5 Tips For Accessing Your Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are an energetic, vibrational storehouse containing information about everything that has ever happened in the universe, everything that is happening now, and everything that could or will happen in the future.

Akashic Records

Some people enter the Akashic Records by reciting a specific prayer, others enter through meditation - the key is to get into a high vibrational state.

When you enter the Akashic Records, you can access your own personal Akashic Records Room, where you can communicate with your Spirit Guides and access intuitive information about anything from your soul’s purpose and your soul contracts in this lifetime to your past life experiences. 

I find it more important than ever to be able to access your Akashic Records these days, given the constant states of uncertainty, rapid change, and possibility that we’re faced with.

I often visit my Akashic Records when I am seeking higher guidance about a specific relationship or lesson in my life, when I want to create something of value for others, or when I am simply in need of an energetic reset and healing. 

One of the most important things to me when discussing the Akashic Records is to make sure that everyone understands that they 100% have the power to access their own Akashic Records.

This isn’t some exclusive superpower reserved just for the 1% of super psychic and intuitive people in the world. The biggest obstacle you’ll likely face when attempting to access your Records is (re)learning to trust yourself.

With that said, here are my top 5 tips for accessing your Akashic Records - if you’re looking for more guided support, keep reading all the way through to the bottom where I share access to a recorded workshop I’ve led others through in accessing their own Records. 

Release your Expectations

#1 Release Your Expectations 

By far, the biggest block I consistently see budding intuitives have when they first go into their Akashic Records is that they have a ton of expectations (both conscious and subconscious) - and when the experience doesn’t match up to those expectations, they consider themselves an intuitive failure. 

When it comes to receiving intuitive messages and downloads, I have noticed that for most people, the very first time they attempt to visit the Records, they don’t actually receive a ton of information.

Instead, most people I have worked with report that they felt a genuine sense of peace and love around them, and that feeling of being deeply relaxed and at peace was how they knew they were actually ‘in’ the Records.  

My biggest piece of advice in releasing expectations is to set your intention before you try to access your Records that you will receive exactly what your soul needs.

Once you do that, the toughest part is to then actually trust that whatever shows up (or doesn’t) is just what you need in the present moment.

Akashic Language

#2 Receive Via Your Own Unique Intuitive Language 

Another set of expectations that you can go ahead and release right now is how your intuitive messages and insights will come in for you.

We mostly tend to hear stories from intuitive and psychics about the detailed visions they have, and so most of us go into some sort of intuitive development expecting that we should be able to see a whole movie-like picture playing out in our mind’s eye. 

The truth is though that most of us don’t have that intuitive sight (clairvoyance) as our predominant intuitive language. Instead, you might be more attuned to the gift of clairaudience, or clear hearing, where you will hear words, entire sentences, or even music in your mind.

People who have strong clairaudient gifts are usually great at channeled writing, so consider having a pen and paper nearby when you go into your Akashic Records in case that turns out to be your predominant gift. 

Others receive intuitive information via clairsentience or clear feeling. Clairsentience usually shows up in one of two ways, or sometimes through a combination: clear feeling via your emotions, where you’ll experience waves of emotions coming up for you, without a logical reason or explanation, or clear feeling via your body’s sensations, where you may get chills, feel the heat in a certain area of your body, feel tingles or butterflies, etc. 

And finally, there is claircognizance or clear knowing. If you’re predominantly claircognizant, you’ll just find yourself knowing things without being able to explain why or how you know them.

In your Records, for example, you may not be able to clearly visualize in your mind’s eye what the door to your Akashic Records Room looks like, but you may experience a sudden knowing that it’s a big wooden door with gold detailing. 

It’s crucial that you honor and learn to work with your own natural way of receiving intuitive information. Many times, someone’s intuition will be speaking super loudly to them through messages coming up from their physical body, and then they’ll come out of their meditative experience thinking they failed at reaching their Akashic Records because they were expecting to ‘see’ something grand and definitive.

Open up to confirmation and information coming in in a variety of potential ways, and you’re much more likely to catch the thread of intuitive guidance that was meant for you. 

