Decoding Your Business Astrology Birth Chart

Whether you are an entrepreneur, creator, leader, or just someone trying to figure out what to do with the rest of your life, your natal astrology chart is a map to help guide you to your highest potential and deepest fulfillment. 

Business astrology is an invaluable tool that uncovers our energetic blueprint, our ultimate soul purpose, how we best earn money and the people we need to help us realize our vision. 

One of the things that I love most about business astrology is that it is an archetypal language — meaning, when we look at each planet, sign, and House in someone's chart, they each hold their own set of expansive archetypes. 

House in Someone's chart

The Basics of Business Astrology

Each zodiac sign is more than just a few keywords you may see or hear about in memes and horoscopes - they each hold worlds of nuance, possibility, and meaning. 

This means that while there are specific things we might look for in a business astrology chart specifically related to business and purpose, you can technically look at anything in a business astrology chart through the lens of business and gain never-ending layers of understanding. 

For example, in a traditional natal chart reading, I would look to the planet Venus to tell me about the client's love language and the type of partner or friends they need and want most in life. In a business astrology reading, I look at Venus with a different intention and lens. 

From a business perspective, Venus can tell us about personal branding, how to market ourselves, what to look for in an ideal client, the best business partners and collaborators to work with, and how we can best earn money. 

What is A business Astrology Birth Chart?

A business astrology birth chart typically considers the date, time, and location of a company's founding as its cosmic "birthdate." This information is then used to create a celestial map reflecting the planetary positions at the moment of the business's inception.

Like a roadmap of the stars, this birth chart serves as a guide to understanding the business's inherent strengths, challenges, and potential growth avenues.

The Planetary Placements In A Business Astrology Birth Chart

Here is a quick, high-level summary of what each main planet, or chart component, can tell us from a business perspective. The answers to these questions are found in the SIGN it falls in, its HOUSE, and the ASPECTS it makes to other planets in your chart. 

Sun Sign – The Essence of the Business

Just as the sun sign represents an individual's core identity, in business astrology, it symbolizes the essence of the business. For instance, a business born under the influence of Leo might radiate creativity and leadership, while a Virgo-influenced business may focus on precision and attention to detail.

Moon Sign – Emotional Intelligence and Public Perception

The moon sign in a business chart reflects the company's emotional intelligence and public perception. A business with a Cancer moon may prioritize a nurturing and customer-centric approach, while a Capricorn moon might emphasize stability and long-term goals.

Ascendant – The Public Face

The ascendant, or rising sign, represents the business's public face. It influences how others perceive the company. A business with a Pisces ascendant may project a compassionate and artistic image, while a Sagittarius ascendant might convey a spirit of adventure and expansion.

Mercury – Communication and Strategy

Mercury's placement in the business chart relates to communication and strategy. A strong Mercury can indicate effective communication channels and strategic thinking, while a challenging placement might suggest the need for clarity and precision in business communications.

Venus – Values and Aesthetic Appeal

Venus governs values, aesthetics, and how a business attracts and retains clients. A business with a prominent Venus may prioritize beauty, harmony, and a customer-centric approach, while a less prominent Venus might need to focus on refining its brand image.

Customer-centric approach

Mars – Energy and Drive:

Mars represents the energy, drive, and assertiveness of a business. A strong Mars can indicate a proactive and ambitious company, while a challenged Mars might signal the need for careful planning and resource allocation.

Jupiter – Expansion and Growth

Jupiter's placement in the business chart is associated with expansion and growth opportunities. A business with a well-aspected Jupiter may experience success through bold ventures and expansion, while a challenging placement may require careful risk assessment.

Saturn – Structure and Stability

Saturn symbolizes structure, stability, and the ability to endure challenges. A business with a strong Saturn may excel in long-term planning and strength, while a challenged Saturn might need to address issues related to organization and discipline.

Finding Your Purpose As A Business Leader

No matter how satisfied you are with your current job or business, we are all on some soul-searching journey. We all seek to understand ourselves better and what we're meant to do here with limited time and energy. 

To help guide and clarify these big, deep questions of life, we can first look at two critical points in your natal chart: The Midheaven and the North Node.

The Midheaven, or MC 

The Midheaven, often called the MC, marks the pinnacle of your astrological chart. The zodiac sign associated with your MC reveals essential qualities to embrace for fulfilling your life's purpose.

While it's nicknamed the 'career line' due to its connection with work in our career-focused society, the MC goes beyond just jobs. It guides us in earning community recognition and status, emphasizing a soul-aligned approach rooted in service.

Understanding your MC sign—like Aries, known for leadership—offers insights into qualities to cultivate. Even if you don't see yourself as a natural leader, business astrology encourages exploring and embracing new facets of your identity.

A common trap is dismissing astrological insights as inaccurate. Instead, view them as tools for personal growth, guiding you toward a fuller expression of your true self.

