March 2023 Astrology: Saturn Enters Pisces & Pluto Enters Aquarius

March 2023 is a transformative month in astrology as it marks the entrance of two powerful planets into new signs. Saturn enters Pisces on March 7, while Pluto enters Aquarius on March 24.

These transits are set to profoundly impact the collective and individual levels, ushering in new energies and themes for the next few years. Collectively and individually, March's cosmic shifts are here to bring evolution, growth, and new sets of gifts (and challenges) our way.

Here's what you can expect from the astrological energies in March 2023.

Full Moon in Virgo

March 2023 Astrological Transits

  • Mercury enters Pisces (March 2) 

  • Full Moon in Virgo - Saturn enters Pisces (March 7) 

  • Juno enters Taurus (March 11) 

  • Venus enters Taurus (March 16) 

  • Spring Equinox - Sun enters Aries (March 20) 

  • New Moon in Aries (March 21)

  • Pluto enters Aquarius (March 23) 

  • Mars enters Cancer (March 25) 

  • Venus in Taurus conjunct Uranus (March 30)

Mercury enters Pisces (March 2) 

On March 2, Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Pisces, the sign of intuition and sensitivity. This transit will last until March 21, when Mercury will move into Aries. This transit is a great time to connect with our spiritual side and explore our inner world.

Mercury in Pisces is when our thoughts and communication become more intuitive, emotional, and imaginative. We may find ourselves more in tune with our feelings and ability to empathize.

However, Mercury in Pisces can also bring challenges. We are more prone to confusion, as our thoughts can become muddled and unclear. It's vital to be mindful of miscommunications and to take time to clarify any misunderstandings.

Suggested activities: 

March 2023 Astrological Transits

Full Moon in Virgo (March 7)

As winter comes to a close, it's the perfect opportunity to bring some much-needed clarity and order to your daily life. On March 7, we will experience a Full Moon in Virgo, a sign known for its attention to detail and practicality. 

But don't fall prey to the trap of perfectionism or self-criticism, lest you be bogged down by an endless stream of to-do lists. With a square to the aggressive and accident-prone Mars, it's essential to slow down during this week.

The Full Moon also marks a time of culmination and manifestation, so take a moment to reflect on what you've been building since August 27, 2022. This week may bring closure to some of the themes in play back then, leaving you feeling refreshed and energized for what's to come.

Suggested activities: 

Saturn enters Pisces (March 7)

On March 7, Saturn, the planet of structure, responsibility, and limitation, will enter the sign of Pisces, where it will remain until 2025. Saturn is the planet that represents our personal and societal boundaries and governs our sense of discipline, accountability, and authority.

When Saturn enters Pisces, the energy shifts from grounded and practical to more emotional and spiritual. We may need to focus on our emotional and spiritual growth rather than our material achievements.

Saturn's presence in Pisces can also be a time of significant growth and transformation, particularly regarding our relationship with ourselves and our connection to the divine. We may become more disciplined in our spiritual practices or discover new ways to connect with our intuition and inner wisdom.


  • How can I honor my daydreams and bring my visions to fruition?

  • Am I living in my biased bubble, or am I actually in touch with reality?

  • How can I be in an ecstatic union with the world, others, and myself?

  • How do I consciously or unconsciously choose to escape from reality?

  • What states of hypnosis am I bound to? 

  • How can I break free and “sober up to what is”?

march 2023 astrology

Juno enters Taurus (March 11)

On March 11, Juno, the asteroid of commitment and partnership, enters Taurus, the sign of stability and sensuality. This transit will last until April 26 and is set to bring about a time of peace and commitment in our relationships.

Taurus is a sign that values security and stability, and with Juno's influence, we may feel a stronger desire to commit to our partners and build long-term, stable relationships.

This transit can also bring about a greater focus on sensuality and physical pleasure as we seek to deepen our connections with our partners on a physical level.

Venus enters Taurus (March 16)

On March 16, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Taurus, the sign of stability and sensuality. This transit will last until April 10 and is set to bring about a time of sensual pleasures, material comforts, and an appreciation for beauty.

From money to matters of the heart, you will glow and blossom in the presence of people (and things) that allow you to drop into your body and enjoy all of your senses and the finer things of life.

