Cancer New Moon: Your Horoscope By Zodiac Sign

New moons are magical times, and this new moon on July 20 is extra special for two reasons. First off, this is the first new moon we have had in a couple of months that isn’t tied to an eclipse. Also, there is usually only one new moon and one full moon for each season, however, this Cancer season offers us two new moons one month apart, the first one was on June 20 with the summer solstice and solar eclipse. Although the effects of the eclipses we just experienced will last with us for around six months, having a new moon not occurring at the same time as a solar eclipse means that those powers of setting new moon intentions are back in full effect. 


The Cancer new moon is especially powerful since Cancer is the sign ruled by the moon.

Seeds sown on this new moon really have an added power and potential to come to fruition. It’s like we are getting a second, more potent opportunity to really make our voices heard.

You can choose to revisit intentions set on June 20, or they may have changed completely in the past month and you feel called to start something completely new. Either way, it is completely natural for priorities to shift with the quantum leaps of expansion that occur in eclipse season. There is no “right” answer, and whatever is coming up for you specifically is the way to go. 

Jupiter retrograde is sitting sextile Neptune retrograde, expanding dreams and realities of what is possible.

Many have felt called to update their living situations, or to change them entirely, and with Cancer’s influence, the desire for a new place to call home can be amplified. Others have felt called to redecorate their living spaces, to make them more accommodating and cozy. After all, where we spend the majority of our time now should be a place that makes us feel good, where we can be ourselves and feel at home. 

Collectively, we are experiencing something new and different. An evolutionary jump, necessary to ensure we all return to living in harmony with our ecosystems, each other, our planet, and the universe at large. With this occurring, it is important to remember that what we feed into will perpetuate. For this reason, it is more important than ever that we feed into the energies of love, abundance, compassion, generosity, and gratitude.

This is not to ignore the current circumstances, but to know that the best way that we can heal the situation and move past it is to hold it with a heart of compassion. True love and compassion never push a problem away, but rather make space for it and holds it up to the light of truth. Darkness changes form when you turn on the light. 

A shaman is a healer that is deeply connected to nature, and one who facilitates healing through nature. And in shamanic traditions, it is said that you do not choose to be a shaman, but the path of shamanism chooses you. Often a series of initiations occur outside of one's own conscious choosing. The shaman learns how to be grateful for their experiences, without denying them, never pretending they didn’t happen if only to be able to show the way and hold space for those who have also gone through or are going through the same situations. 

Each of us has the power and potential within us to choose this kind of healing. If we can hold space for the wild ride that is this year, we have the ability to transform ourselves and change our trajectories on individual and global levels. We have seen how nature has powers of regeneration, and we have these in ourselves as well. 

The south node in Sagittarius will continue to bring our attention to long-held beliefs that are outdated and no longer serve our societies.

The square of the retrograde planets in Capricorn with Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries is bringing empowerment to us through the recognition of our ability to be our own hero.

It is the courage of commitment, as we finish out this year strong. If we give the responsibility to external forces to “fix” things, then we give away our power as well.

Mars in Aries shows us how to be spiritual warriors.

To embody the level of endurance and resilience it requires to keep a positive mindset when external circumstances might want to pull our focus away from what’s important. Many people are finding awakening through leaning into their personal power and realigning with purpose in these next five to six months.

These planets are squaring the planets in Cancer, and applying pressure there until the sun moves into Leo on July 22. 

The Cancer archetype values security, and the vast majority of us want and value the best quality of life conditions for all. After all, as spiritual beings believing in abundance and that there is everything we could ever want to go around for everyone when we are living in harmony with each other, then it also makes sense from an abundance mindset to prioritize an abundance in care and resources for all. It is the fear and lack mentality that has tricked some into believing that resources must be hoarded and not shared, and that one should have to fight for what are inherent basic human needs and rights. 

With this new moon in Cancer occurring two days before the sun’s transit into Leo, feel free to set your new moon intentions sky-high.

Yes, we still have three planets retrograding together in Capricorn, including Capricorn’s ruler Saturn who likes to impose some healthy limitations, but if any placement can counter those obstacles, it’s the powerful sun in Leo.

While the moon rules Cancer, the sun is Leo’s ruler, and it is quite happy to be in its home sign.

Taking some time to reflect on the positives of this year opens up space for gratitude for the things we have and have learned, for example. Just as the sun brings life to all living things, we can choose to breathe life into the things we want to see more of. And remember, we may not see immediate results with everything - though many manifestations certainly will be immediate - it is still important to plant the seeds of renewal and new beginnings. 

Beliefs are expanding and quantum leaps are possible, as we keep our sights on what we want to see more of. 

Read on for your New Moon in Cancer / Leo Season Horoscope below: 


Setting an intention for something you really want can make every second that passes feel like a lifetime. Patience is key - loosen your grip a little bit. Everything happens at the right time. Just think about how quickly things have changed in the past six months, and then think about how quickly things can and will change in the next six months. There could be factors that you don’t see now, and that’s okay. Use this season to get out of your head and into your naturally abundant self and you’ll have a lot more fun in the process. 


