Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn: 7 Tips To Navigate This Season

Mercury Retrograde December 2022 is the perfect time to re-examine your goals and intentions for 2023! 

When is Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn? 

  • December 12, 2022 – December 19, 2022: Pre-retrograde shadow phase

  • December 29, 2022 – January 18, 2023: Mercury retrograde phase

  • January 18 – February 28, 2023: Post-retrograde shadow phase

mercury retrograde in capricorn 2022

What Is Mercury Retrograde?

Retrogrades are times to reassess and reflect on our past behaviors, thought patterns, and actions. Is the road you're walking on leading you home? Is the path you've chosen aligned with your ultimate desires? Mercury is astrology's planet of perception, communication, thoughts, and intellect.

So Mercury retrogrades often bring technical errors and delays to the forefront. Since Mercury is a mutable planet, flexibility, adaptability, and innovation are how you are asked to engage with these glitches. Usually confusing and anxiety-filled, it's essential to give your mind a break during Mercury retrograde.

Hustling may not be the best idea now. Until you correct your trajectory, it is best to stop or even take a few steps back! During its backspin, swift-moving Mercury might get in the way of your jolly partying spirit. As a result, frustration and challenges may pop up, all-guns-blazing, where you least expect them.

Missing your train, making silly typos, missing holiday parcels, accidentally sending that screenshot to the same person, unexpectedly bumping into people from the past… Get familiar and comfortable with these potential hazards! Instead of finding a culprit to blame, focus on self-awareness and introspection.

Re-writing your own narrative is at hand here, with the possibility of returning to the mental processes, situations, and events you may have rushed through in the earlier months or years.

As common as it is to hear astrologers warn against signing contracts, making commitments, and taking life-changing decisions during this period, life sometimes forces us to take action on short notice. If delaying your answer or decision isn't an option, drop into your heart center and meditate on the best possible outcome.

Whatever decision you make during Mercury retrograde needs to be thoroughly double-checked. Be ready to alter your decision as Mercury starts moving direct again.

what does mercury retrograde mean

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 2022

Capricorn is the sign of the relentless pursuit of greatness. The sea goat, a master of dry land and the ocean's vastness, frequently symbolizes it. This zodiac sign is about focusing on the future, finding pleasure in planning for your long-term success, and enjoying the rewards of self-discipline.

Ultimately, the lesson here is to become your own CEO boss babe. But, as you may have guessed, this title is never given. Instead, it has to be earned. Ruled by the structured, cold, and strict Saturn, Capricorn reminds us to look ordeals in the eyes and hustle through.

In Wendy Holden's inspiring book, she says that "The lotus is the most beautiful flower, whose petals open one by one. But it will only grow in the mud. So to grow and gain wisdom, first you must have the mud - the obstacles of life and its suffering."

Like the lotus flower, Saturn demands you to flourish regardless of the circumstances and amidst the most austere environments. Against all odds, the sea goat pushes through life's difficulties until it reaches the top of the mountain.

But, unfortunately, Capricorn's energy can be "too" enamored with excellence and titles that it forgets to contemplate the view. So, wherever you consider yourself in your journey, you must count your blessings before looking for the "next big thing" to achieve.

what happens when mercury is in retrograde

What To Expect During Mercury Retrograde In Capricorn 2022

This money-flavored last retrograde of the year will spotlight the life areas ruled by Capricorn. In this sense, your public image, reputation, career, wealth, legacy, and goals may be at the forefront. Using a desire map may come in handy here, as this retrograde will prompt you to rethink the way you set goals for yourself.

Responsibility is another theme you may have to deal with during the upcoming weeks.

  • Where have you been shying away from duties? 

  • What are your values around leadership? 

  • What relationship do you have with elders and authority figures around you?

During January, the Sun will join Pluto in Capricorn, allowing you to tap into your inner strength, power, and resilience. Pluto, the planet of transformation, and the Sun, the core of your identity, will help you transmute whatever lies ahead into bliss and infinite potential.

Allow whatever insights, downloads, and transformations you live during this retrograde phase to mold you into a new version of yourself.

TikTok may not be your cup of tea, but the Gen-Z "Villain Era" and "Main Character Energy" trends can teach you about reclaiming your power and showing up as your most authentic self!

P.S.: Make sure to pinpoint the house where Capricorn falls in your chart for more clarity on how this retrograde may manifest for you.

mercury retrograde in capricorn

7 Tips To Navigate This Mercury Retrograde

Here are seven tips to help you navigate Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 2022:

  1. Before December 29, try to tie up as many loose ends in your business, work, and affairs. You want to avoid juggling through later on or acting from a place of stress and hurry.

  2. Review the public image you've created over the years, and rethink how you can align your personal branding with your actualized core values and desires.

  3. Stay open, flexible, and adaptable to change(s). Mercury Retrograde is known for causing disruptions and setbacks, so it is a good idea to have a plan B in case things don't go as expected. This can help you avoid frustration and stress.

  4. Delay any big purchases, launches, or professional projects until Mercury stations direct on January 18, 2023.

  5. Reassess your 2023 goals. Why are you going after what you're going for?

  6. Foster kindness and emotional maturity, as you may find yourself expressing your thoughts in a more cold and insensitive manner over the following weeks. If not closely monitored, this attitude and non-filtered speech pattern may result in stress-inducing drama and misunderstandings.

  7. Take extra time to communicate with others. Because Mercury is the planet associated with communication, it is common for misunderstandings and miscommunications to happen during this time. Double-check your emails, texts, receipts, and contracts. Always read the fine print.

mercury retrograde in capricorn 2022

Mercury Retrograde Journal Prompts

Here are a few journaling prompts to support you through Mercury retrograde. Find the honest answer to these questions, and your year 2022 will end with a bang!

  • If your ideal version of yourself could talk, what advice would she give you? 

  • If your past self could speak, what advice would you likely receive?

  • What lessons can you learn from your past mistakes and failures?

  • How can you march forward while maintaining a healthy reverence for the past?

  • How can you move away from "hustle culture" and step into a more structured and comfortable blueprint for success?

  • How can you successfully transform the relationship you have with structure/self-discipline?

  • How can you better your relationship with your father, your boss, or any other external authority figures in your life?

  • How can you empower yourself to show up as an expert in your field or business?

Long story short, the fourth and final Mercury retrograde of 2022 is asking us, as a collective, to rise. So, what are you rising above? And, more importantly, what are you growing into?

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer and Spiritual Mentor who desires to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website, YouTube, or Instagram, where she shares cosmic wisdom for daily life.

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Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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