Abundance Living and the Part of Fortune in Astrology

The part of fortune is one of the lesser-known yet incredibly fascinating placements in astrology. Knowing where your part of fortune resides in your chart can help you understand where you can find prosperity, health, and success in your life. Let’s take a closer look at the part of fortune through the houses.

Abundance Living & Part of Fortune

First, What’s the Part of Fortune Again?

The part of fortune is not a planet or heavenly body per se, but rather a mathematical point called the Arabian part, which is a technique that regroups more than 55 points that can be calculated within a natal birth chart by combining 3 planetary positions.

This ancient technique was commonly used in predictive, mundane, horary, and medical astrology since antiquity, but it was virtually lost for many decades until the rebound of interest it knew in the 17th century.

In his essential book, The Arabic Parts in Astrology: A Lost Key to Prediction, the medieval scholar and astrologer Robert Zoller (I highly recommend reading) brought back this knowledge and its practical applications.

Regarding the part of fortune, he says, “This part signifies the life, the body, and also its soul, its strength, fortune, substance, and profit, that is: wealth and poverty, gold and silver, heaviness or lightness of things bought in the marketplace, praise and good reputation, and honors and recognition, good and evil, present and future, hidden and manifest; and it has signification over everything.”

So, as you can imagine, the “Pars Fortunae” is one of the most valuable points in a birth chart. Named after the Roman goddess Fortuna, goddess of chance, prosperity, bounty of the soul, and fruitfulness, this lot can be indicative of where we’re lucky, how we can achieve success, as well as our vocation. 

This “success” I’m speaking about here isn’t only limited to financial goods and money; it also deals with privileges, relationships, “good winds,” etc. We value these things as important and allow us to sail across life with ease and flow.

How To Calculate Your Part of Fortune

Based on the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, the part of fortune can reveal some of the qualities we need to lean towards to call in more abundance into our reality. 

Calculating the part of fortune is rather simple, depending on how you want to go about it. You have two choices. The first one is calculating the lot yourself, based on the degree of your natal Sun, Moon, and Rising. 

One of the most important things to do when calculating this Arabic part is determining the location of the Sun the moment you were born: above or below the horizon. 

In other terms, having a day chart is not similar to having a night chart, and different formulas of calculation exist for each:

Day chart: Degree of the Ascendant + Degree of the Moon - Degree of the Sun

Night chart: Degree of the Ascendant - Degree of the Moon + Degree of the Sun

The Sun, Moon, and Ascendant are used to calculate this specific lot because these three luminaries, also called our big three, are crucial to our energetic blueprint. This is our identity, our heart, and our life approach, which all help us determine how we can prosper in this lifetime.

The second method you can use to calculate your part of fortune is to go online. It can’t get any easier than this; make sure to choose a website that offers both formulas (daytime chart, nighttime chart). 

Here’s access to one of these websites. Once on the platform, make sure to add your information (time and place of birth), and voilà!

Part of Fortune in the Signs

To determine where the keys to your worldly and ethereal success lay, you must first take a look at the sign and the house where your POF falls. 

These will be the primary areas of focus, your talents, as well as the gifts that naturally express themself through you. 

When adequately developed and embraced, these traits will bear fruits and grant you tremendous waves of happiness. 

So there are three words I have for you if you want to activate your Part of Fortune today: cultivate your sh*t. 

Like in gardening, focus on nourishing the qualities of your part of fortune over time: the more you do so, the more rewards you will receive.

Depending on the zodiac sign, the modality, and the element of your part of fortune, you can have different approaches, tools, and desires in terms of health, success, and wealth.

To learn more about the part of fortune in the signs, as well as more exciting details of this lot, I recommend you check the amazing article written by Elisabeth McKinney Astrology Basics: The Part of Fortune - A Signifier of Prosperity.

Also, I’d like to remind you that with every part of fortune sign comes a “shadow.” This is the opposite sign of the POF, usually bringing themes that we must stay away from if we want to achieve our dreams and goals. 

Make sure to study the archetypes of both your POF’s zodiac sign and the opposite sign.

Example: If your part of fortune is in Aries, every time you people-please or say yes while you mean no, you’re scraping away your shot at luck, prosperity, and abundance. 

And vice versa: if your POF is in Libra, every time you act in a selfish, obnoxious, and self-absorbed manner, detrimental damage is done to your “mojo.”

In my personal experience as a holistic astrologer, I find that addressing some of the blockages or excess in the opposite sign of the part of fortune can help tremendously, especially when trying to lift some self-perceived “curses” or dead-ends.

Part of Fortune in the Houses

The house where your POF falls represent the area in your life in which you’re likely very blessed and where you should focus your energy to benefit from the auspicious, abundant, and “lucky” turn of events.

For me, this house also represents where you’re likely feeling drawn already - like a moth being pulled into the light of a burning fire, over and over again.

Part of Fortune 1st House

Part of Fortune in Your First House:

Good fortune comes from your bold and strong personality, charisma, enthusiastic approach to life, and physical appearance.

Tips: Take good care of your body! Exercising, working out, looking your best, and improving your overall image will help you move quicker. Also, try to cultivate boldness, courage, autonomy, independence, and self-sufficiency.

