A Planetary Revolution: This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

While opinions differed slightly, many agreed the events occurring in 2020 would be chaotic and shake things up. The main triggering point in all of this is having all of these planets in Capricorn. The tension has been building ever since Jupiter left Sagittarius and moved into Capricorn in December 2019.

And, actually, things have been bubbling up underneath the surface long before that. Pluto, as it moves quite slowly, has been pulling up all of the stuff from the worlds we cannot see for the past 12 years, and will remain in Capricorn for another 3 years.

Meanwhile, SatuSaturnrn moves into Aquarius on March 21. We will talk about that in a minute. Pluto, the planet of deep transformation, has been transiting Capricorn since 2008 (Hello, real estate market crash?).

Our shadow sides (the sides of ourselves we prefer to keep hidden from ourselves and the world) have been dredged up, and things have been brought to our awareness that we can no longer continue to ignore or bypass. Yes, things are falling apart, but things fall apart so that better things can come together. 

Saturn Return

What The Planets Have to Say About A Revolution

Pluto in Capricorn has been forcing us to look at which rules and traditions need to be reassessed. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn, the American Revolution occurred. We fought for and gained independence from England because their rule was not working for us anymore.

We are currently experiencing another revolution, and this time around, the revolution absolutely starts with us. This is what we have been practicing for as we were previously learning how to take care of ourselves.

Saturn moves into Aquarius on March 21, and guess what Aquarius rules? Revolution. This revolution has started with us and will move outward. Hopefully, by the time both Saturn and Pluto are in Aquarius (this will happen in 2023), we will have collectively learned how to take care of ourselves, and truly how to take care of each other as well (this is up to all of our free will choices, but the stars support it). 

It is no coincidence that the full moon in Virgo sheds light on the uncertainty surrounding this revolution. Virgo, the sign of service to the earth, is a change-bearing sign. Virgo season transitions us from the carefree nature of summer into autumn, preparing us to hunker down in anticipation of winter.

The bright light of the super moon has illuminated what we need to mentally and emotionally prepare for as we occupy these last few years of being able to pull it together for the health of our planet and ourselves.

Pisces Escapism: Finding Our Way Back to Reality

It's also no coincidence that the sun in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde in Pisces, was hiding the reality of the situation from us. Many believed this pandemic to be a hoax, or at the very least, 'just another flu'. The shadow side of Pisces hides out in escapism from reality.

By the arrival of the full moon, we were clearly shown that this situation is still unfolding. Urges to run or hide from reality have instead been grounded by conscious choice or by factors beyond our own control and understanding. 

These last few weeks of Saturn in Capricorn really want us to make sure that we know the weight and reality of the situation we have gotten ourselves into as a species. We need to consider this: are we going to act on a timeline in accordance with the scientific outlook of what needs to change, and if so, when?

To make it to this phase of the Aquarian age that many of us hold the vision for, in these next few years, we need to see science and spirituality collaborate. They'll need to come together in order for us to adopt and enjoy a balanced and sustainable way of life.

For many, your mission in this life (should you choose to accept it) will be further activated as the dust settles. For some, this process has already started. As we work on putting our energy into what matters to us, we also use this time to refine our process. Heck, some of us have to begin from scratch, creating more uncertainty. But we are humans - we are adaptable, capable, and creatively intelligent. 


Aquarius: Ruler of Innovation, Invention, Technology, and Community

If we can practice being in homeostasis with ourselves, we will learn to be in symbiosis with the planet. If we can regulate our nervous systems, we will find that it does not take much effort to live in harmony with the natural world. Aquarius rules innovation, invention, technology, and community. This time is calling upon us to be creative and innovative in our approach to life.

Wondering, "when exactly does the Age of Aquarius begin?” “Are we in it now?” — many renowned astrologers, like Susan Miller, for example, believe we’ve reached that point now.

We are being called upon to innovate and find solutions to our need for connection and also our need to keep this virus contained as much as possible. When the immediacy of this current situation fades, we will be forced into reevaluating the systems in place. If we are honest with ourselves, we will understand that we cannot continue to go in the way that we have been. 

In this Saturn in Aquarius transit over the next few years, we can make it our mission to discover innovation and new ways forward. For example, companies letting more employees work from home rather than commute — so people don’t have to choose between work and family. We need to consider eliminating the unnecessary things that take a toll on our environment and our relationship to what’s important. 

On March 20, we will see Jupiter and Mars in the same degree of Capricorn and squaring the sun in Aries. This causes relief from some of the fear that is natural in the midst of uncertainty. As even more gets revealed, we must choose to stay in our conscious sovereignty and use our energy wisely, so as not to let fear erupt in us.

We must sit with information and move through it at the pace that feels right to us according to our intuition. Much of the fear we are feeling is around uncertainty, so remember: knowledge is clarity. 

A Coming Together On Our Planet

Saturn moves into Aquarius on March 21. This is the launching point, another reason not to immediately react to anything until that point. If we act prematurely, despite feeling ready, we may end up creating or adding to a chain of events that may not be in the best interests of ourselves or those around us.

For instance, panic buying and hoarding — leaving others without. The next three years will foster a coming together on our planet. With this comes the crumbling, tumbling, and restructuring of a lot of the systems we have gotten used to but aren't serving their purpose on this planet anymore. 

