How To Cleanse Your Aura For Healing & Balance

An aura is more than just a colorful glow; it's a crucial aspect of our health and emotions. Exploring the layers of an aura reveals our energy field, offering insights into our spiritual well-being. This guide provides the essential steps for an effective aura cleanse.

Understanding Auras

What is an Aura?

Auras, the electromagnetic fields surrounding every living being, are not just mystical concepts but reflections of our inner spiritual workings and emotional states.

From their historical roots in various traditions like Christianity, Yogic scriptures, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), understanding auras is a step towards healing auras and enhancing our energy field.

Aura Layers

Delving into aura layers, we find distinct aspects of our being, from the Etheric to the Ketheric Template or Causal Layer. Each layer offers unique insights, from the physical sensations to the connection with higher consciousness.

Knowing how to cleanse your aura can profoundly affect these layers, promoting emotional balance and spiritual well-being.

  1. The Etheric Layer: This is the layer closest to the physical body, reflecting physical sensations and comfort. It's believed to be visible as a pale blue or gray light, closely hugging the body.

  2. The Emotional Layer: This layer is associated with feelings and emotions. It's more fluid than the etheric layer. Depending on the individual's emotional state, it can display a rainbow of colors.

  3. The Mental Layer: This layer represents thoughts and mental processes. It's often seen as a bright yellow light radiating around the head and shoulders, expanding and becoming brighter when the individual concentrates or is in deep thought.

  4. The Astral Layer: Sometimes known as the bridge layer, the astral layer marks the transition from the physical to the spiritual. It's associated with love and relationships and can appear as a beautiful, radiant light.

  5. The Etheric Template Layer: This layer represents the blueprint of the physical body on the spiritual plane. It's a template for the etheric layer and is said to hold our highest potential.

  6. The Celestial Layer: This layer is connected to the spiritual realm and reflects our understanding of the universe. It's often seen as shimmering light containing all the rainbow colors.

  7. The Ketheric Template or Causal Layer: The outermost layer is considered a robust and resilient layer of energy that holds all the other layers together. It's linked to our higher consciousness and is often seen as a golden light.

Seeing and Interpreting Auras

We often intuitively sense the quality of a person's aura, whether it's 'good' energy or something that feels 'off.' The meaning of aura color varies, reflecting our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Experts like Dana Hanekamp (or Mama Medicine) provide insights into balancing the aura through various methods.

Aura Colors Meaning

  • Red: Energy, strength, passion

  • Orange: Creativity, confidence, emotional balance

  • Yellow: Intellect, optimism, cheerfulness

  • Green: Growth, healing, love for nature

  • Blue: Calm, intuition, spirituality

  • Indigo: Wisdom, deep feeling, intuition

  • Violet: Spiritual awareness, psychic abilities

  • White: Purity, truth, unity

Signs of an Unbalanced Aura

Recognizing when to cleanse your aura is crucial. Signs like feeling tired, emotionally drained, or having difficulty concentrating indicate the need for an aura cleansing.

  • Feeling unusually tired

  • Emotionally drained sensations

  • Experiencing mental fogginess

  • Increased levels of stress

  • Difficulty in concentrating

  • Feeling out of alignment or disconnected

  • Unexplained aches

  • General sluggishness

Benefits of Cleansing Your Aura

Aura cleansing rituals enhance clarity and focus, boost creativity, improve emotional well-being, and strengthen personal relationships. These benefits are especially valuable for entrepreneurs and creatives striving for success and balance.

Enhanced Clarity and Focus

Cleansing your aura can clear the mental fog, improving concentration and decision-making abilities. This mainly benefits our entrepreneur clientele, who must remain sharp and focused.

Boosted Creativity and Inspiration

A cleansed aura can unblock the channels of creativity, which is essential for artists and creatives in our community. It fosters an environment where inspiration can flourish.

Improved Emotional Balance

Aura cleansing can lead to emotional healing, reducing stress and anxiety. This is pivotal for those in high-pressure environments or undergoing personal challenges.

Strengthened Personal Relationships

A clear aura can improve one's ability to connect with others, fostering deeper and more meaningful relationships. This is crucial for networking and building strong professional and personal connections.

Enhanced Physical Health

While not a substitute for medical treatment, aura cleansing can complement physical health by promoting relaxation and stress reduction, which are beneficial for overall health.

How To Cleanse Your Aura

Aura cleansing is more than just a ritual; it's a form of spiritual hygiene. Just as we shower to cleanse our bodies, aura cleansing spells are designed to purify our energetic field. Techniques like sound healing, ritual baths, meditation, and selenite healing wands can effectively cleanse your aura. 

Sound Healing 

Sound has an immense ability to change our energetic state and can help to clear out any negative energy stuck in our auras. Sounds with a positive intention and frequency, such as mantras, binaural beats, or Tibetan bowls, will greatly alter the state of your aura.

The vibrations created by these sounds are thought to penetrate the aura, causing a reorganization of its energy pattern into a more harmonious state.

  1. Play either this track (417Hz) or this track here (Tibetan singing bowls).

  2. Light some incense or a candle, and lay down on a comfortable surface, such as a bed or yoga mat with some pillows/support. 

  3. Place a weighted eye pillow over your eyes - a scarf or something similar will also work. 

  4. Lay in savasana (corpse pose) and deeply relax as you listen to the sounds. Stay here as long as you like. 

Ritual Bath 

Submerging yourself in water deeply cleans your aura and can leave you feeling renewed. Swimming in the ocean can be particularly purifying.

