5 Ritual Practices for Manifesting In The Age of Aquarius

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius - a time of renewed collective hope, inspiration, and diversity!

Although there is considerable debate about when the Age of Aquarius officially starts - some believe we entered into it during the 'hippie' period of the 60s and 70s, some think we're only now entering it, and others believe that we're still a few hundred years away from it - we can all agree that we are currently in a time of massive and rapid collective change, which is ultimately what Aquarius energy is all about.

I believe that we kicked off the Age of Aquarius in December 2020, when we experienced the Great Conjunction between the planets Saturn and Jupiter at 0 degrees of Aquarius.

Saturn and Jupiter are known as the 'social planets,' meaning that because they are farther away from the Earth and move through each zodiac sign more slowly than the 'inner planets' (Mars, Mercury, and Venus), their energetic impacts are felt more broadly and collectively.

When these two planets came together at 0 degrees of Aquarius, they signaled an upcoming time of great possibility and expansion (Jupiter energy), as well as lessons and karmic tests (Saturn energy) related to how we integrate diversity, realize each of our roles within the collective, and how we work together to envision and manifest a greater world for everyone.

It's also important to note that 0 degrees of any zodiac sign are a critical point in astrology, representing 'seed' energy, where the full spectrum of the possibility of that sign's potential is felt and can be harvested.

Regardless of the ‘official’ start date of the Age of Aquarius, the influences of Aquarius energy are undeniable in 2021 and beyond: 

  • In 2021, we have had the social planets Saturn and Jupiter moving through the sign of Aquarius, bringing us new opportunities and lessons around individuality vs collectivism and how we can sustainably push toward progress 

  • In early 2021, we had our first Mercury Retrograde of 2021 in the sign of Aquarius, prompting us all to review and reflect our individual roles and contributions we’d like to make within society; additionally, our two other Mercury Retrograde periods of 2021 are also in air signs (Gemini and Libra), emphasizing our collective lessons around staying adaptable and open to change

  • Throughout 2021, we have Saturn in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus, giving us a collective feeling of push-and-pull between progress and the way things have always been done

  • And in 2023, Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, will enter the sign of Aquarius, ushering us into a new 10-plus year era of redefining leadership, liberation, and societal expectations. 

The art and beauty of astrology, though, is not necessarily that we are able to predict exactly what will happen in the future, but that it allows us to work with the current energy and not against it.

That being said, leaning into the energy of Aquarius and the Air element can help us all optimize our manifestation rituals and feel more in touch with these cosmic rhythms as we envision a brighter future where we can all thrive.

Here are 5 rituals and practices that will help you optimize your manifestation practice throughout the Age of Aquarius.



We often forget just how powerful and sacred our every breath is. As we enter the Age of Aquarius, breath-centered practices will continue to become increasingly important to help bring us back to center, to clear out stagnant energy, and to create space in our bodies for all of the amazing things we are manifesting. 

Beginning a breathwork practice can be very simple - simply focus your attention on your breathing, allowing your inhales to fill your body with life and vitality, and exhaling any beliefs, anxieties, stories, or emotions that you’re ready to let go of.

If you’re looking for a more guided breathwork ritual, my favorite resources are Wim-Hoff videos on Youtube and Revelation Breathwork virtual classes



The practice of channeled writing is all about clearing your mind, intentionally connecting to another form of consciousness like your Spirit Guide or higher self, and writing down whatever comes into your mind or through your pen.

When it comes to manifesting, channeled writing can help you connect to higher guidance on what your soul actually wants to attract (versus what your ego wants), next steps to take, and finding gratitude for where you are and what you have right now. 

If you’re new to channeled writing, check out our blog post that breaks down what channeling is and how you can do it



Aquarius is all about envisioning and embodying the future, so what better way to leverage this energy than to connect with your future self?

Take some time to get into a quiet and relaxed state, and then begin to imagine yourself at some point in the near future. I would suggest starting with a version of yourself somewhere between 1-3 years in the future - any further may be harder to really believe and feel into. 

Reflect and journal on these prompts, filling in as much detail as you can with your imagination: 

  • Where is your future self living? Describe the city, home, and work environment you see her in. What is the weather like where she is? What kind of decor is in her home? How does she feel when walking or driving through town? Give extra attention to the emotions and sensations she might experience on a typical day, allowing yourself to feel them as well. 

  • What does your future self do on a typical day? How does she feel when she wakes up in the morning? What is her routine like? How does she feel in her relationships, while doing her work, about her health and wellness?

  • What practices does she use to keep herself in a high vibrational state? Is there a certain mantra that she uses to remind herself of her power and capability? What is different about how she handles and approaches stress than what you may be relying on now? 

  • What advice does she have for the current version of yourself? This future version self is wiser and more experienced than your current self - take some time to ask her how she got to where she is now, how she persevered through challenges you may be facing now. 

  • Imagine that your future self gives you a gift or a small token to keep you connected to her and her energy. What is this gift? What does it represent and mean to you? How will you use this symbolic gift to come back to this reminder of what your future self is like and what she has in her life?


The impact of music and sound can be tied to any of the four elements, but given that the vibrations reach us through the airwaves, it makes sense that we can utilize the power of sound to work in harmony with the Air element.

Specifically related to the sign of Aquarius, I feel that it’s most important to use the music you personally connect and identify with as part of your healing, meditation, and manifestation process - Aquarius is about uniqueness and marching to the beat of your own drum - in this case, literally! 

Aquarius-themed music may also have a more futuristic bent to it - think meditating to binaural beats, healing any limiting beliefs that are blocking your manifestations by listening to crystal sound bowl tones, or even dancing out the energy of your desires to your favorite EDM playlist. 

Chanting is another powerful form of sound healing that I believe will become more popular throughout the Age of Aquarius, as it reconnects us to our own voice and power and helps us get clear on who we are and what we want. 



Ultimately, the energy of Aquarius is about tapping into our unique, individual gifts in order to contribute to a vision for a better humanity.

When it comes to manifestation in the Age of Aquarius, the best way to get what you want is to put some of it out into the world. In other words, you need to match the vibration of what you’re calling in, in order to receive it yourself. 

For example, if you’re working on manifesting your dream relationship, take some time to reflect on the main qualities you want in a partner and the main feelings you want to experience within that relationship.

Then, brainstorm ways that you can embody those qualities and emotions within yourself right now. 

If you’re seeking the feeling of adventure and fun, don’t sit around and wait to take an exciting trip until you have a partner.

Plan a weekend escapade solo or with friends, or find ways to make even mundane activities during the week more fun and spontaneous. 

If you’re attracting abundance into your life, try giving more of what you can to others - research a new cause that gets you fired up and donate $20, or start to volunteer more of your time to help your little cousin with her math homework.

You don’t always have to give the exact thing you’re wanting to receive - just the intention and vibration of giving can shift your energy enough to attract in more of what you’re seeking. 

Pay attention to and celebrate yourself for your generosity in whatever form you’re able to offer it to others, and you’re bound to see the vibration of abundance coming back to you in unexpected ways. 

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Chelsea Jewel is an Intuitive + Karmic Astrologer, Spiritual Coach, and Intuitive Mentor to those waking up to their own intuitive powers. You can connect with her on Instagram or via her website, chelseajewel.com


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