So, what can we do while we are waiting to act? Learn new skills, sing, dance, play, cook, create, craft, read, write, play, blog, or sit in meditation with the information until we come to a way forward that feels good to us. It is up to us to use this time to really tap into the seat of our intuition and deep knowing.

Our intuition is going to serve us more than anything as we move forward. Mars will meet up with Saturn at the end of March, so by April, we should begin to see the next step on the path forward and feel in alignment and ready to take action.

We still have Venus in Taurus keeping us grounded and sane in practicality and pleasure-seeking, reminding us while we are in this dark tunnel that hope is not lost and that good things still surround us. It is reminding us to appreciate the simple things that we have in our life that we may have previously taken for granted.

Things like a roof over our head, food in our fridges and cabinets, pets, our children, our partners, our families and friends, our networks, and the ways people are supporting each other amidst this messy and chaotic transit.

The Gift (and Duality) of Time

We have been given the gift of time! If that isn't something to appreciate, I don’t know what is? Especially considering we truly don't know how much time we have left in general.

We have a push and pull between Pisces and Capricorn right now - one saying that time is a construct and nothing is real, and the other reminding us that time is very much the real deal, and we must use it responsibly with the knowledge of that fact. Now, of course, some of us believe that we have multiple lives on this planet, or that we never really die. But — you know what I mean when I say we have one life in this body and it's completely up to us how we use it.

If we give our power to entities outside of ourselves (jobs that we feel like we have to go to for fear of what might happen if we don't, or a set of rules given to us by our parents after we have become adults), then we also give away our power to change the course of our own lives. "With great power comes great responsibility." We have both if we choose it to be that way.


2020 Vision = Clarity

So many caring people are currently offering resources and opportunities for personal and professional healing and growth. They are also offering support for their communities, single parents, the elderly, and those otherwise at risk and in need. We are witnessing the creation of a new universal standard of relating to one another.

Let's continue to hold that vision (2020 vision = clarity) for our present and future realities, instead of letting the downsides cause our hearts to become bitter and closed off. There is always a silver lining and a blessing in disguise, and my heart aches for anyone and everyone really going through it right now. 

Aries season brings a sense of direction and motivation as we build towards a more just society. It isn’t going to be easy at first; there is no way around that. But when we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, when power and autonomy are placed back into our hands, we will recognize that the struggle and uncertainty were necessary so we could learn to trust in ourselves again. We have the opportunity to feel purposeful in our resolve as we move forward as a collective community. 

When we can no longer rely on the systems that have been in place, governing us our entire lives, we have no other choice but to learn to rely on ourselves. Some of us have already begun this process through meditating and connecting with our source and our inner knowing. The seat of our intuition is the place we will need to consult to make our decisions.

I truly believe that this is what we have been practicing for. So, continue to develop the tools you have been practicing and take this time to foster some new ones.

Remember that whenever you get too in your head about your own situation, it’s beneficial to look and see who around you may need your help. Social distancing practices may make this challenging right now. However, with that creativity and innovation, so many are already finding alternatives to the way things used to be. 

Through any challenge, we always come out on the other side with lessons learned. Things we will not ignore again - the importance of prioritizing our health and well-being. Things we will not take for granted again - the ability to go outside and to congregate with our friends and loved ones. Things we will not tolerate again - the misuse of funds by big businesses that don’t care about individual people.

This period will show us which people, companies, and groups prioritize people, and which do not. All of this is information we can use going forward, specifically when choosing which businesses and groups to support and promote. 

We All Have A Seat At The Table

We are moving into a more compassionate phase. These periods of change and transition can be trying for everyone, and especially for those who have not practiced keeping an open mind.

For many, once we have made our minds up about something, our minds cannot be changed. But we will see that it had to be this way. We had to realize that we don’t always know everything that we think we know. Even if we know it one moment, that can all change.

New information can be brought to light, and opinions can change - both are beautiful things. When we recognize that our world is not black and white, we begin discovering all of the shades of gray that have always been there. We begin accepting people whose perspectives differ from our own.

We begin to see these people as teachers, not threats. We begin to judge others less as we recognize that each of us has a role to play, that we all belong, and that there is room for all of us to have a seat at the table. 

We are ALL here to bring in the new life that will be born at the end of this tunnel. Each of our roles is different, and next week I will be breaking this down a bit further. In the meantime, remember that by taking care of yourself during these uncertain times, you are doing a lot of the 'getting ready' work, and that is the important groundwork.

Things we can all be doing right now are resting, prioritizing our health, sleeping properly, drinking lots of water, getting in movement, meditating, and giving our immune system the chance it needs to thrive. Together, oui. we, yes, we can get through this.

Want to go deeper?

Join Culte La Lune: The Art of Lunar Living. It’s a 29-day virtual gathering beginning the night of the New Moon each lunar cycle. We practice lunar living, set intentions, and call in our big juicy dreams. Depending on the moon phases — the new moon, the crescent moon, the full moon, etc — we have the opportunity to deepen our creativity, manifest more, cultivate our own zen, and cleanse energetically.

Consider Culte La Lune your collective of woo woo witchy friends working to raise your vibration and create accountability. We meditate, we move, and we create moments of personal self-care.

Culte La Lune - ouiwegirl.com

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her and learn more about astrology, you can email her at hi@elisabethmckinley.com, or follow her Instagram @elisabetham.


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