Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Release Rituals for Each Sign

Are you feeling these vibrational shifts? This Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 26th of May is a cosmic recalibration where we will be asked to evolve… whether we want to, or not! Here are a few lunar rituals for each Zodiac sign to assist you on your journey through these powerful tides.

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Eclipse season is always one of the biggest cosmic events of the year. During these weeks, old and outdated perceptions of reality are shattered. And there’s nothing like a good scrub once in a while, guys!

Epiphanies, discoveries, revelations, secrets coming to the light… all of these are common during this period, especially during the Lunar Eclipse, which is kind of a Full Moon on steroids.

I love Eclipse season because of the fated and serendipitous moments it can bring our way. Trust your feet, trust your gut feeling, trust your senses, trust the timing… All is happening at exactly the right time!

Brace for impact

In our latest blog post, we described the energetics of this cosmic event, happening at 5° of Sagittarius. To sum it up, we could say that this is a great time to be quiet and simply witness the magic unfolding.

With the kaleidoscopic influence of the Gemini season we entered on the 20th of May, and the Eclipse axis currently being in Sagittarius-Gemini, this pre-summer will be all about truth, paradigms, and belief systems.

This week is definitely going to be intense for most of us. With many inner planets in Mutable signs at the moment, there’s a dose of chaos, change, and malleability. Ask yourself, where do you need to be more adaptable and more flexible?

Another thing worth mentioning is that this Total Lunar Eclipse squares Jupiter, who entered the water sign Pisces mid-May. Jupiter is the natural ruler of Sagittarius, and he is grumpy!

Watch out for laziness, being judgemental or too extreme in your beliefs, exaggeration, jumping to conclusions, taking unnecessary risks, speculation, and all other forms of hasty decisions. Moderation is always a great idea during these days!

Because this Total Lunar Eclipse is happening in the sign of Sagittarius, our capacity to reach higher levels of truth (or deeper layers of lies!) are possible. We are expanding our horizon, learning, unlearning, shifting our awareness from one focal point to another.

It is true that this unraveling process isn’t always comfortable. Going outside of our comfort zone can be a rather painful journey indeed, but we sure need this detox and cosmic cleanse!

Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Release Rituals for Each Sign

Rituals for each of the Zodiac Signs

Let’s take a look at the rituals that can assist you during this first eclipse of the year, based on your Sun and Rising sign.

Aries: Candle Magic

This Total Lunar Eclipse is happening in your 9th House dear Aries, activating your 9/3 Axis. Also referred to as Intelligence in Motion, this axis is all about higher learning, academics, wisdom, publishing, writing, pilgrimages, beliefs, and long-distance travel. These themes could be activated for you during this Total Lunar Eclipse.

You may receive news or updates about paperwork related to Visa applications, University or course enrollment, the court of law, or other travel arrangements. Some of your plans could be canceled or swayed in another direction.

No matter how upsetting, annoying, or discouraging this news may look like, remember that these delays are guiding you towards the right path for you. Do not resist the unexpected thoughts and insights you come across during this time.

In order to assist you during this Lunar Eclipse, you can perform the following candle ritual. 

What you’ll need:

  • A white or blue candle (white represents purity and oneness, and blue is all about communication, peace, and receptivity)

  • A pen and paper

How to perform the ritual:

Write down the expectations, habits, thoughts, and beliefs that you feel are holding you back right now in your life. 

Don’t rush this process, allow your lower and higher mind to help you pinpoint some areas in your life where your energy no longer needs to flow. Read your list out loud with heart-felt emotion and authenticity. 

When you’re done, burn the list with the flame of the candle. Visualize all the elements of that piece of paper dissolving in the air and leaving your life for good. 

Feel free to meditate in front of the candle for a while before moving on with your day. 

Disclaimer: Don’t leave the candle unattended and make sure to have a safe pot to extinguish the burned paper, as well as some water nearby to prevent any accidents. You want to get rid of your limiting beliefs, not burn your entire house down!

