Full Moon in Cancer 2023: Rituals & Journal Prompts

The Full Moon in Cancer is a powerful astrological event that occurs when the Moon is fully illuminated in the sign of Cancer. The first Full Moon of 2023, which will take place on January 6, will call us to release old emotional baggage and burdens to settle into the year with ease. 

It's a powerful time for self-reflection, letting go of negative patterns, and cultivating emotional awareness and self-care. Over the past weeks, true to the spirit of Capricorn season, the quality of time has been heavily focused on the serious, pragmatic, and rational aspects of life. 

However, the wolf moon in Cancer is here to help us explore more complex waters: those of our emotions and effects.

full moon in cancer

Full Moon Energy

The Moon rules over our moods, emotions, innate reactions, and what makes us feel secure emotionally. While the Sun represents the energy we constantly work towards, the Moon best describes the energy we possess already. This is our inner self, how our soul is shaped. 

Like humans, the Moon goes through different life stages: pregnancy, infancy, childhood, puberty to adulthood, and seniorhood. Within this context, the full Moon's energy is ripe, mature, and ready to be expressed and released to the world. 

In this regard, the full Moon represents the peak of the Moon's visibility and the culmination of a 29.5 days lunar cycle. Our life feels like it has reached a natural milestone during this timeframe, thus naturally guiding us toward ending a few chapters to make space for the new. 

As the ruler of the sign of the crab, the Moon is very comfortable in Cancer, bringing harmonious and smooth frequencies into our lives. However, full Moons are also polarizing by default. With the Sun in Capricorn opposite the Moon in Cancer, our serious cold nature is at war with softer edges and emotions.

full moon in cancer 2023

Exploring the Cancer Archetype Within

This January, the full Moon is activating the Cancer Capricorn axis, known as the axis of structure. A familiarity exists between these two energies, with diametrical experiences like all opposing signs. 

Both signs seek to "build" security and safety: Cancer builds by leaning towards the past, motherhood, family, and emotional intelligence, while Capricorn chooses to swing towards the future, fatherhood, work, and earthly intelligence. 

When balanced, this axis can help us construct grounded foundations in our lives and nurture everything within those structures. See, contrary to the self-reliant Capricorn, the watery Cancer reminds us of our (co)dependence, just like a child is dependent on their mother to survive. 

Because of this, this week will spotlight the areas in which we need more nurturing, care, and gentleness.

january full moon in cancer

Full Moon in Cancer Meaning

Cancer, like the crab, yearns for security and seeks refuge or shelter. So let me ask you this: Do you feel at home within your body? Do you feel at home in the world? Do you feel shielded, nurtured, and protected? Is your emotionality allowed, accepted, and honored around you? 

If you answered "NO" to any of these questions, this full Moon could help you release some of the limiting beliefs and blockages of the past. So permit yourself to leave the harbor: you are safe to express the entire width and length of your heart! 

Get comfortable with being vulnerable. Find peace in closure: just like browsing the internet, keeping a trillion tabs opened will only cause you harm and headache. 

Instead, close the chapters you no longer want to experience or engage in. And part of letting go of our attachments to the past has the courage, boldness, and curiosity to enter unknown territories and focus our energy on the present.

full moon in cancer meaning

Full Moon in Cancer 2023 Rituals

To assist you through this emotional release, performing full Moon rituals can be highly beneficial. You can practice various simple and easy rituals, from smoke cleansing to full moon baths and cord-cutting. Whatever you do, offer yourself the gift of self-love and self-care. 

Here's an interesting article with moon rituals for each lunar phase to assist you.

Cancer Ritual Bath

Submerging yourself in water is profoundly cleansing for your aura and can leave you feeling renewed. Swimming in the ocean can be particularly purifying, but a ritual bath will do the trick if you do not have access to the sea currently (or aren't brave enough to face the cold). 

  1. Set up the bathroom space by lighting some candles and dimming the lights. 

  2. Run a warm bath and place one cup of Epsom salts or another bath salt mix (there are some great ones on Etsy). You could also drop in some essential oils, such as lavender or chamomile.

  3. Before you get in the bath, set the intention that you wish to cleanse any negative and harmful energy from your aura. 

  4. As you soak in the tub, imagine all the negative energy washing off and falling away. Stay in the bath for at least 20 minutes.

Create a sacred space

Setting up an altar or creating a special place in your home to focus on the Full Moon in Cancer can help you develop a sense of sacredness and intention around this astrological event. 

You can include items with personal significance or opt for things that honor Cancer and its ruler, the Moon. Here are some suggestions:

  • Iris, lilies, poppies, jasmine, anise, poppy seeds, and mugwort. 

  • Any crystal that is white, luminous, or looks like the Moon. 

  • Anything that resembles care and parents, mothers, caregivers, babies, and children. 

Meditate on your emotions

Take some time to sit quietly and focus on your emotional state. What feelings are coming up for you during this Full Moon in Cancer? Are there any patterns or themes that you notice? Use this time to tune in to your emotional body and to allow yourself to fully feel and experience your emotions.

Release what no longer serves you 

The Full Moon in Cancer is a powerful time for letting go of any negative emotions or behavior patterns holding you back. You can write down these things on paper and burn them in a ritual fire or simply visualize releasing them. 

Consider using a mantra or affirmation to help you let go, such as "I release what no longer serves me and embrace my highest self" or "I am worthy of love and happiness."

Full Moon in Cancer 2023 Journal Prompts

  1. How have my emotions affected my life in the past month?

  2. What patterns of behavior or negative emotions do I want to release during this Full Moon in Cancer?

  3. What do I need to feel emotionally nourished and fulfilled?

  4. How can I cultivate more self-care and emotional awareness in my life?

Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their divine nature. You can follow her journey on YouTube or Instagram.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.


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