During this transit, it's essential to be mindful of our spending habits and practice moderation, as Taurus can sometimes be excessive.

Saturn enters Pisces

Mercury enters Aries (March 18)

On March 18, Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, enters Aries, the sign of action and initiative. This transit will last until April 3, and is set to bring about a time of dynamic communication, quick thinking, and a desire to take action.

Aries is a sign that values independence and action, and with Mercury's influence, we may find ourselves speaking our minds more freely and boldly.

This transit can bring greater confidence in our ideas and opinions, and we may be more willing to take risks and pursue our goals with greater enthusiasm and energy.

While it's great to have an inner burning fire, you need to be careful not to burn any bridges. Diplomacy and tact should be your allies to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings.

Spring Equinox - Sun enters Aries (March 20) 

Happy astrological new year, besties! Spring has sprung in the Northern hemisphere, and the sun is now moving into the pioneering sign of the Ram. The upcoming four weeks are about renewal and having the courage and confidence to become the person you were training over the past months to evolve.

So fasten your seatbelt because Aries brings the heat, adding momentum and excitement to our lives. 

Suggested activities: 

  • Try something new 

  • Go on a day trip 

  • Nurture your relationships with friends and family 

New Moon in Aries (March 21)

On March 21, we will experience a New Moon in Aries, marking a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and growth opportunities. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is associated with action, passion, and confidence, making this New Moon a powerful time to set intentions and take the first steps toward our goals.

During this New Moon, we may feel motivated to pursue our dreams and take risks. Stay open, and you will be able to seize the new opportunities bound to come your way. It has never been a better time to embrace the #LuckyGirlSyndrome and enter your #MainCharacterEra!

P.S.: April 20, brings a rare second Aries new moon and solar eclipse, offering a lucky opportunity to revisit and revitalize whatever you initiate today. In other words: whatever you set in motion now will have a second burst of cosmic support a month from now.

Pluto enters Aquarius

Pluto enters Aquarius (March 23)

Be prepared to glimpse our life's most significant planetary transit as Pluto briefly enters Aquarius on March 23. Although its visit will be short, its effects on our lives in the coming months will be critical in shaping our future for the next two decades.

Pluto is a planet associated with profound transformation and evolution, while Aquarius is a sign that values freedom, individuality, and progress. This transit can bring about a decisive shift in our collective consciousness and a revolution in how we approach innovation and technology.

Keep a close eye on the changes and transformations that unfold until June 11, as they will usher us into the Age of Aquarius, with its space-age, utopian (or dystopian?) new set of codes and rules.

We may see a shift towards more progressive and unconventional thinking as we embrace the power of innovation, community, and collective action.

It's important to remember that transformation and evolution can be intense and uncomfortable with Pluto's influence. As a result, we may face challenges and obstacles as we navigate this powerful transit.

Mars enters Cancer (March 25)

On March 25, Mars will enter the sign of Cancer, marking a shift towards a more emotional and nurturing energy. We may feel a greater sense of protectiveness and emotional sensitivity towards ourselves and those around us. 

Since Mars in Cancer can manifest as pent-up anger and passive-aggressive resentment, there may be turbulences within your family or home life. Luckily, you will have more than enough energy to work towards restoring peace in your inner circle.

Suggested activities:

  • Connect with your loved ones

  • Focus on "nesting" in your home environment

Venus in Taurus conjunct Uranus (March 30)

Expect the unexpected today! On March 30, we will experience a powerful astrological alignment as Venus in Taurus forms a conjunction with Uranus. This alignment can bring unexpected and sudden changes in our relationships, values, and desires.

Suggested activities: 

  • Follow your impulses 

  • Do cardio to release restlessness

  • Try something new in the bedroom 

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, the entrance of Saturn into Pisces and Pluto into Aquarius marks a significant time of growth and transformation in astrology. As we navigate these energies, we may be called to examine our beliefs and values and explore our inner world in a more structured and disciplined way.

We may also see a transformation in our political and social structures as we move towards a more innovative and individualistic approach to power and authority. So let us embrace these energies and use them to create positive change in our lives and the world around us.

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic, and Spiritual Mentor who wants to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website (, YouTube, or Instagram.

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Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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