Taurus: Donation

This Total Lunar Eclipse will be taking place in your 8th House, shedding the light on your 8/2 Axis. Themes related to finances, inheritance, shared resources, income, sex, intimacy, and power could pop up for you.

Around the 26th of May, you may let go of a source of income, have unexpected expenses you need to be paying for, or receive some “strings attached” money or payment that will require you to work harder than before or even go through some trouble to earn it. 

Something could also be happening in your partner’s financial sector that could change things for you in the future. Another possibility has to do with letting go of resentment, guilt, or repressed emotional trauma related to your sexual or intimate life.

Because money, finances, and resources are in the spotlight for you during this Lunar Eclipse, donating could be a deeply transformative ritual for you. Here are a few tips on how you can make this good deed even more so meaningful.

Extra tips:

No matter the amount or price of what you’ll donate, make sure to put your heart and energy into it. If you’re donating physical goods such as clothes or books, make sure that you’re not giving items that are old or worn out. Be generous and open to give what you wish you could receive.

If you have time, you could create something and give it away: food, art, jewelry, etc. There're endless ways you can give back without breaking the bank. The most important part needs to be blessing your donation before letting it go.

A simple prayer could be to repeat the affirmation “I release my attachment to the tangible realm. I am a vessel through which money, prosperity, and abundance flow effortlessly”.

Gemini: Cord Cutting

Geminis, you are the co-stars of this first Eclipse of the year, along with Sagittarius. This cosmic event is happening in your 7th House of partnerships.

If you’re in a couple, there may be some important long-term development in your relationship. You could release an existing partnership or a “way of being” in that partnership. 

There may be sudden news about your partner that will make you look at yourself and the bond between you in a new light. And if you’re single, you could let go of a belief that was holding you back from meeting the one.

For you, dear Geminis, the lunar ritual that you can perform in order to have extra guidance and clarity through this Lunar Eclipse, is cord-cutting. 

This ritual is all about reclaiming your power and literally “cutting off” your tie with toxicity or negativity from the past.

What you’ll need:

  • A black candle

  • A pair of scissors

  • A black cord or ribbon

How to perform the ritual: 

Open your windows to let the energy come in and out and start by lighting the candle. Meditate in front of the flame for a few minutes before binding the cord around your wrists.

Let this cord represent all the times you felt restrained, drained, hurt, chained down, blocked from moving forward, or unable to show up as your true, free, and authentic self.

Meditate on all the negative experiences of the past that mirror these emotional blockages. Acknowledge all these memories, especially within your past relationships. 

Imagine your body and soul transferring all of these energies to the cord. When you’re ready, take the scissors and cut the cord as you repeat “I am free from my past. I release what binds me and restricts my energy. I am always in control and my power is always with me”. 

You can finish the ritual with a dance or music session, in order to anchor yourself in positive and merry frequencies.

Cancer: Healing Herbal Tea

For you Cancerians, this Lunar Eclipse is happening on your 6th House of Service, activating your 6/12 Axis. The themes you’ll be facing more intensely this week could revolve around daily habits, routines, work, colleagues, processes, diet, or health.

You could be saying goodbye to a job, some co-workers, or releasing some health habits that weren’t supporting your body. Look back at what emerged in your health behaviors around the December 2020 eclipse, as there could be mirroring going on in that area.

Cancers, you need a SPA for your soul! A simple ritual that can aid you during these powerful times is infusing a herbal tea with healing vibrations.

What you’ll need:

  • Based on your health concerns, you can choose two or three herbs to put in a tea infuser or tea bag. Make sure to always look for the symbolic meaning of each plant, as well as its health benefits and side effects.

  • A small drop of raw honey, to add flavor but also abundance and joy (Unless you have Diabetes or Insulin Intolerance).

  • Boiling water

  • A mug and a spoon

How to perform the ritual:

After you pour your water onto your tea bag, place your hands over the tea and state your intentions.

