New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus 2022: Journaling Prompts For Massive Change

Eclipse season is finally here! On April 30, 2022, a partial solar eclipse at 10°35’ of Taurus sets the tone for the upcoming weeks and initiates massive changes for us as individuals and the collective. Let’s explore the energies of this transformative eclipse.

New Moon in Taurus

The first two eclipses of the year are happening on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. On May 16, the full moon total lunar eclipse in Scorpio will be an opportunity to close specific chapters that are no longer serving our highest evolution.

Since Taurus and Scorpio both deal with power, values, ownership, resilience, sexuality, and resources, it is safe to say that this is a timeframe where we can truly accelerate our evolution.

To determine which the 2022 eclipses will most impact areas of your life, locate where the Taurus-Scorpio axis falls in your birth chart.

So, What’s A Solar Eclipse?

Eclipses are times of massive change, shifts, and transformations. And these occur when the sun, the moon, and the earth align near the nodal axis. Regarding the solar eclipse, it’s a time when the moon passes directly between the earth and the sun. Think of it as a new moon on steroids.

During eclipse season, light is obstructed, bringing about destabilizing energy and a lack of clarity. Feeling lost, dizzy, or even confused is normal. Eclipses are also catalyst events that usher us towards our highest alignment. Like cosmic helping hands, this eclipse is an invitation to expedite your growth through unsolicited crises.

These almost fated events and ordeals are unfamiliar by essence, so resistance and rigidity are the biggest enemies of eclipse season. Allow yourself to adapt and shapeshift. With the eclipses already representing the leap of faith we need to take, this first solar eclipse of 2022 will be an even bigger dance around the unknown in close conjunction with Uranus, the planet of freedom and awakening.

Sudden, shocking and electrifying changes are on the horizon, and as painful as they may present themself, they sure will be liberating AF. Many lightworkers and spiritual enthusiasts warn against manifestation during the eclipse season. This belief is that eclipse energy is like a big messy vortex.

Trying to direct any energies during a tornado consciously is hazardous and useless. Welcome the change and accept the shifts and turns you are ushered towards.

As life-long manifesting beings, we are currently creating our reality. This month, the cosmos demands you to let go of the desire to direct the current or wrestle against the tidal waves. Instead, pick up a surfboard and learn how to surf.

Partial Solar Eclipse

Taurus Energy

“Without Aries, there would be no seeds; without Taurus, there would be no gardens.” - Dana Gerhardt.

Astrologically, Taurus represents self-sufficiency, fertility of the soil, and the realm of physical sensations. With immovably fixed sign energy going on, the sign of the Bull is all about being down-to-earth, steady, stable, grounded, and secure.

The symbol, or glyph, for Taurus in the Zodiac is not just a representation of the Bull. It’s the circle of spirit, with the arc of heart on its head. This arc reminds us of our ability to listen, be open and access the ebbs and flow of life.

Taurus, which links with the Archetype of the Sensualist or the Gardener, also deals with luxury, gastronomy, and the delights of the senses. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, arts, and finances, Taurus wants us to look at the beauty surrounding us from a practical lens while exploring the tastes, the textures, the smells, the sights, and the sounds of the world.

Modern flower arrangements, 5-star spa treatments, luxurious satin pajamas, fancy gourmet experiences… Taurus is a request to feel worthy enough to live a high-quality lifestyle.

Taurus’s shadow can cast an overly-practical approach to life, relationships, and events, who are stubborn, materialistic, and sometimes even stuck in the status quo. So during this eclipse season, make sure to stay clear of greed, gluttony, steadfastness, possessiveness, and the paralyzing comfort of procrastination.

Uranus, The Great Awakener

On April 30th, the moon and the sun are conjunct Uranus, the planet of rebellion and ground-breaking paradigm shifts. Expect exciting new adventures and encounters, eccentric plot twists, sudden infatuations, and major AHA moments in regards to your destiny. Upheavals and disruptions in your personal life could pop up too.

