#8: Somatic Healing: Awakening To Your Truth with Zahara Jade, M.A.

Zahara Jade for Your Woo Woo Best Friend (1).png

Are our wounds the key to our awakening? Is it possible to be free from, and emboldened by our past, rather than weighed down by it?

In this week’s conversation with Somatic Therapist and Awakening Coach Zahara Jade, M.A., founder of The Truth Catalyst, we dive into her story of personal transformation. For the first twenty-five years of her life she was consumed by a rare, crippling autoimmune illness and intergenerational trauma. She takes us on her journey where at the age of 27, she was healthy for the first time in her life. 

What was the catalyst? 

Zahara shares her experience working with a somatic therapist to find the answers. In the process she released the roots of disease that had been trapped in her body and built a life design that supported total wellness in mind, body, and spirit.

Today Zahara guides individuals on Somatic Journeys™ to transform trauma and awaken their authentic selves. She has worked with hundreds of clients around the world to help them overcome everything from anxiety, chronic illness, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and lack of purpose. 

You can find out more about Zahara and her work at thetruthcatalyst.com.

Follow along with her on instagram at @truthcatalyst

Find more to love and join our community at ouiwegirl.com.

Where to find me: ouiwegirl.com @ouiwegirl

Follow the show instagram page: @yourwoowoobff

This show is produced, mixed, recorded and additional music by T'Ben Alleman

Opening and closing music: Pet Fangs

Resources: When Things Fall Apart by Dr. Pema Chodron

Andi Eaton Alleman

Andi Eaton is a creative director, author, entrepreneur, and cultural influencer in a variety of media. She produces Oui We (ouiwegirl.com) the modern bohemian's guide to everything from travel and style to beauty and holistic wellness. Andi and her projects have been featured on Domino, Glitter Guide, A Beautiful Mess, Southern Living, SELF, Hello Giggles, Refinery 29, WWD, Elle Canada and more; in 2017 she wrapped a year of road tripping throughout the U.S. photographing and documenting travel, style and culture stories available in her new book: "Wanderful: The Modern Bohemian's Guide to Traveling in Style".


#9: Manifesting My Dream Home! The 8-Step Process I Use To Tap Into My Desires


#7: Past Life Healing and Karmic Astrology with Chelsea Jewel