Here is a quick overview of what the Midheaven through the signs is leading you toward in this lifetime: 

  • Midheaven IN ARIES - Your soul purpose is related to leadership and courage; embody your competitive spirit and boldness in your work.

  • Midheaven IN TAURUS - Your soul purpose is related to building something sustainable and long-term; display patience and fixed determination toward your ultimate goals.

  • Midheaven IN GEMINI - Your soul purpose is related to connection with others; incorporate curiosity and seek (or create) community in your work.

  • Midheaven IN CANCER - Your soul's purpose is to nurture others; display your intuitive gifts of sensing what a person or project needs to grow and thrive.

  • Midheaven IN LEO - Your soul purpose is related to fearless and bold self-expression; embody your unique creativity in whatever form you are inspired by.

  • Midheaven IN VIRGO - Your soul purpose is related to serving and healing others somehow; embody the part of yourself that is detail- and process-oriented and that can see what needs to be fixed in any given situation.

  • Midheaven IN LIBRA - Your soul purpose is related to relationships and aesthetics; embody the part of you that can find beauty in everything and everyone you meet.

  • Midheaven IN SCORPIO - Your soul purpose is related to transformation; embody the archetypes of the alchemist, the (soul) detective, and the explorer of the mysteries of life.

  • Midheaven IN SAGITTARIUS - Your soul purpose is related to faith and exploration; embody optimism, adventure, and the eternal search for wisdom within yourself and the world.

  • Midheaven IN CAPRICORN - Your soul purpose is related to leadership and integrity; embody your inner authority and the part of you that desires to impact the world positively.

  • Midheaven IN AQUARIUS - Your soul purpose is related to humanitarianism and envisioning the future; embody the part of yourself that seeks to lead a revolution toward a more fantastic, unified end.

  • Midheaven IN PISCES - Your soul purpose is related to spirituality and compassion; embody your emotional sensitivity and innate sense of connection to something greater than yourself.

The North Node

While not exclusively tied to the business, the North Node represents our karmic destiny and where our deepest soul fulfillment lies. The energy of our North Node - the sign and House it falls in - often feels foreign and uncomfortable. 

Still, when we consciously embrace that energy within ourselves, we have the most significant potential to feel entirely whole and integrated. Again, integrating your North Node energy may be separate from your work or point you away from work altogether. 

For example, my North Node lies in the 4th House, home, family, and the inner world of emotions and self-reflection. So, while business, working, and achievement are essential pillars of my life, part of my deepest soul fulfillment is ensuring that work doesn't run my entire life. 

In other words, part of my soul's purpose is to balance my work/outer life with my family/inner life. Check out this North Node Astrology blog post to dive deeper into your North Node placements. 

Life Balance

Business Relationships & Your Ideal Clients

For conscious business planning, it is essential to identify the types of people you work best with - in terms of partnerships and clients. Even if you're a solopreneur working as a one-woman team, you'll quickly learn that you still need to build a community of support around you.

Here are the best places in your chart to start looking for information about who to work with: 


As the planet of harmony and relationships, Venus tells us a lot about the types of people with whom we're most likely to get along and be attracted to working. So pay special attention to Venus's sign and House in your chart and any significant aspects it makes to other planets. 

Venus can also represent how we are most magnetic, so play into the specific energy of your Venus sign to most effortlessly attract new clients, money, and business opportunities. Here are some examples of what Venus, through the signs, represents from a business perspective: 

  • VENUS IN ARIES - Seek clients and partners who are natural leaders and self-starters; you attract what you need when you radiate confidence.

  • VENUS IN TAURUS - Seek clients and partners who are grounded and pragmatic; you attract what you need when you take your time and keep things simple in business.

  • VENUS IN GEMINI - Seek clients and partners who are communicative and always seeking to learn; you attract what you need when you share your voice in some way - think podcasting, blogging, IG Lives, etc.

  • VENUS IN CANCER - Seek clients and partners who are intuitive and sensitive; you attract what you need when you consistently tune into the emotions you're feeling around specific projects and offerings.

  • VENUS IN LEO - Seek clients and partners who are creative and bold; you attract what you need when you praise and encourage others around you.

  • VENUS IN VIRGO - Seek clients and partners who are practical and structured; you attract what you need when you dedicate yourself to being of service to others.

  • VENUS IN LIBRA - Seek clients and partners who are well-balanced and relationship-oriented; you attract what you need when you understand everything and everyone as a mirror to help you grow.

  • VENUS IN SCORPIO - Seek clients and partners who value personal transformation and aren't afraid of emotional depth; you attract what you need when you apply your intensity to the things you genuinely love.

  • VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS - Seek clients and partners who prioritize freedom and share similar values; you attract what you need when you practice what you preach.

