Aries Full Moon: Rituals for Manifestation, Astrological Meaning, & Affirmations

Full moons reveal our true selves. As the Sun’s light shines upon the Moon, it unveils our subconscious selves and helps us align with our soul’s purpose. Full moons represent the end of a cycle, yet - Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. This dichotomy can cause reckless action and calls us to embrace our inner warrior in our manifestations.

Full Moon in Aries Meaning

This Hunter’s Moon, or the first Full Moon after the Autumn Equinox, represents momentum, an acceleration process where we must ride on quickly before the window of opportunity closes.

Aries: the warrior archetype

Aries is the sign of the adventurer, the warrior who goes out to explore head first. Naturally bold and courageous, the ram can also turn into pure selfishness and lack of consideration for others. The total opposite of the agreeable and diplomatic Libra.

During this week, the cosmos is calling you to integrate more lionhearted and valiant qualities; but at the same time, to stay mindful not to tilt these emotions into rage, anger, or violence. As exciting and energizing as it may be to act, react and respond to external stimuli, make sure to not allow your emotions to get the best of you. 

Brawling for the sake of brawling can lead to disastrous consequences. “The wise warrior avoids the battle,” said Sun Tzu in his famous book The Art of War. Indeed, you should focus on winning the battle, not just a single fight.

If you find yourself caught up in a situation that feels like it is escalating quickly, call forth the Libra energy within you and live by its principles: diplomacy, peace-keeping, and compromise.

Sometimes, even our best attempts to reach an agreement or mutual respect fail. This could be the case if the people in front of us don’t have our best interests at heart. If you’re in that position, do not yield. Stand your ground, show kindness, strength, and wit.

Libra-Aries Axis: self vs. Others

The Aries Libra axis represents Self vs. Others -- how we build our personal identity vs. the collective identity. This dynamic brings some competitiveness and clashes to the forefront.

Remember to put your energy into what you want to build and create: Is your money, time, and attention feeding the old structures, habits, and systems, or is it providing the new realities you want to create for yourself?

Themes to integrate:

  • Your self-care: You can’t be a warrior for others if you aren’t a warrior for your own well-being. 

  • Staying in your power: The experience many of us will face over the next few months will be traumatic. These practices intend to support you in staying aligned with your personal power. 

  • Integrating your shadow: What’s being exposed to us right now is the shadow side of what much of the world’s collective consciousness holds. We all have to face our shadows. So as we move into October - the season in which the darkness begins from a seasonal perspective, spend the time you need to acknowledge your shadow and allow your past wounds to be your best lesson.

Full Moon Ritual for Manifestation


The fire in Aries can cause frustration and pent-up energy. Release it with Breath of Fire, a breathwork practice to calm and strengthen oneself.

It generates heat within the body and burns off any negative karma hanging around your solar plexus - your emotional center.

Step 2: JOURNAL PROMPTS for Release

The full moon illuminates the subconscious, and with the Aries Full Moon, we are called to dig deep and uncover the things that are stressing us out.

Begin with a free write for 3 minutes of everything you feel is standing in your way — your frustrations, things that anger you, or keep you up at night. This practice might be emotional, but allow the emotions to bubble up to the surface. Release them. 

Then, set a timer for 15 minutes and consider these journal prompts on a new sheet of paper: 

  • What does the ideal world you envisioned look like?

  • What can you let go of to allow that vision to come to life?

  • How can you be a warrior for yourself and your community right now?

Step 3: FIRE Manifestation RITUAL

When practicing with fire, consider the duality of what fire offers: things burn, and then new growth forms. To perform this manifestation ritual:

  1. Set up a candle and a small bowl of water.

  2. Tear the journal page of frustrations and subconscious anger into small slips of paper.

  3. Burn the slips in the flame, visualizing those things holding you back leaving you, and extinguish in the water.

  4. Gaze into the candle while considering what you wish to call in.

  5. Focus on the sensation of the light flowing into you and imagine your manifestations rising from the candle into the light of the moon. As time passes, allow the room around you to fade away as the candle flame takes over my awareness.

Full Moon in Aries Affirmations For Each Zodiac Sign

Based on your Sun and Rising sign, here are a few simple affirmations you can try repeating all throughout the week to navigate this Full Moon’s energy with more ease:

  • ARIES: I am strong, bold, and courageous, and I love to share these qualities with others.

  • TAURUS: I release and heal the parts of me that no longer help me move forward.

  • GEMINI: I am open to receiving the complete love and support of my peers.

  • CANCER: I passionately express myself through my work and career.

  • LEO: I am blessed with exactly the right teachers and experiences I need to grow.

  • VIRGO: I am grateful to be surrounded by generosity, courage, and kindness.

  • LIBRA: I attract loving, supportive, and encouraging relationships into my life.

  • SCORPIO: I feel energized and reinvigorated when I honor and respect my routines.

  • SAGITTARIUS: I joyously invite experiences and people who allow me to be who I am.

  • CAPRICORN: I release the past and rejoice with my loved ones in harmony.

  • AQUARIUS: I speak my truth, even when my voice shakes.

  • PISCES: I create space and room for abundance to enter my life.

Andi Eaton Alleman

Andi Eaton is a creative director, author, entrepreneur, and cultural influencer in a variety of media. She produces Oui We ( the modern bohemian's guide to everything from travel and style to beauty and holistic wellness. Andi and her projects have been featured on Domino, Glitter Guide, A Beautiful Mess, Southern Living, SELF, Hello Giggles, Refinery 29, WWD, Elle Canada and more; in 2017 she wrapped a year of road tripping throughout the U.S. photographing and documenting travel, style and culture stories available in her new book: "Wanderful: The Modern Bohemian's Guide to Traveling in Style".

Scorpio and Sagittarius Compatibility: Love & Friendship 


Astrology Guide for October 2022: Balance and Relationships