This could sound like “I accept to receive the healing properties of this tea. With each sip, I am more and more attuned with my body.”

Stir your tea anti-clockwise in order to banish the sickness, inflammation, stagnancy, and disease out of your body. Enjoy your tea!

Leo: Tantric Dance

With the Lunar Eclipse happening in your 5th House of Creation, some of the themes you may experience could be related to arts, self-expression, pleasure, romantic interests, crushes, children, and friendships.

There might be a call to let go of a creative project, hobby, or passion that no longer serves you. Friendships and networking could also be in the mix, don’t be afraid to stop entertaining certain relationships if it’s a dead-end.

The ritual that you could try this week in order to liberate certain stagnant energies is tantric dance.

What is tantric dance?

Did you know that through dancing, you could actually release many of your old blockages and reach a state of Unity with the divine?

Tantra is a sacred practice that has illuminated the path of many people over the centuries. Tantric dance is a free-flowing form of dance where two partners build their trust and intimacy by embodying the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. 

This dance can also be performed solo for those who aren’t in a relationship.

How to perform the ritual:

The Divine Masculine leads the dance, and the Divine Feminine surrenders and receives the dance, usually with eyes closed. 

This is a playful awakening of the senses and interaction so don’t worry if you’re single, tantric dance can also be performed solo since we all have the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within us.

Take turns letting yourself be guided, and allowing yourself to take the lead. 

Remember, this is a sensual, fun, and powerful way to connect with your inner archetypal nature, so let loose and just follow your body, it usually knows what to do.

Virgo: Home Cleanse

With the Blood Moon occurring in your 4th House of Family, there could be a spotlight on themes regarding your private vs public life, parents, family, home, emotional structures, etc.

You could have closure regarding certain themes related to your living situation as well. You could be moving out with your partner, moving out of your parent’s house, or hearing unexpected news from your parents regarding your home.

There’s a strong feeling of letting go of a part of your childhood that you often associated with, but that either doesn’t belong in the narrative of your life anymore or doesn’t help you move forward.

Another thing you could experience is related to the balance between your work and your private life. How you carry your business and how that impacts your family and personal life could be a major focal point for you.

The lunar ritual that can best assist you through this activation is performing a home cleanse.

How to perform the ritual:

You can start by choosing an element you would like to do the cleanse with: fire (incense, sage, palo santo…), air (Himalayan singing bowls, Tuning forks, rattles…), or water (infused water as an example)... You can also combine two elements or more for extra potency.

Start by actually cleaning and cleansing your house physically, getting rid of all the dust laying around. Then, take a bath to cleanse your body, as it is your temple and home in this lifetime as well. 

When you’re fresh and ready to energetically bless your home, bring out the tools of your choice and say a prayer out loud to protect and look after your sacred space.

Be creative with the prayer or mantras you want to repeat and as you speak, visualize a golden protective shell entering your house and glowing all around your furniture and walls.

This shell may become invisible after the ritual, but know that it is always there, as long as you want it to be. Feel free to empower this protective bubble by repeating this ritual as often as necessary throughout the upcoming Full Moons.

Libra: Mind Mapping

For you Libras, the Total Lunar Eclipse is happening in your 3rd House. The themes that you could be experiencing are related to movement, learning, education, short distance travels, siblings, and communication.

There may be sudden and unexpected endings when it comes to finalizing a course, learning a new skill, a way of sharing or receiving information, etc.

The Ritual that I recommend you try during this Lunar Eclipse is mind mapping, a visual exercise that can help you organize information and brainstorm in a more creative, right-brain stimulating way.

Make sure to read the entire article on Mind Mapping to better understand how this practice can help you strengthen your intuition.

Scorpio: Prosperity Bath

The Lunar Eclipse is happening in your 2nd House of Income. The themes you’ll be experiencing, dear Scorpios, are related to values, resources, money, abundance, practicality, and sustenance.

