2021 New Year Horoscopes: The Astrology of the Great Conjunction

The Astrology of 2021 & Your New Year Horoscope

Whether you are planning on making New Year's Resolutions for 2021 or not, there is no doubting that this year has been a big deal, and the next one will be too. While we may look back on our 2020 resolutions with a mixture of humor and grief, thinking of what we intended to do before we had to pivot completely — many of us in several ways, and all of us in at least one way — are going into the new year a little more real and realized. 

2021 Horoscopes for the New Year - ouiwegirl.com

The good news is that the cosmic energies are more harmonious in the new year and they support our collective goals, ambitions, and efforts (very Capricorn season btw!). This year of collective unearthing has been crucial for us on micro and macro levels so that we can move forward in a direction that is more beneficial for all. 

We end 2020 with a full moon in Cancer on December 29th, presenting a final time of this year to purge everything out from our lives that is keeping us stuck in a holding pattern. Cancer is an astrological sign that may tend to overextend more than it is willing to receive and this needs to be rebalanced.

It is also worth looking at where we have talked about self care, when what we need is actually community care. Sometimes what we actually need is to be seen and held in a community space with others who also value connection, nurturance, and care. This has been a challenging endeavor this year, but it also shown us just how much we value community when its absence has been felt. 

If you are holding on to any resentments that are blocking your healing, under the light of this full moon is the time to let all of that go. Also - with the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter still in Aquarius until the 29th, this opportunity for release is amplified.

If you do set intentions for the new year, it is a good time to keep them focused in service to a greater good, instead of individual things that we can “get”. We are shifting from the age of earth into the age of air, where innovations and collaborations take precedent over material goods and competitions. If our actions and intentions are rooted in something greater than ourselves, we are heading the right direction. 

The Astrology of the Great Conjunction - ouiwegirl.com

As we end this year coming out of the Grand Conjunction, here is what the beginning of 2021 has in store for each of the signs in the zodiac. 


in 2021, you are finding new career opportunities through your social networks, online and offline. You make friends easily but are so independent that others may not know when you need assistance, so let them know if and when you do.

You will find support whenever you ask, and maybe from unlikely sources. Put out the feelers that you are wanting some assistance in switching careers or getting work, and you will find it through your friends and acquaintances. 


In 2021, you will receive recognition for the work and effort you have put into projects that are important to you. The difference is that you decided to create things that you enjoy, and your passion shows. You are realizing it’s not so much about what you put out; it’s about your dedication, and it’s paying off!

If you are putting in work where it is not being appreciated or recognized, it’s time to adjust where you are putting your efforts. Getting back to doing the things you love truly nourishes you from the inside out, without feeling the need to distract yourself. 


2021 offers you a huge breakthrough linked to what is your purpose or path in this lifetime. It could be related to work, family, romance, or all of the above, including whatever else fulfills you and brings you purpose. It’s time for you to fall in love with life again! If you have been feeling cynical or doubtful about the future, do things that keep you in the present as often as possible.

You are being less triggered by the things that used to upset you, and it may feel like comfort, but that is growth. You are expanding. Keep acting on your intuition and realizations, they are steering you in the right direction. 


You are wanting to leave some kind of legacy behind, but first you have to take care of yourself and take care of some things at home. There could be some agreements you made without realizing it, or something you decided just wasn’t for you, but that doesn’t quite fit anymore. Jupiter is possibility, Saturn is responsibility and they are in your 8th house for all of 2021 which means - change, change, change.

Either you make the changes consciously or choices will be made for you - and they may not be what you would like. Really consider what’s worth bringing with you into the new age, and ask for support from friends, family, or experts as needed. 


This new year for you will be about creating and maintaining fulfilling relationships and partnerships. With Jupiter and Saturn lighting up your descendant line and 7th house, it will be made clear which relationships are meant to carry on with you in this new season, and those that are meant to be left behind.

More connections will be started and strengthened than will be lost, and it’s imperative that you keep supportive and drama-free people around you in the new year. You are going places and you’re taking your people with you. This year will also present many opportunities to distribute balance between how much you give and how much you receive in relationships. Your needs are important. 


in 2021, your health is being highlighted, particularly your mental health. Make time for yourself, for pleasure and joy. You are finding new ways to do this that fulfill you instead of drain you, and these ways likely involve creativity and romance. If you don’t have a partner, romance yourself. Nurture your creative projects. Saturn in your 6th house invites you to keep your attention on your health this year.

This is a great time to take up or to deepen your meditation practice. Kundalini will be quite beneficial for you now also. Take your sick days, your mental health and vacation days, and take things slow and steady this year, with plenty of time for lightness and fun. 


In 2021, your focus will likely be on your family. Family is your family of origin, yes, but this is more of your chosen family. Do things simply because they make you happy and for no other reason. Your happiness naturally lifts up everyone around you. Your creativity is on fire in the year ahead! You just need to commit to it. Dedicate a room or a corner of your home space to where you can explore your creativity.


In 2021, you will be healing generational and intergenerational stories of wounding, but not in heavy ways. This is a year for you to play as much as possible, even when (especially when?) you’re working. Having fun *is* the work for you in the new year. You might also be setting down permanent roots somewhere, whether where you currently live or after a move.

Stay creative and open to possibility. Sibling and parent relationships could feel strained during this time, so have the hard conversations where appropriate in order to avoid resentments or misunderstandings. 


If there is anything you need to let go of, focus on the space that will be created with the absence of that thing, instead of getting stuck in what you are losing or missing out on. To sacrifice for what it is that you actually want is the most important choice you can make as we move into the new year.

Be brave enough to fully let go and trust. New opportunities are waiting for you on the other side, but you will not be able to see them without the space to. If you are having difficulty figuring out what it is that you truly want, take some time to really get to know your core values and work your way outward from there. 


If your choices and actions are matching your words, this year has so much abundance in store for you. You may be hesitant to start a new venture in your life because you have finally fully reached the mountaintop in another area of your life. Let the concept of being a small fish in a big pond excite you rather than intimidate you.

Think of it this way, how boring would it be to stay in your lane and never learn or work towards new things? Let your passions in a new area of life excite and propel you to new heights in more than one way in 2021. Your belief in yourself is bigger than any obstacle.


The possibilities truly are endless for you this year, and you might be feeling the pressure to get a lot done. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the age of Aquarius won’t fully arrive in a day either. Take it one day at a time. You have a chance to renew or rebrand yourself.

If you’ve had some setbacks in 2020, 2021 is your opportunity for building up your comeback. Follow what you feel truly called to do and don’t worry about impressing anyone else. Your people are all rooting for you, ready to support you, and wanting to see you succeed. 


If you’re holding on to any past heartbreak, rejection, or melancholy of any kind, you cannot hold on to that and align with all that’s in store for you at the same time. Let go or be dragged - you don’t want to take that stuff with you into the new year. The Great Conjunction is in your 12th house, giving you bigger picture realizations about why certain things didn’t work out the way you had hoped or planned or the way that makes the most sense to you.

The ways in which your subconscious has been running the show just isn’t cutting it any more. Time to try a new way. Your life will look very different at the end of 2021 when Jupiter moves into your sign, if you fight the urge to escape and face things head on right now. 

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at info@elisabethmckinley.com.


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