  • VENUS IN CAPRICORN - Seek clients and partners who are committed and goal-oriented; you attract what you need when you regularly set goals and intentions to work toward.

  • VENUS IN AQUARIUS - Seek innovators and change-maker clients and partners; you attract what you need when you fully understand and market what makes you utterly unique from anyone else in your industry.

  • VENUS IN PISCES - Seek compassionate and mystical clients; you attract what you need when you feel energetically and spiritually aligned with what you're offering and doing in your business.

6th House 

Another great place in the chart to look to is the 6th House - what sign rules over it, and do you have any planets here?

The 6th House is all about day-to-day responsibilities and work relationships, so the information here will help you identify more traits and energies to look out for in potential clients or collaborators. 

You can layer this information with what you've learned about your Venus placement to better understand your need to feel supported and service others in your business.


Lastly, Chiron - the asteroid known as the wounded healer - is a helpful placement to search for you in your chart, especially if you are a healer, intuitive, or coach. The sign and House Chiron tells you about your soul wound and where you have the most potential to help others heal. 

For example, suppose you have your Chiron in Gemini. In that case, you may feel extra sensitive or insecure around Gemini-related things: speaking up, communicating, and intelligence. 

You may have deep wounds related to not being smart enough, not being educated enough, not being heard by others, or not expressing yourself appropriately. Chiron lies in this area where you'll have much personal healing to do throughout your life. 

Your deep, personal understanding of this unique struggle enables you to know the medicine someone else might need to face the same battles.

So your Chiron in Gemini may point to you as the best guide or healer for people learning to reclaim their voice and speak up for themselves. With Chiron, your wound becomes the medicine you have to offer the world.

Chiron in Gemini

Earning Money According to Your Business Natal Chart

When looking at a business astrology chart, money can be considered a separate lens. Each planetary placement can tell us specific information about how we approach money and what we need to do or embody to make more money. 

But to avoid information overload, I look primarily to two main spots in the chart to tell me more about a client's unique relationship with money: the 2nd House and Jupiter. 

2nd House 

The 2nd House tells us how we best earn (and spend) our money. So pay attention to the sign over your 2nd House and any planets here to tell you about the energies to lean into to bring wealth and resources. I also like to look to the 2nd House to see how someone should structure and sell their offerings. 

For example, someone with Cancer over their 2nd House may be extra intuitive when it comes to making money or even when it comes to knowing what investments to make. They should follow their intuition when making financial and business decisions. 

They should market and sell their offerings with the energy of genuinely wanting to help and care for their clients. Someone with Aries over their 2nd House must rely on different energies to make money. They'll need to lean more into their independent and entrepreneurial side, following their impulses and gut instincts.

With Aries over the 2nd House, offerings should be direct and bold - no 5-page sales page to market a course or package, just straightforward, concise copy that cuts straight to the point.


Last but not least, Jupiter is the planet of abundance, success, and expansion, and so is yet another VIP in the business and money-planning game of astrology.

Find out what sign and House Jupiter falls in for you and what aspects it makes to other planets to help you determine your challenges and what comes most easily to you of creating abundance. 

Applying Business Astrology

"Millionaires don't use astrology - billionaires do." - J.P. Morgan 

Strategic Decision-Making

Business astrology birth charts can serve as a valuable tool for strategic decision-making. By understanding the cosmic influences at play, leaders can make informed choices aligned with the inherent strengths of the business and navigate potential challenges with foresight.

Team Dynamics

Just as individual birth charts can provide insights into personality traits and compatibility, business astrology can shed light on team dynamics. Recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of team members based on their astrological profiles can contribute to more effective collaboration.

Brand Development

The celestial influences in a business chart can guide brand development strategies.

Whether emphasizing the artistic and visionary qualities associated with a Neptune influence or a Saturn influence's disciplined and structured approach, aligning the brand with the cosmic energies can enhance its authenticity and appeal.

Market Timing

Astrological transits and progressions can be used to assess favorable and challenging periods for business activities. By aligning major initiatives with positive celestial energies, businesses can optimize their chances of success and minimize potential obstacles.

Navigating Challenges

Every business faces challenges, and astrology offers a unique perspective. Whether through astrological remedies or strategic adjustments based on cosmic insights, businesses can proactively address challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth.

TLDR; Your Business Astrology Birth Chart

So, there you have it! My top tips for using your astrology chart to run your business consciously and in alignment with your unique energies.

While skeptics may view business astrology with a raised eyebrow, those willing to explore the cosmic realm may find themselves on a celestial journey toward success. After all, why not seek guidance from the stars in the vast cosmos of possibilities?

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Chelsea Jewel is an Intuitive + Karmic Astrologer, Spiritual Coach, and Intuitive Mentor to those waking up to their own intuitive powers. You can connect with her on Instagram or via her website,


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