New Moon in Libra 2023: Rituals, Manifestation, & Intentions for Every Sign

New moons symbolize new beginnings, fresh starts, and the opportunity to set intentions that align with the energy of the specific sign. Libra, the charming and balanced sign represented by the scales, invites us to find equilibrium in our lives, nurture relationships, and bring harmony to our inner worlds.

We'll explore the rituals, manifestation techniques, and intentions you can set during this celestial event. Additionally, we'll delve into what this New Moon means for each zodiac sign, helping you make the most of this cosmic energy.

september 2022 new moon libra

New Moon In Libra Meaning

The theme of this Libra moon? Balance, of course. Libra is a cardinal air sign of the 'scales,' representing fairness, justice, and equality. Are you filling your own cup? How do you engage and express beauty, art, and rest? Is there anyone you need to clear the air with? 

Here's what you can expect from the New Moon in Libra:

Enhanced Relationships

Flexible, cooperative, and peace-seeking, Libra is the fertile ground on which we build and connect with others. Finding balance within your relationships, creating boundaries, and cultivating enough of your energy are crucial to keeping the peace and harmony with those in your close circles. 

Beauty and Aesthetics

Aesthetics and beauty are also Libran themes, ruled by the love planet Venus. You might be drawn to rearranging your home space or refreshing your wardrobe and style. These outer changes may reflect the inner changes you may be going through now.  

Inner Balance

For Libra, the "other" (on the other side of the scale) is just another "you." Others are often a mirror through which infinite possibilities are at arm's reach. And just like any reflection, trying to change it would be absurd.

On this New Moon in Libra, focus your energy on changing yourself first. You'll be surprised how quickly your partnerships and surroundings will shift when you change your perspective. 

Harmonious Decision-Making

Libra's scales represent balance and justice. It is easier to make fair and considerate decisions for all parties involved. Stronger boundaries? More self-esteem? Greater confidence? A fresh haircut? Whatever action you decide to take, focus your energy on bringing more harmony into your life.

New Moon in Libra

Libra New Moon Dos & Don’ts



  • Stay stuck in a rut

  • Scroll mindlessly on your phone

  • Give in to fear of change

  • Overwork and overthink

  • Ignore your intuition

What does the New Moon in Libra Mean For Your Zodiac sign?

Now, let's explore how this New Moon in Libra may affect each zodiac sign individually. Remember that astrological influences can be felt differently by everyone, depending on their unique birth charts. These insights are general and can offer guidance on how to best navigate this energy:

  • Aries: The New Moon in Libra encourages you to balance your independence and relationships. Set intentions to approach partnerships with more patience and diplomacy.

  • Taurus: This new moon highlights your financial sector. Set intentions to create a balanced budget, pay off debts, or invest wisely.

  • Gemini: Libra's energy inspires you to balance your communication style. Set intentions to be a more active and empathetic listener in your conversations.

  • Cancer: Use this new moon to find equilibrium between your career and personal life. Set intentions to prioritize self-care while maintaining your professional responsibilities.

  • Leo: Libra encourages you to balance your personal desires with the needs of your community. Set intentions to contribute more positively to your social circles.

  • Virgo: This new moon highlights your area of spirituality and personal growth. Set intentions to find harmony between your inner and outer worlds through mindfulness practices.

  • Libra: Happy birthday, Libra! This new moon is all about you. Set intentions to embrace self-love, boost your self-esteem, and make choices that align with your values.

  • Scorpio: Use this new moon to balance your friendships and group dynamics. Set intentions to strengthen your connections with like-minded individuals.

  • Sagittarius: Libra's energy encourages you to balance your career aspirations with your personal philosophies. Set intentions to align your goals with your core beliefs.

  • Capricorn: This new moon highlights your area of shared resources and intimacy. Set intentions to find balance in your financial partnerships and to deepen emotional connections.

  • Aquarius: Libra's energy inspires you to find equilibrium between your personal ambitions and relationships. Set intentions to nurture your connections without sacrificing your individuality.

  • Pisces: Use this new moon to balance your daily routines and self-care practices. Set intentions to prioritize your well-being while maintaining your obligations.

September New Moon in Libra

New Moon in Libra 2023 Manifestation Rituals

Balance Ritual

  1. Light a pink or white candle and place it on a scale or balance-themed altar.

  2. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and visualize the scales of Libra coming into perfect balance.

  3. Imagine your life as a harmonious masterpiece, free from discord.

  4. As you breathe in, draw in the energy of balance and harmony.

  5. As you breathe out, release any negativity or imbalances.

Create a Vision Board

Astrologically, the New Moon represents the calm before the storm, an energetic dip compared to the Full Moon, the storm's peak. In this reset time frame, you should focus on planting and preparing.

Connect with the limitless Source within you. Your heart space will guide you and show you the way. You can genuinely embark on incredible adventures over the following months if you choose to love. Over and over and over again.

Begin by starting. Collect images, quotes, and symbols that represent your desires and intentions. Arrange them on a vision board to visualize the life you want to manifest. Libra's love for aesthetics will make this process even more enjoyable.

Reflect on the Areas You Compromise Most

While being a natural mediator is impressive, our inner Libra can sometimes get caught in the hesitation phase. Remember that making clear-cut choices is essential in a world where every action carries weight.

Do collaborate with others and consider their needs, but do not neglect your convictions and boundaries or put yourself last for the sake of peace-keeping. As we navigate the twists and turns of the autumn, operating from a place of harmony with both self and others becomes crucial.

If you tend to lean towards self-martyrdom, this lunar phase offers a chance for further healing. Embrace your desire for harmony without losing your sense of self. You deserve the kindness you extend to others; your pain and needs matter just as much.

However, prioritize self-care in real-life relationships, like securing your safety mask on an airplane first. This New Moon is an opportunity to examine areas where you may be overly accommodating: 

  • Are you oversharing? Saying yes when you mean no? 

  • Overusing the "anytime" and "happy to help" cards? 

  • Consuming excessive social media? 

Reflect on where 13° of Libra falls in your birth chart; the house and planetary aspects can provide valuable insights into the steps you should take.

new moon in libra rituals

New Moon in Libra Intentions

  1. I intend to nurture and strengthen my relationships, bringing more harmony and understanding into my interactions.

  2. I intend to find balance within myself, aligning my actions with my values and beliefs.

  3. I intend to embrace self-love and practice self-acceptance daily.

  4. I intend to make fair and just decisions that benefit all parties involved.

  5. I intend to surround myself with beauty and appreciate the aesthetics of life.

The Takeaway: New Moon in Libra 2023

The New Moon in Libra 2023 is a celestial gift that invites us to find balance, nurture relationships, and embrace self-love. You can make the most of this powerful cosmic event by performing rituals, setting intentions, and understanding how this energy influences your zodiac sign.

Remember that this is a time of new beginnings, and the seeds you plant now can flourish into beautiful, harmonious outcomes in the coming months. Embrace the energy of Libra, and may your life be filled with balance, beauty, and love.

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website, YouTube or Instagram.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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