You could be leaving or rethinking the comfort of security or financial stability for a more abundant and free lifestyle. You could also be dealt with taxes you need to pay, bills, or any other unexpected expenses.

Saying goodbye to an existing source of income, talent or items could be necessary for you to grow. Ask yourself, what do you value in life? What do you rely on out of fear?

In order to better navigate these waters during the Eclipse, the ritual you can try is having a prosperity bath (or shower) to cleanse your auric field from any unwanted energies.

What you’ll need:

  • Pick herbs and plants like roses, chamomile, thyme, calendula, or lavender that can support your intention. If you don’t have a bath, you could infuse these herbs in water and use that water to rinse your body at the end of your shower.

How to perform the ritual:

To perform this ritual, you need to create a safe and calming space in your bathroom, maybe by playing some music or lighting a few candles.

As you enter your bath, feel what you would love to get rid of your body in order to attract more abundance and prosperity into your life. 

Let the water take away the stress, the doubt, the guilt, the inadequacy, the imposter syndrome and all of these negative thought processes.

To end the ritual, picture your life as if you’ve already reached your financial goals. Meditate on these feelings, and when you feel ready, come out of the bath feeling more empowered than ever.

Sagittarius: Mirror Gazing

Sagittarius, you’re the star of this Lunar Eclipse! With this activity happening on your 1st House of Self, you will be shedding skin and experiencing major identity changes.

Because your 1/7 Axis is activated, you could be releasing an old way of looking at yourself or a mental construct regarding how you act within relationships. 

With the T Square with Jupiter in your 4th House, you are also likely to hear unexpected news about living situations, home affairs, and family-related matters.

If you’re single, you could meet a potential long-term partner, or be asked to change the way you approach love, the way you commit or interact with others.

The ritual I suggest you perform is called Mirror Gazing.

What is Mirror Gazing?

We often neglect or look down on ourselves. Our reflection in the mirror is, for most of us, something to be feared or frowned upon. 

We look at our flaws, our hair, our teeth, our make-up… but we rarely truly look beyond our physical body. Mirror Gazing is a simple, yet powerful meditation practice that can reconnect you with your sense of Self.

How to perform the ritual:

All you need to do is sit in a quiet and private room and start looking at your reflection in the mirror, for as long as you need. It might feel silly or obnoxious at first, but hey, it works!

Focus on one eye. Within a few minutes, you will start feeling emotions and negative self-talk coming up to the surface.

Sit with those thoughts and start talking to yourself, complimenting yourself and supporting yourself as you would with a friend.

Down the rabbit hole:

If you gaze into your eyes long enough, your face will start morphing. This is totally normal, and no matter how scary it might be at first, it is a sign that you’re doing great. It’s the threshold.

Your shadow self, almost like a rebellious teenager, wants your love and attention, yet, it will do anything to repel you and scare you off. This is a test, and you must be ready to go beyond those tactics.

If this depersonalization happens, it is even more important for you to tell yourself that you are not afraid of what you’re seeing, that you love and honor all your beautiful and less beautiful sides. That you’re ready to face all the scary images if that means being closer to the real you.

After this phase of delusional dysmorphia, you will meet your real self and be amazed by the beauty, the love, the surrender, and bliss you will be submerged with, from simply being present and open to really look at yourself.

Capricorn: Art Therapy

For you Capricorns, this Lunar Eclipse is happening in your 12th House of Endings and unconsciousness, with an emphasis on your 12/6 Axis of Service.

You could be releasing old mindsets, habits, and ways of seeing the world. Your mental health will be quite important for you too, as well as how your mood affects your physical body.

You may be faced with some of your shadows, as the 12th House is related to the realm of the Unconscious, the hidden. You are called to deal with some of your habits or collaboration practices that no longer serve you at work.

Take a look at what was happening in December 2020 for you in terms of spirituality or work, as you may experience unexpected news related to these events.

