Back to school with the September New Moon in Virgo

September is here, and it’s time to go back to school, or work! On September 7, the New Moon happening at 14°37’ of Virgo will represent a new chapter of our lives where change, order and organization play a major role.

The Goddess is in the details

Happening mid-way through Virgo Season, this New Moon is also in the sign of the Virgin. In astrology, Virgo is related to the Healer or the Goddess archetype. Perfectionist, detail-oriented and precise, Virgo energy is all about turning chaos into order. 

This week, this energy will be in the air as we try to declutter and clean our physical, mental and emotional space. Virgo is somewhat of a Hermit by nature, it needs introspection, observation and a tidy environment in order to function. And so do you this month!

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On the lower expression of this grounded and practical earth-sign, Virgo can become overly anxious, critical and judgmental. In fact, it’s Virgo’s innate instinct to discriminate, discern, categorize. Think of this sign like the digestive system. Its function is to label the food we consume: minerals, proteins, healthy, toxic, etc.

As helpful and useful as this inner guidance system is, this ability to put everything “where it belongs” can turn into a discriminating and condescending systemic behavior. Do use this discernment to filter the information and people you receive, and more especially, to get rid of cumbersome items, situations and thoughts. 

But do not get caught in the maze. Accept that imperfections are part of life, and that imperfect action is always better than perfect inaction. 

Virgo also deals with purity and refinement, so one of the major themes for this new moon is purifying our hearts, refining our vision, and getting the details right. Whatever you must do to cleanse yourself both physically and metaphysically: do it. This will help you make room for the challenging times ahead, and stay as grounded and collected as possible.

During the New Moon, the Moon and the Sun are conjunct in the sky. This is the cosmic portal to wipe last month’s slate clean and start fresh. A perfect soil for planting new seeds and aligning our actions with our emotions and needs. 

Take a look at your birth chart and find where 14° of Virgo falls in your life. Planning for the matters of that specific house or aspecting planets could be highly beneficial to you.

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Turning chaos into order and separation into Oneness 

One of the major placements of this astrological new chapter is the presence of Mars in Virgo and its opposition with Neptune in Pisces.

With Mars in Virgo since late July and until September 14th, our inner drive, motivation, desires, and actions are all about getting our sh** together at the moment. And given the chaotic state of most of our lives lately, we probably need that pragmatic, cold, and critical kick in the butt Virgo can willingly provide. 

Use this “tough love” to your advantage and focus on the details of your life story that need “fixing”. Get things right, plan, strategize and use your energy wisely. As utilitarian as it may sound, one does need to sometimes maximize profit and minimize risk.

With the opposition with Neptune in Pisces, which is currently in its home sign but retrograde, there will be a tendency to be swinging from overly attaching to the details of life, and overly relying on the “bigger picture”, the ethereal spiritual grand scheme of things. Delusions and illusions may be something to look out for.

Because of this opposition, you could be feeling emotionally overwhelmed and drained this week. Rest assured, the balance can be restored. You don’t need to choose between the grounding force of Virgo or the unifying energy of Pisces, the horrifyingly cold and calculated reality, and the blurry mystical and delusional realm of dreams. Both forces can be merged, all you need is to take the best of each, and move forward with spiritual and compassionate devotion, as well as pragmatic and meticulous care.

“You get a car, you get a car, you get a car!”

Oh yes, Oprah's legendary television line “You get a car” is somewhat the best way to describe what a New Moon trining Uranus in Taurus feels like. Minus the car (unless it’s a flying car that uses carrots as fuel, something Uranus in Taurus would probably not mind).

In a nutshell, this lunation will bring a great deal of opportunities and pleasant surprises our way. With this harmonious aspect, there’s a sense of starting fresh and stepping outside of our normal routines. And it feels exciting, invigorating. 

If you’ve been interested in alternative ways of living, unorthodox communities, and hobbits, please take some time this week to honor that interest, as it may bless you with unsuspected gifts and discoveries.

No matter what comes your way, good or bad, remember that it’s crucial you stay in higher frequencies in the upcoming days. Focus on joy, bliss, appreciation, gratitude, love... These higher frequencies will cloak you from the twisted, corrupt, and even “harmful” events happening on the 3D at the moment.

You probably heard of the saying “to be in the world, but not of the world”. In today’s turbulent day and age, it’s more than needed to let go of our worldly attachments, step back and become an observer of this play. Use this lunar phase to anchor in these higher timelines and step aside from worries, doubt, anxiety, and lower vibrational bonds.

Don’t fret about the future or “what ifs”. Focus on the present, get back to yourself and to the tiny details that make your life pleasant, comfy, and perfectly aligned. Be practical and straight-to-the-point if needed, but just be simple.

Affirmations for each of the zodiac signs:

Here are a few affirmations you can repeat out loud during your lunar ritual, or at any other time of the day in this upcoming week. Feel free to look at both your Sun and Rising sign’s affirmation for more accuracy.

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I honor my divine temple and co-create my own health and well-being.


I express my unique quirks and talents with creativity, pride and courage.


I allow myself to thrive within safe spaces and environments.


I use my words and thoughts to deliver truth, precision and kindness.


I am worthy of welcoming and receiving more blessings into my life.


I feel empowered to move forward in my life without hesitation.


I take pleasure in befriending the mystical and hidden aspects of my psyche.


I allow myself to be inspired and uplifted by the loving people I meet.


I shine publicly with presence and awareness of my value.


I am guided by divine hands as I march outside of my comfort zone.


I treasure the deep and meaningful bonds in my life.


I am ready to romantically connect with others in alignment with my values.

Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their divine nature. You can follow her journey on her website, her YouTube channel or Instagram account.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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