Libra Full Moon Horoscopes

The full moon in Libra peaks on Sunday, March 28 at 2:48 pm EDT. Aries season is all about asserting our independence and individuality, and the Libra full moon comes in to remind us to share all that love we have found for ourselves and spread it around.

Libra Full Moon Horoscopes

This can look like undertaking a cause that is important to you, championing rights of those less fortunate, donating time, money, attention, or whatever you can give to the people and movements that you care about. We have seen in this past year how getting involved in clear and consistent ways makes a world of difference. 

This a harmonious and balanced full moon which officially signifies the end of the winter season. As the snow melts, so do our hearts melt and we are renewed with an appreciation of what we have learned since autumn, and look forward to the spring and summer months that we have ahead of us, full of opportunities to have fun with the people that we love, and work and play our way to tomorrow, together. 

Work and Play Quote

On April 3, Mercury joins Venus and the sun in Aries, a perfect time to start something brand new that has been calling to you. Maybe this time last year you weren’t ready to begin but now you are. We have all stretched our comfort zones beyond the limits of what we thought were possible, so now is as good a time as any to go for it, with the support of Aries on your side. 

Libra Full Moon Horoscopes

Aries Horoscope:

Your partnerships and one-on-one relationships are highlighted under this full moon. Take the lead and create a plan to have some fun.

Taurus Horoscope:

New light is coming in, pay attention to the details but also pay attention to how the situation makes you feel, rather than what you think about it.

Gemini Horoscope:

You are learning new things and open to new adventures, stay open to new perspectives and possibilities and you’ll know what to do.

Cancer Horoscope:

This is a good time to assess where in your life you are settling for less than you want, need, and deserve, and take the necessary action steps to get back on track.

Leo Horoscope:

This full moon is a good time to take a small trip. A camping trip or even a day-long field trip to somewhere you have not yet been should do the trick.

Virgo Horoscope:

This full moon is a good time to do some spring cleaning and reprioritize what matters the most to you going forward. Be okay with letting go.

Libra Horoscope:

Tune into your creative self-expression and allow yourself to act on your impulses. Your thinking mind is there to protect you, but you’re safe to trust your heart now

Scorpio Horoscope:

Use this full moon to focus on the things that bring you back home to yourself and make you feel healed and whole.

Sagittarius Horoscope:

Hang out with your friends under this full moon, perhaps with an outdoor moon gathering or a hike, somewhere you can connect with each other and with nature

Capricorn Horoscope:

Pay attention to your home and surroundings during this full moon. It may be a time to redecorate completely so that your home space reflects who you are now.  

Aquarius Horoscope:

Romance yourself under the light of this full moon. Light candles, paint a portrait, cook yourself your favorite meal. However you do it, do it with all your heart and enjoy. 

Pisces Horoscope:

Trust in your routine at this time, the time to play will come later but this season you need a little bit of structure in order to get to where you want to be. 

Want to learn to manifest, cleanse and get a little witchy over the course of 29 days of the lunar cycle? Join us in Culte La Lune.

Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at


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