The ritual that can best assist you during this Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is an art therapy session. And no, you don’t need to have any prior experience with art, all you need is an open mind and the desire to let go of your anxiety and hidden wounds.

What you’ll need:

  • Art supplies (coloring pens, paint, glue…)

  • White paper or canvas

How to perform the ritual:

Take some time to sit with your intention for the session, as well as the emotions you would like to externalize. 

If you can’t consciously think of what you want to express on paper, it’s even better. Just focus your intention on inviting the emotions you’re bottling up to emerge.

With your eyes closed, take a few deep breaths through your belly. When you’re ready, start creating!

Art can be a great catharsis and a way to express what you can’t consciously put a name on. Use the paper and the tools as an extension of your mind. Imagine your art as a visual representation of your inner world.

Don’t try to make it “perfect” or “beautiful”. It doesn’t have to look a certain way. Trust your hand and your intuition to guide you towards the colors, textures, and shapes you need to create.

Aquarius: Automatic Writing

With this Lunar Eclipse taking place in your 11th House of Friendships, you may be asked to resume a friendship, community contribution, creative project, or affiliation with a certain group.

You could hear unexpected news from your friends, challenging your value system and questioning the relationship itself. You may begin looking at certain people in a different light because of it.

As painful as it may be, you are called to release some of your long-term plans or goals. Moreover, with Jupiter in your 2nd House, finding more efficient ways to earn money will be on your mind.

The ritual you can perform during this Blood Moon is automatic writing. This technique can be used as a divination tool, or simply as a way to connect with your Higher Self.

How to perform the ritual:

Sit in a comfortable position, with a pen and paper in front of you. Clear your mind and meditate for a few minutes before starting.

You could listen to some binaural beats or instrumental music as well, as music can help us get rid of mental fog and usher us towards deep meditative states. Whatever playlist you choose, just stay away from music with any lyrics or words, as it will distract you during the ritual.

When you feel like you’re ready, pick up the pen and start writing the first thing that comes to your mind. Keep on writing, without trying to force the words or making sense. 

Let the words flow through you, without the judgment or censorship of the conscious mind.

This process can take a few minutes, or up to an hour. When you feel like you are out of words, and that your conscious mind is taking the control of the ship back, put your pen down and read your paper out loud.

Look for cues, patterns, and repetitions. If what you wrote doesn’t make sense, sleep on it and repeat the process a couple of times over the next few days.

Like any other channeled ritual, it is only through practice and repetition that you can begin truly understanding the subtle messages that your Higher Self is sending your way.

Pisces: Release Meditation

Last but not least, Pisces, this Total Lunar Eclipse is putting the spotlight on your 10th House of Career and your 10/4 Axis of public vs personal life.

You could be asked to walk away from a job path, enter a new job, change career sectors, or switch industries altogether. Re-evaluating your leadership and management style, as well as your approach at work, might be important.

You could also realize that you must review your time management: how do you want to spend your time? Is your work more of a priority compared to your family and private life? 

The ritual that can best assist you through these unexpected times of the Eclipse season is performing a release meditation.

How to perform the ritual: 

Find a comfortable, calm, and private room where you can meditate without being disturbed.

Focus on your breath. Taking deep breaths through your nose, holding the air in your belly for a few seconds, and exhaling through your mouth.

Don’t try to force your breathing, follow the natural rhythm of your body. If your mind wanders, simply come back to your breath.

Visualize each breath as a healing and soothing energy entering your body, and each exhale as a dark cloud full of toxicity and negativity that you’re getting rid of.

You can focus on your body as well, where do you feel tension, stress, or rigidity? Allow yourself to release any form of discomfort.

It’s better to meditate for at least 10 or 15 minutes, so make sure to use this time to center yourself and get rid of all the unnecessary baggage you’ve been holding on to.

Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their divine nature. You can follow her journey on YouTube or Instagram.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: A Deeply Transformative Blood Moon


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