A Yoga Flow to Activate Our Chakras on the Full Moon

Intersecting Lunar Alignment and Chakra Alignment during the Waxing Phase of the Moon expands the connection between Heaven and Earth, our physical body, to the electromagnetic field, our radiant body.

full moon yoga flow

As the sky lights up with La Luna, this signifies our dream-like experience layered with our domestication. As the moon ignites, so do our belief systems; therefore, we should consider actively moving through our emotions and feelings. 

In alignment, once the moon reaches 100% illumination, our heart chakra has full manifestation power through the top of our transcendent crown. Philosophically speaking, think of the fundamental nature of the words surrender, teacher, & balance and intersect those with mercy, security, & love.

Whether collaborating or reflecting, our 'I am Love Source Energy' produces colorful frequencies and vibrations abundantly-pushing our essence to the aura surrounding our physical body. This energy expresses the way of living through truth, honesty & integrity.

The ability to cohesively strategize with the cosmos and the chakra system allows us to be enlightened, forcing expansion in our yogic movement & breathwork.

Active Root - Passive Third Eye - Active Sacral - Heart - Crown

That is if you're curious. 

full moon yoga flow

The Chakra System

Owning the colors of the chakra system and their physical elements & psychological meanings can radiate the rainbow from within our physical body. 

Broadly, here are the colors within the Chakra System and their purpose:

  • Root Chakra or Foundation (Security, Self-Acceptance)

  • Sacral Chakra or Creativity (to Desire, to Create)

  • Solar Plexus or Action (Personal Power, Inspired Action)

  • Heart or Love (Compassion, Love)

  • Throat or Truth (Hearing and Speaking the Truth)

  • Third Eye or Intuition (Soul's Purpose)

  • Crown or Enlightenment (Transcendence)

We can intensify the rainbow by using these techniques: 

  • First, breathe into a blanket or foam roller just below the ribcage. Then, as we expand the stomach with a constriction, we loosen willpower and digestion in the Solar Plexus Chakra.

  • Use the word impeccably. Unattached from our projections, we begin to find every living thing essentially natural; truth strengthens the creative expression in the Throat Chakra.

  • Engage our reproductive organs in a sacred exchange. By triggering a kundalini awakening at the Sacral Chakra, we radiate from within. 

In beaming our essence, we can co-create with other like-minded individuals and share emitted rays of light. Therefore, taking good care of this Earth takes considering what it means to cohabitate and how our light shines onto others and the universe. How do we transcend? 

Red (Muladhara) - Purple (Anja) - Orange (Svadhisthana) - Green (Anahata) - White (Sahasrara)

full moon yoga flow

A Full Moon Yoga Practice to Activate Your Chakras 

Gearing up to the full moon, and even a couple of days after, exploring the physical body through yogic movement & breathwork can drive our heart's essence towards the aura surrounding us. 

Provided below is a simple waxing moon yogic sequence to shapeshift an earthly connection to ourselves, others, and the universe into one that is also boundless and unconditional: 

  • Grounding Meditation (15 MIN)

    • Sitting cross-legged or in Easy Pose, focus on the Third Eye, and use a simple box breath to root yourself into the Earth. Inhale for 4, Sustain at the top for 4, Exhale for 4, Sustain at the bottom for 4. 

  • Downward Dog (2 MIN)

    • Starting from a tabletop, tuck your toes and push into the yoga mat evenly with both hands and feet. Rising your booty to the sky, wrap your shoulder blades onto your back, and let the blood flow rush towards the crown of your head. Breathe. 

  • Hero's Pose (2 MIN)

    • Kneeling, booty to heels, push your knees together. Sit your booty on the yoga mat between your legs, and gently rest your upper back on the ground. Arms can come to a T position, overhead, or at your heart. Use a blanket, pillow, or yoga block underneath for support. Inhale towards your heart, and exhale towards the point below your belly button. 

  • Melting Heart Pose (2 MIN)

    • Starting from a tabletop, inch your hands forward and drop your chest towards the yoga mat with your arms extended in front of you. Rest your chin, forehead, or heart on a blanket, pillow, yoga block, or yoga mat for support. Breathe. 

full moon yoga flow

With curiosity and breathwork, this short series of movements will root us into a flow state, rush life force energy to the brain for a change of perspective, deeply open the sacral-lumbar arch, and crack open the heart space for expansion. Moving through our feeling machines with conscious thought and neutralization develops a way of living. 

Now, seeing the world in an undisturbed mindset can feel turbulent at times, although moments of chaos, too, carry wisdom. Using life force energy through the meridians in our anatomical body can release turmoil, command intentions, and transmute active creativity.

Using postures and the universal breath can layer our electromagnetic field and balance us even in those points that feel like the Earth is cracking below us. Although it is impossible to be primordial or fully enlightened, the purpose of living is to break free of fear and learn. 

In our yogic practice, we can adapt to our conditions, practice seeking nothing, act by truth in all its purity, or repay for resistance.How do we reach a flow state?

Ground - Command - Create - Radiate - Zen

full moon yoga flow

Color Psychology & Yogic Technology

Like Jupiter, the planet of expansiveness, in active alignment with the Full Moon, we can amplify our identities: universal, archetypal, creative, social, ego, emotional, & physical. Only when we make agreements based on truth can we see, feel, hear, smell, and taste at a maximum level, and also only in a blissful state can we make love all the time to what we perceive.

Intersecting Lunar Alignment and Chakra Alignment revitalizes the physical experience with optimism and radiant color. Unifying ourselves, others, and the Earth/Universe starts with the domestication of humans. When we achieve the psychology of each color & yogic technology, life creates light at its most transcendent level. 

Tell the story as it is and be the feeling machine you are. Just be. 

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Drew Porrett is a creative expressionist through movement, philosophy, and music. Certified yoga and sacred sexuality teacher, his/their mission is to guide curiosity through a colorful approach to existence by intersecting inner passive and active energetics. If you want to get to know him/them a little further? Click here or follow on Instagram


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