As you jump-start a new chapter in your life, make sure to liberate yourself from your judgments, expectations, preconceived ideas, and limiting beliefs. With Uranus sextile the fiery Mars, your energy levels and stamina are high, but so are the impulsive, insubordinate, and subversive ways of the rebel within.

Keep your council and bring your inner insurgent spirit to meet eye-to-eye with common sense, safety, and strategy. You don’t have to put yourself at risk to change the world or prove your point. With Uranus conjunct the solar eclipse, expect an “earthquake” in some areas of your life, especially if you have zodiac signs around 10° of fixed signs: Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, or Aquarius.

New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus 2022

Love & Romance Is In The Air

With Venus conjunct Jupiter in the now jam-packed Pisces stellium (along with the moon, Mars, and Neptune), this April 30th could feel like swimming in a pool of love and sweetness.

Romantic, refined, and full of divine wisdom, Venus is ready to transform your love life and offer more expansive experiences. This is a great time to mingle and meet like-minded souls yearning for closeness if you're single.

Since Venus connects with the senses and what we love, and Jupiter deals with expansion, you could be prone to overindulging, over-resting, or over-eating these next weeks.

Instead of censoring or shaming your desires, allow yourself healthy, blissful sensations. Feed your soul and body, and watch yourself blossom. Return to your feelings, drop into your body, and enjoy the fine things life offers.

Pluto Retrograde 2022

On April 29, Pluto begins its retrograde phase, in the same alignment of February 2022, during the infamous U.S Pluto return.

Pluto is in the last degrees of the earthy Capricorn, and it is ready to wrap its journey in the sign of authority, structures, discipline, and fatherly figures. As you can imagine, the final stages of any endeavor are usually the most intense. 

Besides, when the planet of the underworld, Pluto, goes retrograde, it travels through its shadows, the “underworld’s underworld” in a sense. As Pluto unearths previously veiled matters, we are called to reflect on our blindspots and reinvent what it means to be powerful, strong, and influential.

Since Pluto is linked with the phoenix, eternally rising back from its aches, allow yourself to be reborn too. Make good use of this necessary time-out because when you’ll come back, you better be ready! Pluto is supported by favorable aspects from Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune. In other words, your intellect, faith, and dreams are intertwined with this healing process, and they should also undergo scrutiny.

As you detoxify yourself from what has been holding you back, you’ll realize how you may have sabotaged or “upper-limiting” your growth the most. Funny enough, the last pink moon in Libra reminded us of power issues, with Pluto squaring the luminaries back then.

As we move into this Taurus new moon and partial solar eclipse, it is clear that the Pluto retrograde is magnifying those issues, giving us room to break free finally!

New Moon in Taurus 2022

Collective Shadows To Watch Out For

Without getting into crazy conspiracy theories, it’s safe to say that there’s more happening on the global and geopolitical scene than meets the eyes. In light of world events such as the war in Ukraine, Shanghai’s lockdowns, the rise of inflation, and resource scarcity, April 30th could be an important turning point for the collective.

Sudden events related to the Taurus-Scorpio axis are on the radar: food shortages, issues around natural resources, the rise of hyperinflation and oil prices, cyberattacks, land sovereignty and borders, sex scandals, fertility, etc.

New Moon in Taurus 2022

Solar Eclipse In Taurus Journaling prompts

To find clarity during these times of darkness, here are a few journaling prompts for this exciting solar eclipse:

  • What changes took place in my life since last October 2021? How did I integrate, make sense and welcome these transformations?

  • Is my credit and bank account healthy? How can I bring more harmony to my finances, income, and money?

  • When’s the last time I spent time in nature? How did that make me feel? How can I bring the outdoors into my life more often?

  • How can I honor my need for peace, quiet, and silence?

  • What am I resisting today? What is no longer working in my life?

  • What parts of myself am I keeping hidden from the world?

  • How can I step into my full power right now?

From Silver to Gold Lining

With Mercury retrograde just around the corner, change is the only way forward. By the end of May, many areas of your life will look 100% different. But remember, the best expression of any cosmic transit is internal, so enjoy the ride!

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website, YouTube or Instagram where she shares cosmic wisdom for daily life.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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