Solar Eclipse x New Moon in Gemini: Game-Changing New Beginnings

This month of June is full of potent cosmic alignments and placements. The Solar Eclipse of June 10, happening at 19°47’ of Gemini, will help us set major intentions for the upcoming months. Get ready to sunbathe, and soul bathe your way into game-changer new beginnings!

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This Gemini New Moon will be the final Eclipse of the season, right after the intense Total Lunar Eclipse we experienced back on May 26 where we were asked to release and surrender. As uncomfortable as it may feel at times, we will definitely start getting back on our feet this month.

An invitation to elevate our thoughts and be heard

Spring has undeniably sprung, and the Eclipse Season is well under its way. Eclipses happen on both ends of the Lunar Nodes. The first Lunar Eclipse of May 26 in Sagittarius, the sign of the Archer, was on the South Node of the Moon, shedding the light on our past, our limiting beliefs, and outdated patterns and cycles that needed to be released.

June 10 will be a North Node Eclipse, putting the emphasis on the upbeat and chatty Gemini energy within us. This is a great week to seek ways in which you can become the master of your mind and shift into new paradigms.

The North Node represents the missions and areas of growth that we must integrate in this lifetime. When the Sun is conjunct the North Node, we are collectively called to allow our core identity to be felt, heard, and seen! 

The goal isn’t to deny the South Node energy altogether, but rather integrate it and use it in order to move towards the North Node. With the Nodes in the Sagittarius-Gemini axis, a balance must be reached between focusing on the details or on the big picture, between a singular vs a multifaceted truth.

We must also make the difference between the thought processes that serve us, and those that aren’t meant to be in our lives in the first place. Luckily for us, they were probably already identified and released during the last Eclipse.

A flexible voyage between realms

Eclipse Season is always intense, with a strong sense of being “caught between worlds”. With Karmic or even fated events calling for your attention, this period is always great for expanding our awareness and giving us a renewed sense of purpose within our spiritual journeys.

With 5 planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Neptune, Jupiter) and the Lunar Nodes in Mutable signs, this Solar Eclipse is predominantly about the need to be adaptable, fluid, and resilient. Where in your life do you need more flexibility?

The Sun is in the multifaceted Gemini until the Summer Solstice on June 21. During Gemini season, it is always easier to observe and experience our intellect. Our curiosity is at its peak, with a burning desire to analyze all the fragments that makeup reality. 

Embrace diversity, branching out, and gathering information to better your life! You could learn a new language, a new skill, or do some research on a hobby or passion you’ve been putting on hold in the last couple of months.

Moreover, on June 10, the Sun is conjunct the Moon but also Mercury in the sign of the Twins. Mercury is in its home here, so it is very comfortable, but it is also in retrograde motion until June 22. 

Because our thoughts are more internalized and introspective during Mercury retrograde, it’s an ideal time to reflect on your previous choices and ideas. Think outside of the box for a while, review and correct your processes when needed, and seek new original skills to add to your tool belt. 

In order to not feel confused or lost within all this Mercurian energy, focus your awareness on your self-talk as well as your internal mental dialogues. It’s time to re-assess and plan for better methods.

On June 11, just after the Solar Eclipse and midway through the Retrograde motion of Mercury, the Sun and Mercury will meet, at the core of the Sun. In Astrology, this conjunction within 0°17’ of the Sun is called “cazimi”. 

This is a creative and almost surreal time where the core meaning of the planet becomes inseparable from our spirit, represented by the Sun. Use these hours on June 11 to write, journal, and express yourself fully. Take note of all the ideas that come your way, they may be real game-changers!

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Curiosity didn't kill the cat; ignorance did.

(Quote by Dr. Scott Zarcinas)

Because Solar Eclipses are like supercharged New Moons, this week is quite potent when it comes to new beginnings, new inspirations, and new opportunities.

To be even more aligned with the cosmic and lunar cycles, and to know in which area of your life you can set your intentions, take a look at where 19° of Gemini falls in your birth chart.

Gemini represents our curious, fun, and witty inner child; but also fractal knowledge, the liveliness of spirit, mental acuity, versatility, and shapeshifting. This is the conscious act of seeking knowledge through experience, communication, and cognition.

Allow your inner author, poet, writer, and communicator to give and receive. Dropdown into the visceral and playful act of asking questions, being amazed by how vast and full of wonders the mind can be!

Through Gemini energy, you can begin to realize that reality as we know it is merely a mental construct. And since the mind is ever-changing, you always have the power of choosing a different reality to inhabit.

Gemini is also the archetype of the Twins or the Lovers, both related to the dual nature of life: a masculine and feminine, a giver and a receiver, a talker and a listener… it takes two hands to clap!

You’ve guessed it, with the Sun, Moon, and Mercury all in Gemini, there will be a strong need for change, movement, and knowledge. You could end up being more talkative, “gossipy” or scattered during this Solar Eclipse week. Remember to focus.

Last but not least to keep in mind, one of the key placements during this Solar Eclipse on June 10 will be the Neptune in Pisces squaring the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Gemini. This tense alignment will make it even more challenging to think clearly!

Neptune represents dreams, spiritual enlightenment, extreme psychic receptivity, and inspiration but also fog, confusion, and illusions. With this square, the spotlight is on the importance of not letting our fears or judgments cloud our vision of ourselves and the world.

From another perspective, this is also an invitation to not be so caught up in your head: feel your way into happiness, love, and abundance! With your intuition and a flexible and agile mind: you will surely march towards your success.

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Affirmations to assist each Zodiac Sign (Sun + Rising) during this Solar Eclipse in Gemini:


I communicate my truth with ease and confidence.


There’s nothing more natural for me than living a successful and prosperous life.


I embrace the new version of myself I’m becoming and I share my gifts with the world willingly.


Through understanding and accepting my darkness, I am able to radiate limitless light!


I constantly attract the people and opportunities I need to become the best version of myself!


I embrace the journey and look at every hurdle I meet as an opportunity to succeed.


Divinity is within me always. The Universe always takes care of me and my needs.


I am worthy of miracles, I manifest all I need and desire effortlessly.


When I love people around me, I receive even more love in return.


I joyously create and organize the life I want, one day at a time.


I am well aware of my incredible potential and talent, and I use it to benefit humanity.


My home is full of love, compassion, and peace, and I nurture it with kindness.


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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their divine nature. You can follow her on her website or her YouTube and Instagram accounts.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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