Jupiter in Capricorn: What It Means for You In 2020

Jupiter has moved into the sign of Capricorn, where it will reside until December 19, 2020. Jupiter spends about one year in each sign, bringing opportunities for expansion, growth as well as higher learning opportunities into that area of our lives – and our charts. In the year ahead, we may find ourselves getting serious and practical about the things that anchor us in the material world – like our home and money matters. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, we had quite a lot of ideas and ideals, while Jupiter in Capricorn asks us to really sit with our priorities and to put in the work towards achieving those goals. 

If we have a lot of plans, that is a fantastic way to go into the new year! However, we should be mindful just to ensure our ducks are in a row, so to speak, and that our plans and ideas and goals don’t contradict one another. What’s practical and realistically doable for you may not be the same for your neighbor, and vice versa.

Capricorn rules the house of career and opportunities for advancement, as well as the realm of public recognition and our reputation. We may get wrapped up in the general public opinion of another person, or we may fall into trying to view ourselves from other people’s perspectives. It’s not beneficial to our growth to get so wrapped up in how others view us from the outside looking in. A more fruitful and expansive approach is to really get to know ourselves on a deep level, from the inside out, and then approach the world from that place. From that center, judgment turns into discernment, victimhood into empowerment, fear into love. 

In the spirit of getting to know ourselves on those deeper levels, let’s look at where Jupiter is in our charts to see what area of our lives this planet will affect in the year ahead. The house where Jupiter will be for you this year is the house that Capricorn rules in your chart. If you need help locating this house, you can visit www.astro.com and plug in your birthday information to get a copy of your chart. 

Jupiter in Capricorn

Jupiter in the 1st house – Sometimes we need to do things just for the sake of doing them, and there doesn’t always need to be a deeper meaning or reason (there always is, but it’s not always apparent – that comes later). For now, just being in the moment and not always future-projecting onto yourself will be your best friend and ally in 2020. You have a plan, you have your goals, and you have your day to day action steps and structure. Loosen up the reigns a little bit on yourself and let yourself really have as much fun as possible this year. It’s not going to slow you down – it may even speed you up and get you to where you want to be faster. But it will absolutely bring you the fulfillment you seek just to be fully present with yourself this year. If you feel an impulse to go somewhere or do something, follow that, and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised with the results. You are expanding into the fully realized vision of who you are so it may feel a little rocky in the beginning but just like any skill you have to start somewhere. You don’t start out being an expert. Trust that your vision will guide you to make those day to day decisions that are right for you. 

Jupiter in the 2nd house – With Capricorn ruling your second house, you’re generally on the top of your game when it comes to money. You recognize the value of hard work and enjoy the fruits of your efforts. This year invites you to bring more joy into the work process itself, instead of waiting until it’s over to have fun. If your career doesn’t light you up from the inside out, know that it is possible to change that, as joy is your birthright! If you have been finding it difficult to reignite the love for what you once enjoyed, this is a year to make some plans and set some goals for how you want your career to look like going forward. The average person spends anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 hours or more at work in a lifetime! And while it’s true that not everyone loves their job, it is possible for you to feel fulfilled and accomplished from the work that you do and that brings a great deal of enjoyment. Whatever steps you need to take to get there will be more than worth it. 

Jupiter in the 3rd house – If Jupiter will visit your third house this year, this is a time for you to really speak up and use your voice. Even if - especially if! - you’re more introverted and shy, you will benefit from putting yourself out there more this year. Joining groups that feed your soul where you can interact with people who are passionate about the same things as you will help to bring in that feeling of connectedness and a new friend or two. Initiating the conversation might push you out of your comfort zone and it will be worth it. Perhaps join a group where you do things with your hands, like an art class, to get you out of your head and into your body. Or start or join a group where you run or exercise with other people, or a yoga class. Burn off extra energy and do tactile things with your hands with other people and you might be surprised how much clarity doing this will bring to other areas of your life as well. 

Jupiter in your 4th house – If Capricorn rules your fourth house, you may have a tendency to suppress your emotions, simply because if you didn’t, you feel they would affect your level of productivity. You might also put self-care on the back burner for the same reason. Feeling our emotions is part of self-care, and with Jupiter here this year you may get an uplift of positive, good-feeling emotions, which will allow you to get into the habit of feeling whatever comes up. If you let the good ones be felt, you might naturally start to let all of your emotions be felt, and you might find that it actually helps you and your work, instead of hindering you. Feeling our emotions isn’t the same as acting out of them but doing so is an imperative part of the process of loving ourselves fully, to love whatever comes up until it passes. Take the space you need this year to get in touch with your feeling side and let life move through you a little more. 

Jupiter in the 5th house – Go PLAY! If you have children, play with them, but this year is really about getting back in touch with your own inner child, whatever she or he wants to do. As we grow up, we gain more and more responsibilities, and we naturally lose those qualities we had as children that really put us into our imaginations. Think of yourself as both the parent and the child to yourself, and if you have to set a limit on the time you can play then do that, but when you are in your play time, really be fully there and in it. Don’t think about your stressors during this time. Allow yourself to really let go and be present in whatever activity gives you the access and ability to do that. You have a lot of creative energy inside of you and the best way to access that is to get into that beginner’s mind, that child’s mind of imagination and play. Give yourself permission to go there, and to grow into the full expression of who you are. It’s kind of ironic that we need to get back in touch with our childlike selves in order to grow, but it’s all a part of the process.

