Super Full Moon in Libra: Affirmations For Each Sign

A Super Full Moon at 8°18’ of Libra is coming up this March 28th at 6:49 pm. This is the perfect time to find harmony in our relationship with others, and with ourselves.

This last New Moon in Pisces was the opportunity for us to prepare for a fresh start. Collectively, we might be making major changes and decisions, especially starting this first Super Full Moon of the Astrological year. Drop into your body this week and allow your intuition to guide you: it is always your best compass.

Full Moon in Libra

Full Moons represent a culmination point, and when a Full Moon occurs at “perigee”, which means at its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. This gives the Moon’s energy even more power and impact.

The Sun and the Moon, our outer and inner self, are opposing each other during this Worm Moon. At one hand, the pioneering sign of Aries; on the other, the cooperative Libra. The emphasis on this Self vs Others axis invites us to find balance between meeting the needs of others and meeting our own.

This week is truly an ideal time to release what doesn’t serve us anymore. Make sure to let go of any negative patterns that hold you back and hinder your growth. Being diplomatic is a quality, being a doormat isn’t!

The Sun, Chiron and Venus are in a Stellium at 8° of Aries, so conflicts and arguments may arise. Watch out for aggressive impulses: don’t react, act! Setting clear boundaries within your relationships may help you avoid any uncomfortable situations. Before making any major decision, I recommend you ask yourself the question: is my heart aligned with my head?

Moreover, with all the planets direct and a Grand Air Trine (Moon in Libra, Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius), you are called to birth the ideas and projects you’ve been sleeping on. If you’ve been waiting for a sign, this is the momentum you need!

Ruled by Venus, the sign of Libra also represents beauty. Because of this, this Super Full Moon is a reminder to take a look at the world around you with fresh new lenses. Open your heart to receive, write a gratitude list and embody the love you have within. Tap into your Inner Divine Feminine and invoke the archetype of receptivity and openness.

Affirmations to assist each Zodiac sign during this Super Full Moon in Libra:

Full Moon Mantras.jpg


My relationships bring me joy and happiness, and I approach them with kindness and patience.


I accept applause and recognition for my ideas, work and contributions.


Creativity, inspiration and passion runs through me effortlessly.


Every day I move closer to the ideal home for me. I allow myself to rest, sleep and self-care.


I am continuously provided for. Joy and excitement guide me towards fulfilling my dreams.


I am a powerful manifestor and I am open to receive beyond measure.


I am deeply connected to my Higher Self. I love and honor myself as much as I love and honor others.


I embrace my healing process. I allow my ancestors and guides to inspire me every step of the way.


Following my dreams guides me towards change, progress and even more opportunities.


As I lead with grace, wealth, money and prosperity follow me wherever I go.


I am capable of magical things. I am open to expand my belief system and to dive into what I don’t know I don’t know.


I release all the blockages that keep me from reaching my dreams. I transmute all negativity into love and growth.

Want to dive in deeper into Lunar Living? Join us in Culte La Lune.

Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their divine nature. You can follow her journey on YouTube or Instagram.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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