Still, a ritual bath will do the trick if you do not have access to the sea currently (or aren't brave enough to face the cold). Salt, especially Himalayan or Epsom salt, is known for its purifying properties. A salt bath can help cleanse your aura. 

  1. Set up the bathroom space by lighting some candles and dimming the lights. 

  2. Run a warm bath and place one cup of Epsom salts or another bath salt mix (there are some great ones on Etsy). You could also drop in some essential oils, such as lavender, chamomile, or your favorite. 

  3. Before you get in the bath, set the intention that you wish to cleanse any harmful energy from your aura. 

  4. As you soak in the bath, imagine all the negative energy washing off and falling away. Stay in the tub for at least 20 minutes.

Meditation to Brighten Your Radiance 

Meditation can be highly effective in cleansing the aura. This Kundalini Yoga meditation will expand your aura and brighten its radiance, attracting more prosperity and increasing the amount of prana (energy) in your system. You should practice it for 11 minutes, but you can start from 3 minutes and build yourself up. 

  1. Sit in an easy pose (a cross-legged position) with your spine straight.

  2. Place your hands in Gyan Mudra (thumb touching index), and lift your arms with your elbows bent. Your hands will be hovering in line with your ears and your elbows away from the body. The fingertips should be pointing straight up.

  3. Make your lips into a clear O shape, and breathe long and deep through the O mouth. 

  4. At the end of the meditation, breathe in and hold your breath for 10-20 seconds, then relax. 

Here is a visual demonstration. 

Breath Of Fire 

That buzzy, electrical feeling you get after finishing a round of breath of fire signals the changing of your electromagnetic state (or your aura!). Practicing for at least 3 minutes daily will deeply purify, cleanse, and expand your aura. 

  1. Sit in an easy pose (cross-legged) with your hands resting on your knees or in Gyan mudra. 

  2. Begin a rapid equal inhalation and equal exhalation. Focus on the exhalation, and the inhalation should happen naturally. Your navel should automatically start pumping.

  3. Continue for at least 3 minutes and up to 31 minutes, and relax for a few minutes afterward to notice the effects. 

Selenite Healing Wand 

Crystals are another tool frequently used in aura cleansing. Each type of crystal has its own unique vibration and property. The crystal selenite is associated with the crown chakra. It has the power to clear and balance the rest of the chakras.

It draws out the negative energy from your aura, helping clear any confusion, uncertainty, and judgments that may have attached to you energetically. 

  1. Start with holding the selenite wand at the top of your head, with the wand about five inches away from your body.

  2. Slowly bring the crystal down your body.

  3. Ensure to do front, back, and under the arms/behind the knees. 

  4. Imagine clearing any energy that is not yours away from you. 

  5. Continue for a few minutes. 

Here's a video demonstration

KonMari Method

Okay, what does Marie Kondo have to do with aura cleansing? If you're familiar with the principles of Feng Shui, you would know that having a lot of clutter and physical things in your space can also take up energetic space.

Doing a thorough clean-out of your physical space will make you feel a lot freer as well - it's lifting the physical energy out of your aura! 

  1. Divide what you have into clothes, books, beauty, etc., and choose one category.

  2. Ask yourself whether it sparks joy as you go through what you have. Be ruthless - if you haven't worn or used the thing in years, chances are you won't in the future.

  3. Donate to a charity or a thrift store, sell online, or ask your friends if they want to take anything off your hands.

  4. Work your way through each of the categories over time.   

Aura Cleanse Tips 

Nature Immersion

Spending time in nature is a simple yet powerful way to cleanse your aura. The natural energies of the earth, trees, water, and air can help to rejuvenate and clear your energy field.

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique that promotes healing. A Reiki practitioner can help clear and balance your aura.

Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Using specific essential oils, either through diffusers or direct application, can aid in cleansing the aura. Scents like sage, lavender, and frankincense are popular for their purifying properties.

Physical Exercise

Regular physical activity, especially practices like yoga or tai chi, can help release pent-up energy and cleanse the aura. They also promote the flow of positive energy.

Healthy Diet and Hydration

A balanced diet and staying hydrated can positively impact one's aura. Foods rich in antioxidants and ample water intake can aid in maintaining a clear energy field.

Integrating These Practices into Daily Life

Consistency is Key:

Just like physical hygiene, spiritual practices like aura cleansing and fire rituals benefit significantly from regular practice. Setting aside a specific time to engage in these practices each day or week can help maintain a clear and balanced energetic field.

Personalizing Your Practice:

It's important to remember that these practices are deeply personal. What works for one person may only work for one person. Encourage experimentation with different techniques and elements to find what resonates best with you.

Mindfulness and Reflection:

Integrating mindfulness and reflection into these practices can enhance their effectiveness. Journaling about your experiences or reflecting after a ritual can provide deeper insights into your spiritual journey.

Community and Sharing:

Sharing these practices within a community can be a powerful way to deepen the experience. Whether it's a group meditation, a community fire ritual, or just sharing experiences with friends, the collective energy can amplify the benefits of the practices.

TL;DR — Aura Cleanse

Regularly caring for our aura is as essential as caring for our body. Understanding its layers, colors, and the significance of a healing aura leads to improved focus, emotional balance, and overall well-being. 

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Chiara Christian is a Gemini writer with a passion for understanding others and the world around her. You can check out her website here and follow her meanderings @ageministory.


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