Part of Fortune 2nd House

Part of Fortune in Your Second House:

Good fortune comes from discovering what is valuable to you, your sense of self-worth, hands-on creations, and experiences.

Tips: Be true to your core values and never undervalue your work or sell yourself short. By honoring your possessions, taking care of your finances, and looking after your goods.

Part of Fortune 3rd House

Part of Fortune in Your Third House:

Good fortune comes from your communication, your interest in how other people think, your curiosity and spark when learning new things.

Tips: Connecting with others and creating bridges between ideas and concepts will help you move in life. Stay away from stagnation and embrace the beginner’s mindset as you keep on learning and digesting as much novelty and information as you can. Your glow comes from the realm of ideas and thoughts, so make sure to inhabit it well.

Part of Fortune 4th House

Part of Fortune in Your Fourth House:

Good fortune comes from your deep and strong roots, your family connections, your loyalty to your inner circle, and nurturing your emotional needs.

Tips: Developing a sense of security is vital for you! I advise you to take a look at those root chakra issues and childhood traumas that may have caused you to see the world as unsafe. Trying to build a home for yourself, looking at ways in which you can heal generational trauma, or even drawing your genealogy map can be great ways to build a deeper sense of belonging.

Part of Fortune 5th House

Part of Fortune in Your Fifth House:

Good fortune comes from your creative endeavors, authentic self-expression, ability to create and give yourself to others, and children and offspring.

Tips: Tapping into your creative side and expressing your inner artist will help open doors for you. Do not shy away from embracing your passions and showcasing your talents. Another way to invite abundance into your life is embracing your playful, jolly, and high-spirited nature.

Part of Fortune 6th House

Part of Fortune in Your Sixth House:

Good fortune comes from maintaining good habits, taking care of your health, and methodically using your time and energy.

Tips: Take care of the details of your life, and you will prosper. This includes your everyday routines, well-being, work environment, and daily tasks. The more order you can anchor in, the easier things will be, and, surprisingly so, the more emancipation you will have. Self-discipline as a doorway for freedom, who would’ve thought?

Part of Fortune 7th House

Part of Fortune in Your Seventh House:

Good fortune comes from forging conscious relationships with others, deepening your partnerships, and honoring the needs of others.

Tips: Cultivating diplomacy, the art of negotiation, mediation, peace-keeping, harmony, and interpersonal communication will help you ride the abundance wagon. With this POF placement, taking responsibility for others and receiving their realities as your own is vital.

Part of Fortune 8th House

Part of Fortune in Your Eighth House:

Good fortune comes from your shared resources and the values of others and your inner metamorphosis and transformations.

Tips: Allow yourself to be reborn through each encounter and to let deep intimacy usher you into your highest potential. Because your fortune is closely linked to shared resources, it’s important to cultivate a strong sense of work ethic, integrity, and honesty. 

If you treat other people’s values, hearts, energy, and money with reverence, you will be able to attract it back tenfold. Make sure to also dive deep into sexual alchemy as you may find hidden treasures in owning and reclaiming your sacred sexuality.

Part of Fortune 9th House

Part of Fortune in Your Ninth House:

Good fortune comes from your beliefs, life philosophy, wanderlust, higher learning, and being a teacher and a student of life.

Tips: The more you expand your horizon, the better! This can be done by traveling and discovering foreign lands or metaphorically engaging in higher mind pursuits of truth, philosophy, and big-picture thinking. 

One thing you can capitalize on for maximum success and happiness is stepping into acceptance and open-mindedness.

Part of Fortune 10th House

Part of Fortune in Your Tenth House:

Good fortune comes from your ambition and inner sense of authority, your leadership qualities, and building a solid personal brand.

Tips: Self-mastery is your go-to keyword here. Fulfilling your ambitions and going after your dreams will be your primary source of happiness in this lifetime. I recommend you focus on doing at least 1 thing to get you closer to your dream destination a day. You can also seek ways to boost your self-confidence, assertiveness, and sense of leadership.

Part of Fortune 11th House

Part of Fortune in Your Eleventh House:

Good fortune comes from your altruism, your social justice and humanitarian nature, your visionary ideas, and your bond with like-minded individuals. 

Tips: Fostering your innovative, original, and out-of-the-box thinking will be your greatest ally. Another thing you should focus on is finding groups, associations, and organizations you connect with on a deeper level. Getting involved in activism, humanitarian projects, charity, and social justice clubs will fulfill you deeply as well.

Part of Fortune 12th House

Part of Fortune in Your Twelfth House:

Good fortune comes from your spirituality, sense of oneness, inspiration, tapping into your unconscious mind, attuning to your inner being, and trusting the flow.

Tips: Our spiritual body, like any other body, needs training, exercise, and healthy outlets. To boost your 12th House POF, I advise you to focus on finding your spiritual practice, especially meditation, channeling, tarot card reading, and any other technique that connects you to other realms and liminal spaces. 

Music and art are also great ways to channel imagination, oneness, and divinity. Last but not least, I recommend you foster your sense of compassion, forgiveness, empathy, and universal love, as these qualities are what you need to move forward in life and reach your wildest dreams.

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube or Instagram.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.


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