October Full Moon in Aries: Unleash Your Inner Warrior

Mark the 20th of October on your calendars! As we enter the spooky season with its share of pumpkin spice lattes, cozy nights, and crunchy leaves, we are reaching an energetic tipping point with a powerful Full Moon happening at 27°25’ of Aries.

October Full Moon in Aries Unleash Your Inner Warrior (1).jpg

The first half of the month of October has been busy for us in many ways. Since multiple planets are starting to move out of retrograde and into direct motion, we will collectively feel clearer about our destination and goals.

This Hunter’s Moon, or the first Full Moon after the Autumn Equinox, represents momentum, an acceleration process where we need to ride the wagon quickly before the opportunity door closes.

Remember to put your energy into what you want to build and create: Is your money, time, and attention feeding the old structures, habits, and systems; or is it feeding the new realities you want to create for yourself?

Full Moon over the ocean

Tapping into the Warrior Archetype

When I was a child, I remember falling in love with Lucy Lawless is Xena, the warrior princess. As a fan of mythology, history, heroes, and badass women, Xena represented the perfect blend of who I wanted to become someday.

With this Full Moon in Aries coming up soon, I am thinking that there is no better image of the energies we need to embody than Xena herself.

With a helping hand from Jupiter, this week is an amazing time to express and enjoy ourselves, unfiltered. If you’ve been aiming at learning new things, joining a new course, or starting a new business venture: this is an excellent time to act.

Channel the courage, drive and fire Aries is all about. Allow your inner warrior princess to take the reins. If you must picture yourself as Xena to get things done: do it!

Since Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, a new 6-month cycle is unraveling. This new chapter of manifestations is calling us to embrace our inner warrior archetype and to be brave as we may be met with situations that require us to act with courage.

As a reminder, the Full Moon is a time in the month when the Moon and the Sun are at complete opposites in the sky. In this disposition, the Sun’s light is shining upon the Moon, unveiling our emotions and bringing all that’s hidden to the surface.

This month, this Full Moon is happening in the Aries Libra axis, with Mars also conjunct the Sun. Since Mars rules over Aries, this lunar phase promises to be extra fiery, with passion and hot-headed energies through the roof.

The Aries Libra axis represents Self vs Others, how we build our personal identity vs the collective identity. This dynamic of “Me vs You” will be present, bringing some competitiveness and clashes to the forefront.

Win the war over yourself to succeed

Aries is the sign of the adventurer, the warrior who goes out to explore, head first. Naturally bold and courageous, the ram can also turn into pure selfishness and lack of consideration for others. The total opposite of the agreeable and diplomatic Libra.

During this week, the cosmos is calling you to integrate more lionhearted and valiant qualities; but at the same time, to stay mindful not to tilt these emotions into rage, anger, or violence.

As exciting and energizing as it may be to act, react and respond to external stimuli, make sure to not allow your emotions to get the best of you. 

Brawling for the sake of brawling can lead to disastrous consequences. “The wise warrior avoids the battle,” said Sun Tzu in his famous book The Art of War. Indeed, it is much better for you to focus on winning the battle, not just a single fight.

With Mercury in Libra still in its post-shadow phase, I recommend you pick those “battles” wisely. And watch out for conversations that may degenerate. 

If you find yourself caught up in a situation that feels like it is escalating quickly, I advise you to call forth the Libra energy within you and to live by its principles: diplomacy, peace-keeping, and compromise.

Sometimes, and that’s part of the journey as well, even our best attempts to reach an agreement or mutual respect fail. This could be the case if the people in front of us don’t have our best interests at heart.

If you’re in that position, do not yield. Stand your ground and show kindness and mercy, but also firm strength and plucky wits. And also, it would be a good time to ask yourself: Do I want to stay in such an environment? Do I want to allow such people to have access to me and my energy?

You are magic

Take it easy, don’t rush!

Another important aspect of this Full Moon is the T-square between the Sun, the Moon, and Pluto at 24°22' of Capricorn. This could open the doors for some tense and challenging times.

To draw a caricature, the Sun represents our identity, our core Self. The Moon is our emotions, but also the hearts of the people. Pluto is related to death, transformation, and rebirth and Capricorn speaks of authority figures, big organizations, and structures. Mix these elements together, and you can easily see the global events turning into more turmoil and turbulence.

All I have to say about this T-Square is to stay alert, stand in your truth, and do not get tangled up in the unnecessary 3D drama. You better believe that all is happening in the best-case scenario. As ugly and painful as the ride may be, it is getting us exactly where we need to go.

Besides, Pluto also represents the process of eliminating what no longer works in order to birth new life. So, on an individual level, you could be feeling the compulsion to let go of things or people this week.

Make sure your decisions serve your highest good and that you are not born out of the heat of the moment. If you do decide to part ways with the old -whatever it may represent for you, I invite you to perform a release ritual to bring about a sense of closure. 

Feel free to check out these 3 powerful Full Moon rituals as well to dive deeper into the mindfulness activities you can do around this fiery lunation.

Affirmations for each Zodiac Sign

Based on your Sun and Rising sign, here are a few simple affirmations you can try repeating all throughout the week in order to navigate this Full Moon’s energy with more ease:


I am strong, bold, and courageous and I love to share these qualities with others.


I release and heal the parts of me that no longer help me move forward.


I am open to receiving the full love and support of my peers.


I passionately express myself through my work and career.


I am blessed with exactly the right teachers and experiences I need to grow.


I am grateful to be surrounded by generosity, courage, and kindness.


I attract loving, supportive, and encouraging relationships into my life.


I feel energized and reinvigorated when I honor and respect my routines.


I joyously invite experiences and people who allow me to be who I am.


I release the past and rejoice with my loved ones in harmony.


I speak my truth, even when my voice shakes.


I create space and room for abundance to enter my life.

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube or Instagram.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.


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