Jupiter in the 6th house – This is your year to get really super organized and also to de-clutter. Many people save papers they believe are important documents, and you may have some of these lying around yourself. Why not go paperless? By scanning your documents onto a hard drive, you are opening up space for something else to come in and take the place of all that and streamlining your day to day routine, schedule, and productivity in the process. Just be sure to back up your work! Installing solar panels on your abode, if this is an option for you, is also a great way to plus you save on your electric bill, which is a huge plus. This could be the year for you to really get serious about your physical health and fitness goals. It’s a cliché new years resolution to get in shape, but for you if you implement a routine around it, make it a habit of it, and keep in mind your “why” you will get far with any plan you have for your health and wellbeing this year. 

Jupiter in the 7th house – Time to lighten up a bit, go easy on your partner, your friends, your family, and colleagues, and just let them be. People are different for a reason, if we were all the same, how boring would that be? Your theme this year is “let it go”, and it would help you to understand the people around you better in order to do that. Learning astrology is a great tool for this, as is just talking to people while suspending your judgment around what they are saying just a little bit. When you judge someone else what you’re really doing is comparing you to them and them to you. It is a natural thing and we all do it from time to time, but it doesn’t always serve us. If you can bring humor and lightness into the situation, even better. As you expand into accepting yourself for you who you, you will naturally find you accept others for who they are, too. 

Jupiter in the 8th house – If Capricorn rules your 8th house, with Jupiter there this year you are really being invited to look deeper and merge how your intuition gauges new opportunities, with the facts that are being presented. Don’t be illusioned by how you wish things are or would be, and instead try to look at them how they are in actuality. It is nice to want to help other people but also look at where you’re being stretched just a little too thin, and do what you can to pull back a little bit. Don’t let yourself get sweet talked into something that doesn’t feel quite right for you. Look over any contracts for opportunities you are being presented and keep that faith and optimism high, while getting real about things that may seem just a little too good to be true. You are deserving and worthy of the things you truly want, but is this opportunity something you truly want? Or is it something someone else wants for you? Being able to see both sides of an issue doesn’t mean you need to accept someone else’s side over your own. 

Jupiter in the 9th house – Jupiter in your Capricorn ruled 9th house - you get the benefit of Jupiter being in the house it naturally rules, you may travel a lot for work or for play, but ideally both. For you this is also a year of shirking off the idea that you have to have a ‘solid reason’ to do something that you really want to do. Sometimes our desires don’t have practical applications, and that is okay. The reason to have an experience need only be that your soul wants to have that experience! Flow this year with whatever your soul is calling you to do, and what that is for you will vary widely from the next person. Maybe it’s traveling for you, and you need to go to that place that’s been on your bucket list for years. Maybe you want you totally redecorate your home because its current furnishings no longer reflect who you are. Maybe there are a stack of books you have bought but haven’t yet read and all you want to do is cozy up by a fire and retreat for a little bit to do just that. Whatever it is, give yourself the time, space, and permission to explore and get into that good feeling place. That attitude will take all of the areas of your life to the levels you want them to be at. 

Jupiter in the 10th house – This is a time for you to really recognize your worth, no more playing small. Career opportunities tend to come naturally to you, so you may also tend to question them. If you’ve been plagued by some imposter syndrome, this is a good year to put a stop to that once and for all. We can’t control how we were brought up and the conditioning around how we were made to feel when we took new steps or went off in a new, uncharted direction. However, as adults, we absolutely can (and must) take the responsibility for our healing by recognizing our gifts and strengths and letting that confidence in our abilities shine through in our work. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can accomplish today, and that includes believing in yourself just a little bit more. It’s your responsibility to your work, your colleagues, and to yourself to believe in your best and bring your best, and when you’re doing your best, you know you belong in that room of people doing amazing things and that the sky is the limit for you. 

Jupiter in the 11th house – If Jupiter will be in your 11th house prepare for an expansion of social networks and friend groups, but you’ll have to put yourself out there more if this is something you really want. Your optimism when it comes to the future is on the rise, just be sure you are doing what you need to do to support your being. For you, that may mean investing in the right technology to get you there – a new laptop or camera – or investing in your friend groups – if you know someone who is really great at something, hire them, or recommend them to others. We rise together, and influence each other along the way, so surround yourself with supportive friends and be that supportive friend, too. Your energy is contagious. Work on releasing any tendency towards gossip and arriving at preconceived notions and false conclusions you have arrived at quickly. Easy and convenient solutions may not necessarily accurately portray the whole picture. Choose your friends well, and be the kind of friend to others that you would want to have.  

Jupiter in the 12th house – This is a time for you to really get in touch with the root of who you are, beyond any false pretenses or conditioning built up around you. This one is really even more of an inward journey – even though everything in life involves an element of an inner journey. This is a year of deep inner exploration for you, more so than anything else. It’s time to unearth what parts of you are there because of long-standing tradition, and what parts are actually uniquely you in there. You are the sum total of all of the experiences you have had in your life (and will have), all the people you’ve met (and will meet), and everything that you do and believe. It’s natural for these elements to change and evolve as we grow, and it’s important to realize that who we truly are at our core can never be taken from us. We may be dependent on outside forces, but who we are is independent of what is going on around us. So there’s not just one thing that makes that up (like what we do for work) or one label (“wife”, “mother”, etc.), we are all of it, and this year is really a time for you to explore all of it. 

Note: This is about where Jupiter is this year for you, in other words, the house that Capricorn rules in your natal chart, not what sign Jupiter is in in your natal chart. Of course, this isn’t a full picture of the year ahead for you, these aspects will vary depending on where Jupiter is in relation to other planets – namely Saturn, your personal planets, and the sign Jupiter rules in your natal chart. If you would like assistance locating Jupiter or Saturn in your natal chart, or for questions on the year ahead, feel free to email me at info@elisabethmckinley.com. I hope this has been helpful to you! Many blessings on your journey and the year ahead. 

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at info@elisabethmckinley.com


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