Aquarius Full Moon Rituals: Release & Manifest With The Moon

The Aquarius Full Moon rituals can shed light on many of our blind spots and, ultimately, help us release what’s currently holding us back and quantum jump into new ways of being.

I’m talking full moon raves by the beach, with a community around you and a common goal in mind. Whether that party is energizing or exhausting is up to you.

Through bliss, play and enjoyment, we can find the hidden wisdom we learned lately through Leo Season: the invigorating and galvanizing fun of being our most authentic self!

full moon rituals

Sturgeon Full Moon in Aquarius

Within this context, this August full moon will be a significant milestone for us on a collective and individual level. So whatever you’ve been manifesting is on its way, and you may as well start counting your blessings because even if you are not seeing Mr. Charming or that $100k at your door, it is already within you.

The moment you embrace the fact that you are “worth it,” “it” will trickle down into your reality like a magnet. So make sure to strengthen your intuitive abilities to recognize when the Universe is giving you signs or heads-up.

This full moon is about collective restoration, unity, and reflecting on the nature of what it means to be part of an ecosystem. From the horrifying images in Afghanistan to the alarming climate change crisis happening worldwide, it has become clear (or at least, for those in the process of awakening) that we cannot survive if we keep acting as if we’re separate from the world.

The pain of others, the suffering of animals, the destruction of the planet, the segregation of those we deem unworthy… These are the symptoms of not understanding our unity. When humans realize how deeply connected they are and how much they need the world, they will regret their wrongdoings and understand that kindness and compassion are the only solutions.

Because this full moon falls under the sign of Aquarius, there will be an amplification of this Uranian universalism and humanitarianism. So allow yourself to nurture and respect those desires to change and grow free. This is yet another opportunity to become your revolution. But do not turn into civil unrest and violent dissent.

By stepping outside of your comfort zone, experimenting with new things, and leading by example, you can look at the world from a new perspective. Hey, the world may still be chaotic from this angle, but you will be far more comfortable with it!

full moon aquarius


When it comes to mundane astrology, the influence of Aquarius isn’t all rose glasses and unicorn sparkles. The sign of the water-bearer rules over technology and the sometimes cold, distant, and dehumanized world where ideas and ideologies are more important than humans. 

With the expansive Jupiter in the mix, we could easily imagine some shocking news and decisions regarding the “greater good” Aquarius is trying to save. But unfortunately, this is the shadow aspect of this air sign, which sometimes tends to blend in a faceless and hegemonic mass, forgetting about the singular, unique, and original expressions of self-represented by its opposite sign, Leo.

Before you dive into panic mode, remember that you, me, your cat, and every one of us have the tools to navigate through turbulent tides. And that all the cosmic alignments, within and without, are here to help us awaken to our truth.

On an individual level, there are two ways you can better understand what this full moon means for your unique journey. The first way is to look back at where you were in February 2021, the time of the last new moon in Aquarius. 

The ideas, concepts, and actions you took back then probably reflect you now, in some shape or another. So spend some time analyzing those seeds you planted last year, consciously or unconsciously, and pat yourself on the back for me, please: you’ve come a long, long way!

The second way to navigate this full moon is to find where 29° of Aquarius falls in your chart. The matters and planets involved with that house will be on the frontline for you. If you’ve been taking aligned actions, your manifestations will come knocking at your door, and you will touch the fruits of your labor.

Full Moon Rituals to Release & Manifest

Just like our closet needs to be sorted out every here and then to get rid of clutter and unnecessary items we hold on to, our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual bodies also need regular cleansing!

We all carry, to varying extents, burdens that slow our progress and hinder our growth. This could be a toxic relationship, self-sabotage, the fear of being judged, shame, clinging to material things, looking for constant approval or validation, constantly staring at other people’s green gardens instead of watering your own, etc.

No matter your extra weight load, the full moon in Aquarius is the best time to get rid of it! Here’s a spiritual “facial” you can try to release what doesn’t serve you anymore:

release and manifest


First, take a piece of paper and a pen. Write down whatever is no longer serving you in your life at the moment. Don’t censor yourself. Let it all out.

  • What fears, challenges, hurdles, and setbacks have you been facing lately?

  • What habits, actions, and behaviors do you want to abandon to thrive?

  • Who wronged you, hurt you, and lied to you? Who do you need to forgive (don’t exclude yourself from this one)?

Fold this paper anti-clockwise, and focus on each item on the list.

When you’re ready, light a candle and burn it out!

P.S: Make sure to have a “fireproof” container to tame the fire. Be careful not to burn your hand in the process. And, of course, remember always to have water nearby if you’re burning it out a little bit too much.

aquarius full moon

2. Aquarius FULL MOON RITUAL: AIR Offering to Manifest Your Desires

As you watch the smoke of the candle burn, visualize all your troubles dissipating. 

Check-in: Do you feel better? How does it feel to watch those things disappear? How would it feel if you could as easily wipe your blockages from your existence?

After mentally answering these questions, open a window, close your eyes and let the air cleanse your thoughts from all the stuck limiting beliefs.

Take long, deep breaths and enjoy the breeze.

full moon manifesting

3. Aquarius Full Moon Ritual: WATER Cleanse TO RELEASE STUCK EMOTIONS

Close your window and sit for a moment. Take your journal and write down what you’re feeling. Immerse yourself in the emotions that may arise.

If you find yourself crying during the ritual: that’s even better! Every tear cleanses your soul from the negative, hurt, and wounds. So don’t try to force it or tame it. Just let it out.

Take as much time as you need to express these emotions and let them out. Either by writing them down or crying them out: they need to be released. They are not yours; if you thought they were before, now is a great time to let them go.

After you’re done journaling, head to the bath and wash all your worries away. Visualize your negative emotional ties dissolve into the water and go down the pipes.

You can use salt and lavender to soothe your emotional body (and take care of your skin!).

release rituals

4. Aquarius Full Moon Ritual: Grounding TO Manifest Success

After your bath or shower:

  1. Take time to pamper yourself.

  2. Treat your sacred temple with reverence and care.

  3. Put down lotion or oils all over your body, brush your hair, and put on perfume or make-up; you are worth it!

Wear your favorite outfit (that includes that dramatic gown or favorite lingerie set). Then, play your favorite music and simply “shake it off”.

By dancing and moving your body, envision the last remnants of doubt, fear, and sabotage leaving your body. You are now cleansed and ready to take on whatever the Universe throws your way. But remember, it’s always good to duck down.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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