Wellness, Music, Mental Health Chelsea Jewel Wellness, Music, Mental Health Chelsea Jewel

Sound Healing 101

Sound healing is an increasingly popular healing and wellness modality that uses the vibratory power of sound or music to help people enter relaxed states with the intent to regulate nervous system responses, reduce stress, connect with higher planes of spiritual consciousness, and more. In this post, learn some ideas around using different types of sound healing for a variety of purposes.

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Continuity & Change, Wellness, Mental Health Chiara Christian Continuity & Change, Wellness, Mental Health Chiara Christian

The Lowdown on EFT or 'Tapping'

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as ‘tapping’, is based on principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and neuro-linguistic programming to work through emotional challenges such as anxiety and fears. It involves tapping on 9 different meridian points of the body to clear out energetic blockages to restore your body back to balance. Read on to learn more about EFT, the research evidence backing it, and the process of how to tap.

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