New Moon in Pisces Affirmations For Each Zodiac Sign

A sweet and dreamy chapter begins, and some New Moon in Pisces affirmations will help you tilt your awareness to those BIG dreams you’re passionate about! Creativity, devotion, compassion, willpower, accountability—are you ready to tap into your best self? Let’s uncover what this New Moon in Pisces brings and the affirmations you can use based on your zodiac sign.

Pisces New Moon

Pisces Season: Stepping into the Light

Did you know that the astrological new year is celebrated during the spring equinox? We’re currently experiencing the last phase of the Sun in the Zodiac wheel as we move towards the mid-March reset.

What accomplishments, challenges, and discoveries have you made in the past 12 months?

As we shift from the stillness of winter into the booming light of spring, I invite you to look back on who you’ve become this year and what habits and beliefs you decided to part ways with.

At the heart of the Pisces Season, our inner mystical mermaid comes to play—allowing spiritual growth, healing, transcendence, and radical acceptance. So, let’s dive deeper into what the Piscean archetype stands for.

New Moon in Pisces

The Piscean Archetype

"The happiness of the drop is to die in the ocean." - Abu Hamid al-Ghazali 

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, and it is often represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions. Like the yin yang, these two opposites are eternally twirling with each other, following the current. 

Living in the present moment is key during this Pisces season, as in the “Tao.” See, Pisces represents the process of the undoing of endings. This is what happens when we finally merge with the divine and take a look beyond the veil without resistance.

By accepting your energetic waters this New Moon in Pisces, you can begin swimming in a pool of blissful frequencies and moving from a state of flow. By surrendering to fate, God(s), and life itself… you can release all that’s holding you back!


Pisces reminds us of our vibrant, ethereal inner world as a mutable water sign. Pisces is also the archetype of the dreamer and the medium psychic who can enter altered states of consciousness to connect with the divine and bring down powerful downloads. 

This week, more than ever, I recommend you to trust those indescribable feelings you get at times. The broad spectrum of emotions that arise within you, the nudges and gut feelings that pass through you…those are not coincidences.

When the Moon joins the Sun in Pisces (the New Moon), it’s common to experience an even heightened sensitivity and psychic awareness. Use these gifts wisely during this transit and channel them into creative outlets to avoid burnout, fatigue, or hyper-stimulation.

Dance. Pray. Meditate. Strengthen your intuition. Use tarot for stress management and self-care. Practice New Moon in Pisces affirmations. Daydream. Whatever you do, keep those creative juices flowing.

Pisces Affirmations

Shadows of Pisces: What To Watch Out For

In astrology, every sign has higher and lower octaves of expressions. In Pisces, especially this lunation, you must be aware of confusion, mental fog, extreme irrationality, and playing the victim.

Since Pisces deals with the unconscious realm and the hidden shadows of our heart and psyche, this New Moon energy can lead us towards escapism when faced with real-life problems. So this New Moon in Pisces, we must not act cowardly when life acts us to step up:

  • Get clear on your personal boundaries

  • Use your compassion and empathy as guides, not weapons to victimize, hurt or disempower yourself.

Pisces is also connected to the image of the martyr, like Jesus Christ. He died at the cross to atone for the sins of humanity. Since the current carries this energetic signature, it can encourage our tendencies to live out self-fulfilled prophecies, self-constructed disillusions, or self-gaslighting.

To leave you with a story: Pisces energy is often linked to Greek mythology River Lethe, or the “river of unmindfulness.” 

This is one of the five rivers of the underworld, flowing around the cave of Hypnos (from hypnosis). Filled with sirens, mermaids, and monsters, whoever entered this river or drank its water entered a liminal space of oblivion and memory loss. 

Long story short: being “high” (literally or metaphorically) is great. But as sweet as oblivion tastes, living in denial is suffering as we refuse to embrace our true strength. There is nothing “cool” about escaping our destiny and hiding in our “metaverse.”

So if you’ve been going down a rabbit hole of addiction, harmful habits, or distractions, maybe now is the time to focus on your mental health, get sane, and stay aware.

Pisces Moon Affirmations

How To Navigate Pisces New Moon 2022

In traditional astrology, Jupiter rules over Pisces—although the nebulous Neptune is the modern ruler of the sign.

What’s interesting during this month’s transit is that Jupiter is also conjunct the two luminaries at 14° of Pisces, on top of the Moon and the Sun. In other words: a bold emphasis on dreams, expansion, and creative self-expression.

Pisces rules over miracles as well as the invisible. It reminds us of our magical side because as complex as it is to envision our dreams as realities, they’re already here! We simply need to align with their frequency (read on for New Moon in Pisces affirmations to help you with this).

I believe this week will be a very fertile ground for manifestation. With an abundance of quintiles in the sky, there are many opportunities to tap into your genius, visualize the lifestyle you want to have, and embody the person you wish to become.

What’s your big vision?

Dreams Are Just Wishes if They Lack Hard Work...

The thing about dreams is that we often forget them as soon as we wake up…unless we train ourselves to write them down in the morning. So what I’m saying here is: that dreams are just wishes if they lack hard work.

Do vibe with the frequency of your visions, but stay grounded to make them a tangible reality!

We can bring this “groundedness” by tapping into the opposite polarity of Pisces: Virgo. Pay attention to details. Listen to those red flags. Stay hydrated. Tend to the practical matters of life, and all will be yours!

We have the opportunity to further this good structure through the interesting Capricorn stellium (3 or more planets) in the sky at the moment. The divine lovers, Venus and Mars, and the great awakener, Pluto, are all conjunct at 27° of the earthy sign, Capricorn. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, so this is a great time to use willpower and drive to accomplish whatever you set your heart towards.

Bliss is in the air, and the support, too! This optimistic lunation will help us dig deep, energize our actions, and make the necessary efforts to manifest our highest potential. 

“When the actions become more frequent than the words, success becomes heavier than the dreams. Do more, say less.” - Israelmore Ayivor

Pisces Zodiac Sign


Here's a list of New Moon in Pisces affirmations to assist you during this time. Use both your Sun and Rising signs as references. 

For more information about how this New Moon is likely to affect your life, locate where Pisces falls in your chart.


I am always connected to my inner magic and intuition.


I lovingly accept help, support, and guidance.


I allow myself to create projects that enable me to be seen, recognized, and valued.


I listen to the divine wisdom and knowledge of myself and others.


I am a powerful creator, and I embrace the full depth of my magic.


I am a magnetic being, and I attract true love wherever I go.


My daily life is exciting and beautiful, and I allow it to empower me greatly.


I am creative beyond measure. I allow my inner child to guide me.


I am deeply rooted. My family and home life give me the willpower I need to succeed.


I am open to receiving new information and communicating my authenticity with the world.


I respect and honor myself and my values, and others respect them.


I allow my inner authenticity to shine through every pore of my body. As a result, I glow from the inside out.

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website, YouTube or Instagram.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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