New Moon in Aquarius 2023 Meaning & Intentions

The New Moon in Aquarius on January 21st, 2023, marks the start of a new lunar cycle and the perfect time to set intentions for the coming month.

Aquarius is a sign associated with innovation, progress, and individuality, making this New Moon an invitation to seize life's opportunities and reinvent ourselves like never before.

new moon in aquarius 2023

New Moon in Aquarius 2023 Meaning

One of the main characteristics of Aquarius is its forward-thinking nature. This sign is always looking towards the future and is not afraid to try new things and take risks. Therefore, this New Moon is a great time to set intentions related to progress and innovation.

Whether taking steps towards a new career, starting a new project or hobby, or even just trying something new, this is the perfect time to put your ideas into action.

Another key trait of Aquarius is its emphasis on individuality. This sign is about standing out from the crowd and being true to oneself. This New Moon is an excellent opportunity to focus on your unique qualities and talents and set intentions that will help you express yourself in the best way possible.

This could be taking the time to explore your passions or working on developing your skills in a particular area.

aquarius new moon 2023

In addition to progress and individuality, Aquarius is also associated with community and humanitarianism. This New Moon is an opportunity to think about how you can positively impact the world around you.

This could be by volunteering, participating in community events, or even being more mindful of your actions and how they affect others.

To understand how this cosmic event will affect you, make sure to locate where 12° of Aquarius falls in your natal chart and your natal Moon placement. Use the energies of this New Moon to plant the seeds of change in your daily life and access more authentic layers of your being.

new moon in aquarius

Aquarius New Moon Intentions 2023

When setting your intentions for the New Moon in Aquarius, it's important to remember that this is a time of new beginnings. Take the time to reflect on what you want to achieve in the coming month, and be specific about what you want to manifest.

Write down your intentions and place them where you can see them daily as a reminder to stay focused on your goals. Here are a few questions I invite you to ask yourself this Aquarius New Moon:

  • Am I allowing myself to feel free?

  • What limiting beliefs, environments, or people hold me back from new opportunities?

  • What habits, projects, ideas, or things I'd love to commit to long-term?

  • How can I prepare myself to take action during the upcoming months?

  • How can I expand my awareness and look at my problems differently?

  • How do I want to contribute to society and the groups and communities I resonate with?

  • Finally, what creative and innovative ways can I renovate and bring new freshness into my relationships and endeavors?

moon in aquarius 2023

The Bottom Line

In summary, the New Moon in Aquarius on January 21st, 2023, is a great time to focus on progress, innovation, individuality, and community. Use this opportunity to set intentions related to these themes and make the most of this powerful time of new beginnings.

Remember to be specific and stay focused on your goals, and you'll be well on manifesting your desires. Get creative, bend the rules, and create some new ones. Liberate yourself from anything, and anyone, which keeps you stuck. Brainstorm how you can do this, and you'll be on your way to an amazing new lunar chapter!

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her journey on, YouTube or Instagram.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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