confusing maze during these upcoming weeks. Unless you’re willing to listen to your inner whistle-blower, your mental fog won’t dissipate. So rest as much as needed and schedule mindful lazy afternoons or mornings often.

The key to surviving this Mercury retrograde? Be flexible, be discerning with your words, turn your attention inward, and flow with change.

Mercury retrograde

September 2022: Important Dates for Mercury Retrograde

  • Shadow phase: August 22 to September 9

  • Mercury Rx in Libra: September 9 to September 23

  • Mercury Rx in Virgo: September 23 to October 2

  • Mercury stationary direct on October 2

  • Post shadow phase: October 2 to October 16


How to Survive Mercury Retrograde in Libra: September 9-23

 Astrologically, Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of romance, values, and abundance. A Mercury retrograde in Libra asks us to think about what stands in our way. 

  • On love: How are you sabotaging, selling yourself short, or keeping yourself stuck in your relationships?

  • On money: How can you alter your perception of money to achieve even more wealth and luxury?

  • On values: How can you infuse more beauty, peace, and art into your everyday life?

This retrograde could also bring awareness to what is or isn’t working in your relationships. Expect a potentially serious conversation with your loved ones. If you’ve been feeling misunderstood or out of balance, these upcoming weeks may be the cure you need to walk the middle path again.

To discover journaling prompts you can use to help you with this transit, check out our September 2022 Astrology Guide.

Mercury retrograde

How to Survive Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: September 23-October 2

The next stop on Mercury’s backward journey is Virgo. Usually exalted and comfortable in this earthy sign, a Mercury retrograde in Virgo shifts our focus from our relationships to our thoughts, habits, and health.

Critical, analytical, and detail-oriented, Virgo energy is all about refining. Ask yourself: 

  • What areas in my life should I upgrade now?

  • What areas in my life should I embrace and accept?

Your mission during this transit is to discover the fine line between self-development vs. self-consciousness, practicality vs. cynicism, and dedication vs. perfectionism.

This Mercury retrograde in Virgo is a perceptive time and can help you step away from cycles of constant  “healing” and “improvement.” Instead of seeing yourself as an eternal work in progress, gaze in the mirror and embody the masterpiece you already are!

Only through radical acceptance of yourself and others will you be able to thrive during these upcoming anxiety-flavored weeks.

Mercury retrograde

Mercury Retrograde Journaling Prompts For Each Zodiac Sign

Look within during this Mercury retrograde with the following journal prompts. Make sure to look for your rising sign first, followed by your sun and moon sign. Download your birth chart.


How are your habits and routines serving your relationships?

How can you harmonize between your needs and the needs of others?


How can you add magic and bliss to your everyday life?

How can you merge chaos and order?


How can you foster more creativity within your home?

How can you feel safe while creating the vision you believe in?


How can you better communicate your need for security?

How can you cultivate healthy intellectual stimulation?

Mercury retrograde


How can your communication skills and thoughts empower your finances?

How can you better diversify or solidify your income streams?


How can you use your personal branding to build more wealth?

How can you align your public image with your core values?


How can you better express your inner self to the world?

How can you become an effortless manifestor?


How can your intuition and psychic awareness help you serve humanity?

How can you nurture more open and transcendental friendships?


How can you better use your network to build a career for yourself?

How can you turn your vocation into a service that benefits communities?


How can you expand your vision to build success for yourself?

How can you carve a legacy from your life’s voyages and philosophy?


How can you reconcile your desire to wander and your desire to settle in?

How can your life adventures and beliefs help fuel your inner strength?


How can you create more intimacy and vulnerability in your relationships?

How can you make peace with losing control as you surrender fully to love? 


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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website, YouTube or Instagram where she shares cosmic wisdom for daily life.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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