What Is A Women's Circle?

Women's circles have been a source of inspiration, empowerment, and connection for women throughout history. In recent years, they have experienced a resurgence as more women seek to create a safe space for self-discovery, healing, and growth.

Let’s dive into what a women's circle is, its history, its significance, and the transformative benefits it offers to women in today's world.

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The Origins of Women's Circles

The concept of women's circles has been around for a while. These gatherings have deep historical roots in various cultures around the world.

Women have been coming together in circle formations for centuries, where they share stories, wisdom, and experiences. These gatherings often revolve around communal rituals, celebrations, and life transitions.

Ancient Traditions

Women's circles have been an essential part of indigenous cultures, with various practices. For example, Native American tribes have used talking circles for conflict resolution and community decision-making.

In ancient Greece, women held gatherings called Thesmophoria to honor Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and fertility.

Goddess Worship

Many women's circles have focused on worshipping goddesses, celebrating the divine feminine. These circles were instrumental in preserving and passing down women's wisdom and spirituality. In ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley, goddess worship played a central role in religious and cultural life.

Spiritual and Healing Traditions

Women's circles have also been a cornerstone of spiritual and healing practices. In the Middle Ages, women often gathered to share knowledge of herbal remedies, midwifery, and other healing arts.

In more recent history, the women's suffrage movement in the early 20th century saw the emergence of women's circles as a space for discussing and advancing women's rights.

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The Modern Revival

While women's circles have never truly disappeared, they experienced a significant revival in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The resurgence can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Feminist Movement: The feminist movement, emphasizing women's empowerment and exploring female identity, played a pivotal role in bringing women together in circle formations to discuss their experiences, challenges, and goals.

  2. Spiritual Seekers: Many women have turned to women's circles to explore their spirituality and connect with the divine feminine. This is often in response to dissatisfaction with patriarchal religious structures.

  3. Wellness and Self-Care: The growing focus on self-care and holistic well-being has increased interest in women's circles as spaces for emotional healing, support, and personal growth.

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Defining a Women's Circle

A women's circle gathers women who come together in a safe and supportive environment to share, connect, and learn. These circles can take various forms, depending on their goals and the preferences of the participants. Common elements of a women's circle include:


Every women's circle has a specific intention or purpose, whether it's personal growth, self-discovery, spiritual exploration, healing, or simply building a sense of community.

Safe Space 

Women's circles are designed to be judgment-free and safe spaces where participants can express themselves openly and honestly without fear of criticism or rejection.

Shared Experience

Women in a circle often share their stories, feelings, and insights. A facilitator or leader often guides this sharing to ensure the circle remains focused and supportive.

Rituals and Practices

Many women's circles incorporate rituals, meditation, guided visualizations, or other practices to enhance the experience and deepen the connection.

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Benefits of Women's Circles

Participating in a women's circle can offer numerous benefits that positively impact various aspects of a woman's life. Empowerment is a central theme, as these circles provide a supportive environment where women can explore their potential, build self-esteem, and gain the confidence to pursue their goals.

Additionally, they foster connections and meaningful friendships among women with similar experiences, concerns, and aspirations, promoting a strong sense of belonging and community.

Women's circles also serve as spaces for emotional healing and catharsis, allowing participants to share their stories and pain with a compassionate group, leading to significant personal transformation.

For those seeking a spiritual dimension, these circles often include rituals, meditations, and discussions that help participants connect with their inner spirituality. Furthermore, through self-reflection, guided activities, and the support of others, women's circles can contribute to personal growth and self-discovery.

Engaging with diverse women's stories in a circle also promotes empathy and compassion, enabling participants to better understand and support each other in their journeys.

what is a womens circle

How to Start or Join a Women's Circle

Starting or joining a women's circle is a step toward self-discovery and empowerment. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Define Your Intention: Determine the purpose of your circle. Are you seeking personal growth, spiritual exploration, healing, or community? Clarifying your intention will guide your circle's structure and activities.

  2. Find a Circle or Create Your Own: If you want to join an existing circle, consider local women's organizations, spiritual groups, or online communities. If you create your own, invite like-minded friends or acquaintances to join you.

  3. Set Guidelines: Establish guidelines for your circle, including confidentiality, respect, and the structure of meetings. These guidelines will help create a safe and supportive space.

  4. Design Meetings: Plan the format of your meetings. They can include opening rituals, check-ins, discussions, guided activities, and closing rituals. A facilitator or leader can help maintain focus and flow.

  5. Use Technology: Many women's circles have embraced technology, using video calls and online platforms to connect women from different locations. Virtual circles offer convenience and accessibility.

  6. Regular Gatherings: Consistency is vital to the success of a women's circle. Decide on the frequency of your meetings and stick to a schedule that works for all participants.

  7. Facilitator or Leader: If you choose to have a facilitator, select someone who can guide the circle, maintain its purpose, and ensure a safe environment.

  8. Openness to New Members: Consider whether your circle will be open to new members or if it will remain a closed group. Open circles bring fresh perspectives and experiences, while closed circles offer stability and trust.

TLDR; What is a Women’s Circle?

Women's circles, with their deep historical roots and modern resurgence, provide a unique space for women to connect, grow, heal, and empower themselves.

These gatherings offer a safe and supportive environment for women to explore their identities, share their stories, and build lasting connections with like-minded individuals.

Whether seeking personal growth, spiritual exploration, or a sense of community, women's circles continue to play a vital role in women's lives worldwide. If you haven't yet experienced the magic of a women's circle, consider joining or starting one – you may find it a transformative and empowering journey.


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