Akashic Interpretations

#3 Practice Interpreting Metaphors

The Spirit realm (where the Akashic Records are and where our Spirit Guides, Higher Selves reside) speaks to us in subtle ways, often through metaphors, analogies, and symbolism. 

What’s important to understand though, is that you don’t all of a sudden have to go back to your high school English class and relearn everything you ignored about how to correctly interpret these things.

The objects and symbols that are given to you in your Records are meant for you and your unique interpretation. 

Two different people could give totally different meanings and interpretations to the same symbol, and that’s exactly why intuition and the Akashic Records are so amazing.

To some, the symbol of a snake may mean danger and to use discernment in who to trust; to another, the snake may be a confirmation of a feminine energy awakening. 

Or maybe when you’re in your Akashic Records, you all of a sudden have a song pop into your head. That song probably has a unique meaning to you - maybe it reminds you of a certain time or person.

There is no such thing as coincidence - in life, and especially in the Akashic Records - so use whatever information, feelings, and memories come to you, again, always trusting that you are receiving exactly what your soul needs. 

embracing records

#4 Embrace Your Imagination 

By far, one of the most common questions I hear when I coach and teach people how to access their Akashic Records is, “But what if I’m just making it all up?” 

Here’s the thing: We have to stop villainizing and shaming our imagination. I get it - we’re all afraid that maybe we’re going crazy, or maybe we’re projecting what we want to see when we “should” be receiving something else. 

But I have found that our imagination and our intuition are less like adversaries and more like coworkers. They both actually operate from the same area of our brains, and they actually like to work together to help us co-create our dreams with the universe. 

I often describe the relationship between imagination and intuition to clients as a co-creative dance we take with the universe - whenever you find yourself getting stuck, such as nothing is coming in, take the first step using your imagination. 

Ask yourself: If I could imagine that I was seeing/feeling/sensing something here in my Akashic Records, what might it be? Give your imagination permission to run wild. 

Once you take that first step, the dancing partner that is your intuition will step in and start helping you fill in more details. You might not always be able to delineate what information is coming from your own imagination vs your intuition, and that’s ok. 

In fact, the best way I have found to release this fear is to fully embrace the potential that we may be making some things up. So my response when a student asks me “What if I’m just making it all up?” is: “So what if you are? Does that make your experience any less valid?” 

I have sent this quote from Harry Potter to quite a few clients in regards to this whole topic: 

“Tell me one last thing,” said Harry. “Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?”

Dumbledore beamed at him and his voice sounded loud and strong in Harry’s ears even though the bright mist was descending again, obscuring his figure.

“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?” 

Vibration Akashic

#5 Raise Your Vibration 

It is definitely harder to enter the Akashic Records and receive accurate information when you’re in a low vibrational state or when you’re very attached to a specific outcome or answer.

If you’re feeling especially triggered, angry, or defensive, I would highly suggest doing something to regulate your nervous system - like grounding, breathing exercises, a calming meditation, journaling, or yoga - before attempting to enter your Records. 

The quickest and easiest way I suggest for others to raise their vibration if they’re just generally feeling low-vibe is to practice gratitude. Cliche, maybe, but only because it really works! It’s pretty much impossible to be in an exclusively horrible mood when you’re intentionally putting your focus on what is going right around you and for you. 

Here are 5 quick ways to raise your vibration before entering the Akashic Records: 

  • Write down 10 things you’re grateful for in this moment 

  • Do something nice for someone else 

  • Watch something lighthearted on youtube that puts you into a good mood (my go-to is bloopers from Schitt’s Creek or The Office)

  • Dance to your favorite upbeat song

  • Take a walk outside or go sit in nature for even just a few minutes 

If you want to learn a bit more and practice entering your Akashic Records, I have a recorded Workshop + Guided Meditation Journey that will help guide you into your Records and further clarify what you can expect. 

Have you visited your Akashic Records before? What’s worked for you and what have you struggled with when trying to enter? Let us know in the comments below! 

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Chelsea Jewel is an Intuitive + Karmic Astrologer, Spiritual Coach, and Intuitive Mentor to those waking up to their own intuitive powers. You can connect with her on Instagram or via her website, chelseajewel.com


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