You may have recently lost faith that something you want will come to fruition. This is your reminder to keep the faith. The invisible help from the universe is often more powerful than the physical efforts of a thousand men. Invisible laws do not yield and bend to physical laws; they are limitless. Try shifting into curiosity. Get curious about everything, down to the thoughts that keep coming back to you. Some are ideas and some are fears, and you’re learning how to tell the difference. You’re not alone and you don’t need to do it alone. Assistance is provided to you whenever you ask. 


There is rarely ever a perfect choice to be made, so make a choice most in line with what you’re feeling - and not what you’re thinking! You can talk yourself out of (or into) many different things but the only thing that matters is you’re picking something. Let inertia take care of the rest, but you have to take those first steps. Try taking a different approach to something, pausing to sit with something before reacting or deciding. Listening to your gut instinct does not mean that everything needs an answer right away. Alternatively, if there is something you’ve been asking for and not yet received, you may be discounting some opportunities to take aligned action. 


You need a temporary break from your routine. Just enough to get you off auto-pilot and shift your perspective. Perhaps you’re feeling the call to make a big change like a move. However, it could even be something like reading a genre book that you wouldn’t normally read or cooking a meal you’ve never made before. You might be surprised how even a small change to your daily habits can make a difference. Take time to get out in nature. Take space to feel your feelings. Take the opportunity to celebrate every win before moving on to the next thing. 


The perceptions of what you have previously allowed yourself to believe are possible have been stretched and transformed. You have asked, and now is the time to trust the synchronicities and confirmations you are on the right path. Allow yourself to “go there” and believe that what is possible can also be real. Resist the temptation to play small, and downplay your accomplishments and how far you have already come. Trust your inner knowing over any outside chatter you might hear. You know what’s possible. 


There is an upside to feeling like there is nothing left to lose -- you see no reason not to go for what it is you truly want. Fear of failure stops a lot of people before they start, but the universe takes care of those bold enough to go beyond the current circumstances and imagine that something much bigger is at play. Letting go of perfectionism is easier said than done. There is a wisdom in nature that reveals itself to us when we pay attention. And it’s not about a narrow definition of what’s perfect. Trees grow in asymmetrical proportions. You might not find anything special about one flower petal, but when you take in the flower, you might find something close to natural perfection. This is a good time to step back and take in the big picture view of your life in order to see things as they really are. 


No dream is too big right now. Plan on things working out, instead of planning your backup or getaway in case what you really want doesn’t happen. You have the ability to bring harmony and balance into your wellbeing at any time you choose. Even in the midst of external circumstances - and it doesn’t require you detaching from anything. Rather, coming home to who you are and what you want in your true heart of hearts, opens up doors you couldn’t have planned on, anyway. When it gets to be too much, practice feeling into what it is you would like to see and do less, not more. There is nothing to prove to yourself or to anyone else. 


Have you let your view of yourself as a realist be the reason that allows you to focus on what’s not working, instead of what is? Take some time to set some intentions to be open to more of the magic of the unknown. How boring would life be if we knew every detail of what is going to happen, anyway? Still, you can acknowledge what you would like to see more of, personally and in the world, and act and interact with the world from that place. Something is being born in you now. You want the things you want for a reason. Don’t be tempted into playing small.


When we feel that others are too “this” or “that”, we unknowingly are judging qualities that are also in ourselves. If we have the ability to love someone, that means that we have the ability to love anyone (even if we don’t “like” them necessarily). The point to remember here is that other people only act as a mirror for how we feel about ourselves. So if someone is bothering you in a covert way where you can’t tell how or why it is upsetting you, and you find yourself slipping into a bad mood over it, it might be useful to examine that a bit further. This type of shadow work is covered in the book “The Dark Side of the Light Chasers(one we highly recommend!), and it can feel uncomfortable to do, so find little ways to reward yourself for going there. The universe will likely reward you for doing it, too. 


As spiritual beings living a human experience, we have the ability to shapeshift into different archetypes and adapt to life when the situation calls for it. It might be a fun experiment this Leo season for you to try on what it would feel like to be someone who goes with the flow in life a little more. Allow yourself to get outside and play, be silly, and invite in the freedom - the kind that has nothing to do with people’s perceptions of you. After all, we quantum leap when we move outside our comfort zones. Do something to show the universe that you won’t let what other people think of you stop you from exploring all aspects of yourself. 


You’ve been asking for something pretty much since your season back in January, and you haven’t allowed yourself to step back and move into the role of the receiver. This isn’t a passive role; it requires a great deal of trust to step back and allow things to unfold. Remember how loved you are, that your every need is witnessed and responded to by the universe. The universe may be trying to give to you in a package or vessel that you don’t recognize. Allow yourself to be nourished and held by a benevolent universe. And remember that having needs doesn’t make you weak, it makes you human. 


You are being asked to honor an insight you have about something. The universe is trying to get your attention and communicate with you. Have you been open to listening? You are being asked to think in terms of long-term happiness over short-term gratification. Where do you want to be in a year? Two years? And more? Write it out. Don’t be afraid to name what you want. Claim it. And know what you know is real without second-guessing and doubting yourself. 



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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at


North Node Astrology: North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius


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